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Yemon Choi's user avatar
Yemon Choi's user avatar
Yemon Choi
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Lancaster, United Kingdom
3 votes

No starter "accessible" well known open problems

7 votes

Closed prime ideal in $C[0, 1]$

7 votes

The sum (with multiplicity) of the cubes of irreducible character degrees of a finite group

6 votes

Comparison between the operator norm and the $L^1$ norm on group algebras

5 votes

Do completely bounded maps on an operator space have a completely contractive Banach algebra structure?

4 votes

Relationship between noncommutative torus for different values of theta

7 votes

Reference request for a preprint by Effros-Ruan

5 votes

If $f(x,t)=\sum_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} a_n(t) e^{in x}$ is $C^\infty$ in $x$ and all $a_n(t)$ continuous, $x$ derivatives of $f$ are continuous in $t$?

7 votes

When are finite-dimensional representations on Hilbert spaces completely reducible?

3 votes

Hardy space inclusion in the right-half plane

8 votes

What are some examples of ingenious, unexpected constructions?

189 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

4 votes

Structure theorem for a class of idempotent monoids (where $xy = x$ or $xy = y$ for all $x, y$)

7 votes

Is the matrix induced L1-norm greater than the induced L2-norm?

5 votes

Maximal ideals of the ring $\mathbb C \{T\}$

2 votes

A reproducing kernel Hilbert space

1 vote

Regarding basis of holomorphic Hardy space

16 votes

Finding questions between functional analysis and set theory

2 votes

Is there analogue of Peter–Weyl theorem for non-compact or quantum group

1 vote

Finiteness of $\ell^2$-Betti numbers

3 votes

Urysohn's lemma for Bochner functions?

75 votes

Which journals publish expository work?

2 votes

Hochschild/cyclic homology of von Neumann algebras: useless?

3 votes

Hochschild/cyclic homology of von Neumann algebras: useless?

2 votes

Hochschild/cyclic homology of von Neumann algebras: useless?

2 votes

Prove that $(v^Tx)^2−(u^Tx)^2\leq \sqrt{1−(u^Tv)^2}$ for any unit vectors $u, v, x$

9 votes

Why are abelian groups amenable?

8 votes

Density of matrix coefficients of unitary representations of a locally compact group

12 votes

Defects of Hamel bases for analysis in infinite dimensions

3 votes

When is the annihilator of the commutator subspace a complemented subspace?

2 3 4 5