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javier's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
63 votes

What is the field with one element?

23 votes

Non-commutative algebraic geometry

21 votes

Computing the Galois group of a polynomial

19 votes

What are dessins d'enfants?

18 votes

What is a deformation of a category?

17 votes

What's a groupoid? What's a good example of a groupoid?

9 votes

What's so great about blackboards?

8 votes

How to teach addition of negative numbers?

7 votes

Cohomology of associative algebras

6 votes

Number of irreducible representations

6 votes

some doubts about noncommutative algebraic geometry

5 votes

Algebraic geometry for cocommutative corings with counit.

5 votes

How should one approach tropical mathematics?

5 votes

Number of metric spaces on N points

4 votes

Best online mathematics videos?

4 votes

Questions about analogy between Spec Z and 3-manifolds

4 votes

Elliptic Curves over F_1?

3 votes

What should Spec Z[\sqrt{D}] x_{F_1} Spec \bar{F_1} be?

3 votes

Are the closures of the tori in the decomposition of a torified variety toric varieties?

3 votes

Does a universal Frobenius map exist?

2 votes

Undergraduate differential geometry texts

2 votes

Antipode for quantum matrices.

0 votes

Computing a Factor Group

0 votes

Bimodules over division rings