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Bruce Westbury's user avatar
Bruce Westbury's user avatar
Bruce Westbury
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
5 votes

How do I calculate the modular fusion category from a given Lie algebra and level in Chern-Simons theory?

8 votes

Temperley-Lieb algebras for other Weyl groups?

0 votes

Stratifications and Cohomology Computations

1 vote

What are the invariant definitions of spinorial quantities from mathematical physics?

1 vote

What is "Data" involved in a mathematical construction?

6 votes

Representations of Sym(n) and SL_d

2 votes

Semi-planar partition monoid/algebra

6 votes

Is there a statistical interpretation of Green's theorem, Stokes' theorem, or the divergence theorem?

2 votes

Decomposition of $\mathrm{End}(V)$ as $S_n\times S_n$-module

3 votes

Non-zero monoid

2 votes

What are the symmetric and anti-symmetric representations of $6\times6$ of $SU(6)$ in $SU(3)\times SU(2)$?

7 votes

Deligne's 1996 note on exceptional Lie groups

5 votes

Littlewood Richardson rule and seminormal basis of Specht modules

0 votes

A lie Subgroup of SO(4n)

3 votes

Is there formula name and proof for this theorem ?

2 votes

Finding generators of matrix subgroups

2 votes

Is $F[G\wr S_n]$ a cellular algebra ?

8 votes

Status of PL topology

2 votes

Directed graphs and Compact Lie Groups

6 votes

Tensor powers of the standard representation

3 votes

Invariants of group action: SL_n acts simultaneously on m symmetric matrices

18 votes

A generalization of Catalan numbers

2 votes

Phase choice for 6j symbols

1 vote

"Fictive" irreps of the enveloping general Lie algebra

7 votes

"Mini" fusion categories via 6j symbols

1 vote

Which polynomials are Fricke polynomials ?

1 vote

Uniform sampling hemisphere and project in a specific direction

9 votes

Form of elements of a Lie algebra

1 vote

Finite subgroups of Spin(9)

2 votes

Reference request: Tensor products of modules for reductive Lie algebras

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