The best answer I can imagine for a question like this is to quote the man himself: "The second result of Lefschetz tells us that a necessary and sufficient condition that a 2-cycle $\Gamma_2$ in $V_2$ be algebraic... This result has many geometrical applications... It is clearly a matter of great importance to extend Lefschetz's condition for a 2-cycle to be algebraic. The general problem is as follows...."
See "The topological invariants of algebraic varieties" by Hodge on page page 184 of the Proceedings of the ICM 1950 for the full statement:
Hodge, W. V. D., The topological invariants of algebraic varieties, Proc. Intern. Congr. Math. (Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 30-Sept. 6, 1950) 1, 182-192 (1952). ZBL0048.41701.