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Daniel Erman's user avatar
Daniel Erman
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
170 votes

What are some reasonable-sounding statements that are independent of ZFC?

53 votes

Why are flat morphisms "flat?"

28 votes

What is the exact statement of "there are 27 lines on a cubic"?

28 votes

When should you, and should you not, share your mathematical ideas?

22 votes

What is interesting/useful about Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity?

11 votes

When are Hilbert schemes smooth?

11 votes

Sheaves without global sections

10 votes

What does a projective resolution mean geometrically?

9 votes

Whether Hilbert schemes of 3 points on arbitrary smooth projective varieties are smooth

8 votes

Differential graded structures on free resolution?

8 votes

Algebraic Statistics textbook

7 votes

Algebraic Varieties which are also Manifolds

7 votes

Is there a way to check if a relative Hilbert Scheme is reduced?

7 votes

when tensor complex resolves S/I+J?

5 votes

An effective way to tell if the saturation of a homogeneous ideal is the irrelevant ideal

5 votes

Succesful applications of algebra in combinatorics

5 votes

Finding generators of subalgebra of polynomial algebra $K[x_1,\cdots,x_n]$ that are invariant under the action of symmetric group

5 votes

Finding divisors on a curve

4 votes

(Krull) dimension of any associated graded ring of a ring R equals the dimension of R

2 votes

Do subsets of generators of a toric ideal generate a toric ideal?

1 vote

Sections of a divisor on elliptic curve