A colleague asked me to locate the following paper on the web:
Kovalenko, I.N.: On the reconstruction of an additive type of distribution based upon a sequence of independent trials.
Memoirs of the All-Union Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Erevan 1958.
After a few failed attempts, I asked myself, how would I go about locating this paper in the REAL (not virtual) world? What library stocks proceedings of the All-Union Conference... in Erevan, from 1958?
Then it occurred to me that of course, the paper had to be in Russian. Being a Russian speaker, it wasn't too difficult to recover the original title: Коваленко И.Н., О восстановлении аддитивного типа распределения по последовательной серии независимых испытаний, Труды Всесоюзн. Совещания по теор. вероятн. и матем. стат., Ереван, 1958, Изд-во АН АрмССР, Ереван,1960.
So if any Russian-based readers out there have access to this archive, I would very much appreciate a PDF of this paper.
But I am more interested in the process. How does a researcher go about locating such things?