This is not an answer but too long for a comment.
It was shown in
Popa, S. and Takesaki,M., The Topological Structure of the Unitary and Automorphism Groups of a Factor, Commun. Math. Phys. 155, 93-101 (1993)
that the unitary group $U(R)$ of the hyperfinite $II_1$-factor $R$ is contractible in the strong topology (which is equal to the strong-$*$-topology in this case).
Years before, it was shown in
Araki, H., Smith, M.-S.B. and Smith, L., On the homotopical significance of the type of von Neumann algebra factors, Commun. Math. Phys. 22, 71-88 (1971)
that the first homotopy group of $U(R)$ in the norm toplogy is isomorphic to $(\mathbb R,+)$. Under this isomorphism, the element $\lambda \in [0,1]$ is represented by the loop $$[0,1] \ni t \mapsto \exp(2\pi t p) \in U(R),$$$$[0,1] \ni t \mapsto \exp(2\pi i\cdot t p) \in U(R),$$ where $p\in R$ is some projection of trace $\lambda$.
This shows that the homotopy type depends heavily on the chosen topology and there is no reason (at least in general) that one should find an easy approximation argument.