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didest's user avatar
didest's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Argentina
46 votes

What are the most attractive Turing undecidable problems in mathematics?

40 votes

Colloquial catchy statements encoding serious mathematics

31 votes

Exhibit an explicit bijection between irreducible polynomials over finite fields and Lyndon words.

16 votes

Theorems with unexpected conclusions

10 votes

Which popular games are the most mathematical?

7 votes

Which popular games are the most mathematical?

6 votes

Can $N^2$ have only digits 0 and 1, other than $N=10^k$?

5 votes

Which popular games are the most mathematical?

5 votes

Is the "diagonal" of a regular language always context-free?

3 votes

Reasonable "Random" matrices to test numerical algorithms

1 vote

How to compute the rook polynomial of a Ferrers board?

1 vote

NP-hardness of a graph partition problem?