There are currently no practical implicationsimplementations of any fast matrix multiplication algorithms besides Strassen's. The Coppersmith/Winograd algorithm and its descendants (Stothers, Williams) are very complex, depend on probabilistic constructions, etc. There's no theoretical obstacle to implementing them in the sense you're asking about, and it's something that's humanly possible, but there's little point to it and I don't believe anyone has ever actually done it. It would be complicated and painful, and the only purpose would be really learning how the algorithm works, since the cross-over point for where it would improve on the naive cubic-time algorithm is enormous (so you'll never actually see any improvement). There are other algorithms that would be somewhat easier to implement, at the cost of worse asymptotic performance, but they are also utterly impractical.
There's also a deeper issue if you try to use algebraic algorithms in practice. The algebraic complexity model typically used for these problems counts only arithmetic operations and considers memory access to be free. This made sense way back when, since a single floating point operation was comparatively expensive, but nowadays memory management can be the real bottleneck in practice. Algebraic complexity is beautiful and theoretically important, but it ignores important practical issues.
If you want to do fast matrix multiplication in practice, it will presumably be on a parallel computer. That introduces further issues of communication complexity; see
- Grey Ballard, James Demmel, Olga Holtz, Benjamin Lipshitz, Oded Schwartz, Communication-Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Strassen's Matrix Multiplication, In Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures (SPAA '12). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 193–204.,
for an analysis of the Strassen case (both theoretically and in practice).