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AFK's user avatar
AFK's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

What does "quantization is not a functor" really mean?

5 votes

Compact and quasi-compact

5 votes

Fundamental groups of topoi

4 votes

Is there a 'classical' definition for the support of a perverse sheaves.

4 votes

Representation of Groupoids

4 votes

Endofunctors of CRing which give schemes when composed with schemes?

4 votes

How do I compare the different notions of Fourier transform for sheaves?

4 votes

What should be taught in a 1st course on smooth manifolds?

4 votes

What is a good introductory text for moduli theory?

4 votes

Is $\zeta(3)/\pi^3$ rational?

4 votes

Computation of vanishing cycles

3 votes

What would you want to see at the Museum of Mathematics?

3 votes

For quasi-coherent D-Modules

3 votes

Deformation to the normal cone

3 votes

Hopf algebra structure on the ring of quasisymmetric functions

3 votes

D-modules on affine space that are regular at infinity

3 votes

Deformations of Tame Coverings

3 votes

Is there a $k$-structure for Hodge modules over a $k$-variety?

3 votes

group of Yoneda extensions and the EXT groups defined via derived category

2 votes

Could the Kunneth decomposition of a motif depend on the choice of $l$?

1 vote

The conjectural relation between mixed motivic sheaves and the perverse t-structure.

1 vote

Smooth in codimension-k and the weight filtration

0 votes

Which mathematical ideas have done most to change history?

0 votes

Determinant and exact sequences of sheaves.

0 votes

Is a functor which has a left adjoint which is also its right adjoint an equivalence ?

-3 votes

Can a non-surjective polynomial map from an infinite field to itself miss only finitely many points?