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Wilberd van der Kallen's user avatar
Wilberd van der Kallen's user avatar
Wilberd van der Kallen
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
21 votes

Universal cover of SL2(R) admits no central extensions?

14 votes

Tensor product of rings of Witt vectors

51 votes

Conceptual reason why the sign of a permutation is well-defined?

14 votes

Invariants of matrices (by simultaneous $\mathrm{GL}_n$ conjugation) over arbitrary rings

5 votes

Behavior of invariants under reduction mod p

6 votes

Lifting $G$-invariants from characteristic $p\gg 0$ to characteristic 0 for a reductive algebraic group $G$

8 votes

For regular tetrahedron $ABCD$ with center $O$, and $\overrightarrow{NO}=-3\overrightarrow{MO}$, is $NA+NB+NC+ND\geq MA+MB+MC+MD$?

6 votes

Global homological dimension of reductive groups

2 votes

Number of solutions and minimal clues in Sixy Sudoku

2 votes

Openly available software to work with Demazure modules

4 votes

$R$ a DVR with fraction field $K.$ What are the $R$-submodules of $K^n?$

6 votes

Polynomial ring $S[X]$ over domain $S$

1 vote

Maps between symmetric powers of the natural module for $SL_2 (k)$ in prime characteristic

4 votes

Tilting modules in positive characteristic

1 vote

Extension property for unipotent linear groups over rings

35 votes

How to prove this polynomial always has integer values at all integers?

3 votes

finite generation of a certain type of subring

7 votes

GIT over integers

9 votes

Normalizer of SL_2(Z) in GL_2(R)

8 votes

How to think about parabolic induction.

8 votes

Are homogeneous components of f.g graded modules f.g ?

1 vote

Comparing Spectral Sequences

7 votes

Subgroups of $GL_n(\mathbb Z)$ with finite coinvariants

4 votes

Are the Weyl modules projectives?

3 votes

Quotient space of algebraic group

5 votes

Can the 'linkages' between equivalent extensions of modules of an algebraic group be taken to have bounded length?

5 votes

A question about the additive group of a finitely generated integral domain

7 votes

Isomorphism between varieties of char 0

0 votes

Convergence of eigenvectors

10 votes

Question about the representation theory of SL(n,Z)