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Gerald Edgar's user avatar
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
Gerald Edgar
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

Which functions have all derivatives everywhere positive?

6 votes

Measures on general topological groups

8 votes

Can $L^{2}$ be represented as a space of functions (not equivalence classes)?

0 votes

Does every Lindelof uniform space have a Lindelof completion?

1 vote

Finding a counter example for Minkowski's integral inequality for $p=\infty$

1 vote

Restriction of Haar measure to Borel $\sigma$ -algebra

6 votes

Viète's generalized infinite product yielding other converging values?

0 votes

homogenuity of $\ell^p$

4 votes

Inverting an asymptotic series

4 votes

Measure on $\omega_1$

18 votes

Question on geometric measure theory

11 votes

What is due diligence when translating a paper?

1 vote

Partitioning the unit ball in an ultrametric space

1 vote

Codimension of $J(\omega_1)$ in its bidual

2 votes

Quantitative measurement of infinite dimensionality

4 votes

New results on Chow's notion of closed-form numbers?

4 votes

Does a bounded real function have an analytic continuation

1 vote

Uniform distribution with respect to Hausdorff measure

1 vote

How to locate an obscure paper?

30 votes

The concept of duality

7 votes

Mathematics in Retirement

4 votes

Self-similarity of a dendrite fractal

6 votes

Circumference of Convex Shapes

3 votes

Expected Number of Bernoulli trials before you get N more heads than tails

5 votes

Are metrics borel measurable functions?

2 votes

When can the one-one continuous image of a perfect set fail to be perfect?

0 votes

does equi-integrability implies uniform convergence?

4 votes

Does convex continuous mapping have a unique fixed point?

0 votes

What are some proofs of Godel's Theorem which are *essentially different* from the original proof?

2 votes

Looking for a mathematically rigorous introduction to game theory

14 15
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