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Jon Peterson's user avatar
Jon Peterson's user avatar
Jon Peterson
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
13 votes

What is the order of the lower tail of a Chi-Squared distribution?

7 votes

Maximal directed crossing of a box using uniform random variables

5 votes

connection between the Gaussian and the Cauchy distribution

3 votes

"Square root" of Beta(a,b) distribution

3 votes

Probability inequalities

3 votes

Determinant of matrix from set {-1, 1}

3 votes

Central limit theorem for biased random walk

2 votes

Discrete random walk with uniformly distributed transition p, set initially

2 votes

How to prove ergodic property from aperiodicity and positive recurrence

2 votes

Probability of random permutation having certain cycles

2 votes

Undergraduate Probability Topics

2 votes

is there an interpretation to the inverse of $I-M$ in multitype branching process, where $M$ is the mean matrix?

1 vote

Integration problem: $\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} | \log( | 1 + \exp(- I \nu ) | ) | \mathrm{d}\nu < \infty$

1 vote

Covariance sign

1 vote

Concerning Jump process (Lévy process)

1 vote

Empirical distribution of a collection of iid Markov chains

1 vote

Quantitative CLT bound

0 votes

Probability of the maximum (Levy Stable) random variable in a list being greater than the sum of the rest?

0 votes

Coordinatizing the disk via Brownian motion