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Peter Arndt's user avatar
Peter Arndt's user avatar
Peter Arndt
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
59 votes

Most interesting mathematics mistake?

44 votes

Map of Number Theory

38 votes

K(F_1) = sphere spectrum?

38 votes

Extremely messy proofs

33 votes

What is sheaf cohomology intuitively?

28 votes

Connections between various generalized algebraic geometries (Toen-Vaquié, Durov, Diers, Lurie)?

26 votes

Heuristic explanation of why we lose projectives in sheaves.

26 votes

What does the classifying space of a category classify?

25 votes

What is the proper initiation to the theory of motives for a new student of algebraic geometry?

25 votes

Several Topos theory questions

23 votes

Awfully sophisticated proof for simple facts

22 votes

When are two proofs of the same theorem really different proofs

22 votes

Fundamental Examples

22 votes

MaxSpec, Spec, ... "RadSpec"? Or, why not look at all radical ideals?

20 votes

How can I really motivate the Zariski topology on a scheme?

19 votes

"Philosophical" meaning of the Yoneda Lemma

19 votes

quadratic forms over fields of characteristic 2

17 votes

Is there a high-concept explanation for why "simplicial" leads to "homotopy-theoretic"?

17 votes

Sheaf cohomology and injective resolutions

16 votes

Is the category commutative monoids cartesian closed?

15 votes

What is the "universal problem" that motivates the definition of homotopy limits/colimits (and more generally "derived" functors)?

14 votes

Approaches to Riemann hypothesis using methods outside number theory

14 votes

The category of abelian group objects

14 votes

Analogue to covering space for higher homotopy groups?

13 votes

Finite type/finite morphism

13 votes

"Algebraic" topologies like the Zariski topology?

13 votes

How do you become a good listener?

13 votes

What are the different theories that the motivic fundamental group attempts to unify?

13 votes

Widely accepted mathematical results that were later shown to be wrong?

12 votes

Which languages could appear on Weil's Rosetta Stone?

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