
Suppose we have a graph $G$ embedded on a (smooth, orientable etc) surface $Q$. Suppose there is a cycle $C$ of $G$ such that

  1. $C$ does not separate our surface $Q$ into two connected regions and there is no edge between vertices of $V(C)$ that are not part of the cycle $C$.
  2. We define a "left" and "right" of $C$ in a local neighborhood of $C$ on $Q$ https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4270549/how-to-define-thickening-and-right-left-neighbourhood-of-a-curve-reference-req
  3. For each connected component $K$ of $G \backslash C$ if there is an edge $e$ from $K$ to $C$, such that $e$ intersects the left (resp. right) of $C$ say that $K$ is left (resp. right) of $C$.
    Each component $K$ of $G \backslash C$ is either left of $C$ (exclusive or) or right of $C$ (not both).

Cycle C in blue, rest of graph G in red, yellow shaded nodes consist of the graph intersecting the left of C and gray shaded nodes the right. Note there is no path in G from a gray vertex to a yellow vertex that does not intersect the cycle C. One can see the graph G is planar as it does not use the "handle" of the torus

enter image description here

Can we say that $G$ is embeddable on a surface of smaller genus?

We assume all surfaces are smooth all edges of $G$ are piecewise smooth surfaces.
Also if anyone knows how to formulate this to avoid graph theory feel free to express your ideas.

  • $\begingroup$ If I understood the question, the curve C is embedded and closed and some parallel copy of C does not intersect the graph hence we can cut the surface along this curve and reduce the genus. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 16, 2023 at 15:46
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ In the former case is not clear how to split the vertices of $C$ between the "left" and "right" of $C$ in its local neighbourhood on $Q$, whereas in the latter case Condition 3 seems to be always satisfiable by sufficiently small neighborhood of $C$. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 13:47
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    $\begingroup$ @AlexRavsky The notation $G \backslash C$ refers to the graph $G$ with the removed vertices of $C$ and edges incident to them. $\endgroup$
    – Hao S
    Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 19:22
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @HaoS That sounds like a reasonable intuition to me, but I admit that I also do not really know enough topology (or, surgery theory, perhaps) to make that argument fully rigorous. I gave an argument in my answer below that seems (to me) to be in the same spirit, using Youngs' theorem as a black box. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 23:16
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    $\begingroup$ @DanielAsimov In the picture the blue are edges between the 3 red vertices that form a cycle. etc means assume any reasonable conditions you need to make the statement true. $\endgroup$
    – Hao S
    Commented Nov 23, 2023 at 7:31

2 Answers 2


A theorem due to Youngs (1963) says that any minimal genus embedding is necessarily a $2$-cell embedding, i.e., every face is homeomorphic to a disc.

Suppose, for the sake of contradiction that, the given embedding of $G$ into $Q$ is a minimal genus embedding of $G$. Let $G_L$ and $G_R$ be the unions of the left and right components, respectively, of $G - C$.

Case 1: At least one of $G_L$ or $G_R$ is empty.

  • Suppose, without loss of generality, that $G_L$ is empty. Consider the face of $G$ that contains $C$ and intersects the left of $C$. By Youngs's theorem, this face must be homeomorphic to a disc. But, $C$ is not contractible (else it would separate the surface $Q$ into two components). Hence, a small leftward shift of $C$ — which will lie in the face $f$ — will also not be contractible. This contradicts that $f$ is homeomorphic to a disc, since a disc is simply connected.

Case 2: Both $G_L$ and $G_R$ are nonempty.

  • We first show that if a face contains vertices of $G_L$ and of $C$ (resp., of $G_R$ and of $C$), then it cannot contain vertices of $G_R$ (resp, of $G_L$). Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that there is such a face $f$ of degree $d$. Let $\partial f = v_0 \dotsm v_{d-1}$ be the boundary cycle of $f$, where $i \in \mathbb{Z}/d \mathbb{Z}$. Without loss of generality, assume that $v_0 \in C$, and $v_{d-1} \notin C$. Then, we can also express the boundary as $\partial f = P_1 \dotsm P_{k}$ for some $k$, where each $P_i$ is a maximal subpath of the boundary that is contained in $G_L$ or $G_R$ or $C$. Note that every alternate $P_i$ must be contained in $C$, by assumption 3 (in particular, $k$ is even). Denote by $v_L(P_i)$ and $v_R(P_i)$ the left- and right-end vertices, respectively, of the path $P_i$.

