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matthias beck's user avatar
matthias beck's user avatar
matthias beck
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
48 votes

Video lectures of mathematics courses available online for free

10 votes

Math puzzles for dinner

10 votes

Counting integral points of a polytope in R^3 (the c_1 coefficient of Ehrhart polynomial)

10 votes

Using slides in math classroom

6 votes

Lattice points and convex bodies

6 votes

On a conjecture by Hibi regarding h-vectors

6 votes

Generalizations of the Birkhoff-von Neumann Theorem

6 votes

Unimodular triangulation and Ehrhart polynomials

5 votes

Multivariate quasipolynomials and where to find them

5 votes

Rational dilates of integral convex polytopes

5 votes

Study of convex polytopes via commutative algebra

5 votes

Example of Möbius inversion on integer partition poset

5 votes

Showing that a family of polynomials has positive and real roots.

4 votes

How "accidental" are equalities between parts of Ehrhart quasi-polynomials? When do they persist to Euler-Maclaurin?

4 votes

What's your favorite equation, formula, identity or inequality?

3 votes

Graphs with dangling edges

3 votes

Relation to Ehrhart polynomial with Uniqueness

3 votes

the sum of fractional parts times the ordinary powers

2 votes

Approximating Ehrhart Polynomial of Rational n-Tetrahedron

2 votes

Relation between non-integral polytopes, integrally closed polytopes and polynomial Erhart quasi-polynomials

2 votes

Lower bound for constrained ordered partitions (i.e., compositions)?

2 votes

Open source mathematical software

2 votes

non negative integer solutions : Diophantine Equations