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AFK's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
92 votes

Famous mathematical quotes

53 votes

What is special about polylogarithms that leads to so many interesting identities and applications?

51 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

46 votes

Examples of theorems misapplied to non-mathematical contexts

32 votes

Your favorite surprising connections in mathematics

26 votes

Little disks operad and $Gal (\bar {Q}/Q)$

25 votes

Is it known that the ring of periods is not a field?

24 votes

determinant of a perfect complex

19 votes

Understanding iterated integrals

19 votes

how to think of monodromy transformations

13 votes

de Rham cohomology and flat vector bundles

13 votes

analytic vs. algebraic Gauss-Manin connection

12 votes

Down-To-Earth Uses of de Rham Cohomology to Convince a Wide Audience of its Usefulness

12 votes

Can I define the polynomial ring A[x] with an isomorphism f: A ---> A[x]?

12 votes

Relation between motivic homotopy category and the derived category of motives

11 votes

Compatibility of braids as a simplicial set and as a braided monoidal category

11 votes

Generalizations of Belyi's theorem

10 votes

The motivic cohomology of projective space

10 votes

The algebraic version of Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

9 votes

Applications of étale cohomology

8 votes

Relation between characteristic variety and support of D-Module

8 votes

Hodge numbers of compactifications

8 votes

What is the source of this famous Grothendieck quote?

7 votes

Shuffle Hopf algebra: how to prove its properties in a slick way?

6 votes

What are some examples of colorful language in serious mathematics papers?

6 votes

Localization of vanishing cycles

6 votes

Relation between holonomic D-modules and perverse sheaves

6 votes

Frobenius elements from the point of view of étale fundamental groups

6 votes

References for Artin motives

6 votes

How are multiplicative sequences related to formal power series and genera of manifolds?