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Connor Mooney's user avatar
Connor Mooney's user avatar
Connor Mooney
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
21 votes

What is the intuition behind Almgren's frequency function?

20 votes

What goes wrong for the Sobolev embeddings at $k=n/p$?

16 votes

Alexandrov-Bakelmann-Pucci maximum principle

16 votes

Elementary calculus estimate or not?

11 votes

Is an $H_0^1$ function continuous to the boundary if it is continuous in the interior?

10 votes

Intuition behind choosing a specific test function

10 votes

$L^\infty-L^2$ smoothing for heat equation on manifold using Nash-Moser-De-Giorgi technique

8 votes

Roadmap to learning about Ricci Flow?

8 votes

Points where harmonic functions fail to give a coordinates system

7 votes

A Liouville theorem involving an advection term

6 votes

$C^0$ estimate for solutions of elliptic PDE with Neumann BC

6 votes

A question about the $C^{2,\alpha}$ regularity of concave fully nonlinear uniformly elliptic equation

6 votes

Sobolev Inequality

6 votes

What happens to the De Giorgi-Nash-Moser estimate when the potential term lies in the critical $L^{\frac n2}$ space?

6 votes

Compact Eucledean hypersurfaces with "almost" constant H_k curvature

6 votes

Regularity of the quasi-linear PDE $-\Delta u + c(u) = f$

6 votes

Differential inequalities under which a flat function must be identically zero

6 votes

A boundary Schauder estimate

6 votes

Are all positive eigenfunctions principal eigenfunctions?

5 votes

Estimates of $\Delta|\nabla u|$ for harmonic function $u$

5 votes

Higher regularity of solutions of non-linear elliptic PDE

5 votes

Bernstein's corollary for the case of half space

5 votes

Vanishing rate of a harmonic function near a boundary point

5 votes

Maximum principle for heat equation, low regularity case

5 votes

improvement of flatness in the regularity of minimal surfaces

5 votes

Properties of heat equation

5 votes

What are your favorite instructional counterexamples?

5 votes

comparing Laplacian and gradient of function on boundary

5 votes

Does the following type of Gronwall inequality hold?

4 votes

stability of the Monge-Ampère equation