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Dimitri Chikhladze's user avatar
Dimitri Chikhladze's user avatar
Dimitri Chikhladze
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
19 votes

What is the monoidal equivalent of a locally cartesian closed category?

9 votes

Is antipode unique for bialgebras in arbitrary monoidal categories?

7 votes

Characterize the category of rings

6 votes

n-limits and the Descent Category

6 votes

'Category-theory'-free areas of pure math, 'category-theory'-loaded areas of applied math

6 votes

Contexts and notations for composing asymmetric simplices

6 votes

Is this almost-cosimplicial object familiar?

5 votes

Functors and coverings

5 votes

Morita equivalence via Kan extension

4 votes

Making additive envelopes of monoidal categories monoidal

4 votes

Continuous relations?

4 votes

A cosmos where coproduct injections are not monic

3 votes

Monoid under Day convolution and lax monoidal functor: Is strength necessary?

3 votes

Has this construction, which builds a symmetric multicategory from a commutative monoid, been described or studied anywhere, and if so, where?

3 votes

Algebraic objects and lifts of their represented functors

3 votes

An isomorphism of categories

3 votes

Comonads from monoids

2 votes

String diagrams for bimodules over noncommutative algebras?

2 votes

When is an exponential functor a bialgebra?

2 votes

Unexpected interaction between limits and colimits

2 votes

A certain kind of simplicial complex

2 votes

Graphs of tensoring modules

1 vote

Multi-categorical left Kan extensions?

1 vote

Algebras in a bicategory of spans

1 vote

Is the natural isomorphism $|FX_\bullet| \cong F|X_\bullet|$ lax symmetric monoidal?