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Ben Webster's user avatar
Ben Webster
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

relate parabolic subalgebras to gradings?

2 votes

What is a closed orbit that is not separable? (ANSWERED)

2 votes

Is Krull dimension non-increasing along ring epimorphisms?

2 votes

Occurrences of a simple reflection in the longest element of a Weyl group?

2 votes

Does the preimage of the Slodowy slice in $T^*G/P$ have a name?

2 votes

Frame bundle of $\mathbb{C}P^n$ as homogeneous space

2 votes

Is there a way to define a Lie derivative of a connection?

2 votes

Derived functor and bi-module

2 votes

Analytic sections of a GIT quotient lying in the Kempf-Ness set

2 votes

Is $\mathcal{Ext}^i(F,G)$ the sheafification of $Ext^i(F,G)$?

2 votes

Equivariant cohomology defined by restrictions?

2 votes

Is Koszulity equivalent to the Lusztig character formula holding?

2 votes

Inner product on $V_{-\rho}$?

2 votes

Some intuition on the $SL_n$-module $V_{[1,1,...,1]}$

2 votes

Jordan-Holder vs Harder-Narasimhan

2 votes

Plucker embedding and tautological/universal quotient bundle

2 votes

Reduction along an Orbit for C.-M. systems

2 votes

Projective normality of cones over projectively normal varieties

2 votes

Ext groups in the equivariant derived category

2 votes

analog of Lusztig nilpotent scheme

2 votes

Pullback of line bundles and existence of divisors representing line bundles

2 votes

Graded category O for for rational Cherednik algebras, but at t=0

2 votes

Hamiltonian Reduction and Affine quotient

2 votes

Regular Functions on Slodowy Slices

2 votes

Invariant complement to invariant subspace.

2 votes

Generators of the derived category

2 votes

Action of centralizer on Borel-Moore homology of Springer Fibers for Affine Hecke Algebra

2 votes

What is the current status for Lusztig's positivity conjecture for symmetric Cartan datum?

2 votes

Fixed points of quantised enveloping algebra for affine $\mathfrak{sl}_n$

2 votes

A remark in Jantzen's 'Lectures on Quantum Groups'