    Now, $\mathrm{Int}(f)$ intersects a small neighborhood of $v_0 = v_L(P_1)$ in either the left of $C$ or the right of $C$. Without loss of generality, assume that it intersects the left of $C$. Then, $\mathrm{Int}(f)$ also intersects the left of a small neighborhood of $v_i$, for each $v_i \in P_1$. Hence, $v_L(P_2)$ must belong to $G_L$, since the edge joining $v_L(P_2)$ to $v_R(P_1)$ intersects the left of $C$ near $v_R(P_1)$. (We can also do a similar analysis at the other end of $P_1$. So, $v_R(P_{k})$ must belong to $G_L$, since the edge joining $v_R(P_{k})$ to $v_L(P_1) = v_0$ intersects the left of $C$ near $v_0$.)

    Since $v_L(P_2)$ belongs to $G_L$, so does every vertex $v_i \in P_2$. Therefore, the edge joining $v_R(P_2)$ to $v_L(P_3)$ must also intersect the left of $C$ near $v_L(P_3)$. Otherwise, an argument as in the parenthetical remark above will show that $v_R(P_2)$ belongs to $G_R$, which is not possible. Thus, proceeding inductively, we conclude that if $\partial f$ contains vertices of $C$ and $G_L$, then it cannot contain any vertices of $G_R$.

  • Next, we show that if there is a face of $G$ that contains vertices of $G_L$ and of $G_R$ (but not of $C$), then we again arrive at a contradiction: the boundary of such a face $f$ will necessarily contain more than one connected component, since there can be no edge between vertices of $G_L$ and of $G_R$. But, this is not possible since $f$ is homeomorphic to a disc by Youngs's theorem.

  • Now, consider the subsets $Q_L$ and $Q_R$ of $Q$ obtained by taking the union of all the vertices, edges and faces induced by $G_L \cup C$ and $G_R \cup C$, respectively. By assumption 3, every component of $G - C$ is in $G_L$ or $G_R$, so every vertex and edge of $G$ belongs to $Q_L$ or $Q_R$. By the subcases eliminated above under Case 2, every face of $G$ also belongs to $Q_L$ or $Q_R$ (but not both). Then, $Q = Q_L \cup Q_R = (Q_L - C) \sqcup (Q_R - C) \sqcup C$. This means that $C$ separates $Q$ into two components, which contradicts assumption 1.


Youngs, J. W. T., Minimal imbeddings and the genus of a graph, J. Math. Mech. 12, 303–315 (1963). Zbl 0109.41701, Zbl 0213.26001.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The If there is a face $f$ of $G$ that contains vertices of both $G_L$ and $G_R$. case is a bit more complicated because it may be the case that $f$ contains a path from $G_L$ to $G_R$ that goes through $C$, but then you can conclude that there is a closed curve consisting of a subcurve of $C$, and a curve leaving $C$ from the left and entering $C$ from the right and lies in the region bounded by $f$, which is a contradiction. $\endgroup$
    – Hao S
    Commented Nov 23, 2023 at 1:29
  • $\begingroup$ @HaoS Ah yes, you are right, thank you. I will think over your argument in a while, and then add it to the answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 23, 2023 at 9:14
  • $\begingroup$ Btw do you have any textbook recommendations for learning how to prove these kind of things? $\endgroup$
    – Hao S
    Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 7:37
  • $\begingroup$ @HaoS I learnt about handling embeddings of simple graphs into surfaces via combinatorial methods primarily from Ringel's book: Ringel, Gerhard, Map color theorem, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften. 209. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag. XII, 191 p. (1974). Zbl 0287.05102. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 24, 2023 at 18:49

As far as I understood the question, $G$ can be nonembeddable on a surface of smaller genus even when $C$ is a Hamiltonian cycle (so $G\setminus C$ is empty) which does not separate the surface $Q$ into two connected regions. For instance, at the picture is drawn a usual unfolding of a torus $Q$ with a graph $K_{3,3}$ drawn on in, and the edges of $C$ drawn in bold.

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Ah sorry there should be an additional condition that there are no edges between vertices of $C$. The idea is that it is impossible to travel from the "right" of $C$ to the left of $C$ without crossing $C$. $\endgroup$
    – Hao S
    Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 20:14
  • $\begingroup$ @HaoS OK, I'll think about this. But now it is not very clear for me how this idea is compatible with the condition that $C$ does not separate the surface into two connected regions. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 20:22
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    $\begingroup$ @HaoS Here is a usual unfolding of a torus $Q$ with a graph $K_5$ drawn on in, and the edges of $C$ drawn in bold. Condition 3 seems to be satisfiable by the neighborhood of $C$ drawn in grey. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 20:57
  • $\begingroup$ Okay sorry let me clarify yet a again. For each component $K$ of $G$ \ $C$ if there is an edge e from $K$ to $C$ such that e intersects the left (resp. right) of C we say is to the left (resp right) of C Condition 3 should say there is no edge from any component to the left of C to any component to the right of C. See picture I added. $\endgroup$
    – Hao S
    Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 21:21

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