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shenghao's user avatar
shenghao's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Beijing
34 votes

If Spec Z is like a Riemann surface, what's the analogue of integration along a contour?

22 votes

A book you would like to write

21 votes

Mathematicians who were late learners?-list

17 votes

What are some slogans that express mathematical tricks?

16 votes

Most interesting mathematics mistake?

15 votes

Is an algebraic space group always a scheme?

9 votes

The different types of stacks

8 votes

A list of machineries for computing cohomology

7 votes

What is the local structure of a Lie groupoid?

7 votes

Why are local systems on a complex analytic space equivalent to vector bundles with flat connection?

6 votes

Is there a good notion of `Separated Stack'?

5 votes

Is there a high-concept explanation for why characteristic 2 is special?

5 votes

Fourier transform for dummies

5 votes

What is an example of a function on M_g?

4 votes

Examples of rational families of abelian varieties.

4 votes

normalization of a stack

3 votes

How to topologize X(R) when R is a topological ring?

2 votes

Existence of (smooth) models

2 votes

algebraic group G vs. algebraic stack BG

2 votes

Degrees of etale covers of stacks

2 votes

What is transport of structure in cohomology setting?

1 vote

Conjugation in SU(2)

1 vote

Can a singular Deligne-Mumford stack have a smooth coarse space?

0 votes

How do you see the genus of a curve, just looking at its function field?