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Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Why in Martin-Löf type theory any natural number is assumed to be either $0$ or $S(a)$ for some $a\in\mathsf{N}$?

10 votes

Why are the source-target rules of composition always strictly defined?

9 votes

Can we always make a strictly functorial choice of pullbacks/re-indexing?

9 votes

What's the point of "created limits"?

9 votes

Two monoidal structures and copowering

9 votes

Axiom of Replacement in Category Theory

9 votes

Non-examples of model structures, that fail for subtle/surprising reasons?

9 votes

Two pullback diagram

8 votes

What is an intuitive view of adjoints? (version 1: category theory)

8 votes

When is it okay to intersect infinite families of proper classes?

8 votes

Is there a constructive proof that in four dimensions, the PL and the smooth category are equivalent?

8 votes

How is the morphism of composition in the enriched category of modules constructed?

8 votes

Pullback and pseudoelements

8 votes

Most general context where a "disjoint sum" definition of a direct limit is applicable and always exist

8 votes

In what sense does the sentence $\operatorname{con}(\mathsf{PA})$ "say" that $\mathsf{PA}$ is consistent?

8 votes

Is the Rado graph the unique countable graph that has all finite graphs as induced subgraphs?

8 votes

Epimorphisms of relations

7 votes

Consistency in pure type systems

7 votes

An application of ping-pong lemma

7 votes

Can we write Tangled Type Theory without reference to type sequences?

7 votes

Is the category of modules over a commutative ring the category of abelian objects in a topos?

7 votes

Books containing new results

7 votes

Adjusting the definition of a well-powered category to category theory with universes: size issues

7 votes

Possible to prove a lemma from Godel's completeness theorem in intuitionistic logic?

7 votes

Multiplication and division by a morphism under the “inner composition” in closed monoidal categories

7 votes

Dehornoy's proof that the application of two elementary embeddings is an elementary embedding

7 votes

Map from the Multiset Monad to the Giry Monad: From Data to Probabilities

7 votes

Does Regularity schema imply $\in$-induction when added to first order Zermelo set theory?

7 votes

$\mathscr{U}$-categories and $\mathsf{Hom}$-functors

7 votes

Upgrade adjunction to equivalence