so-called friend Don's user avatar
so-called friend Don's user avatar
so-called friend Don's user avatar
so-called friend Don
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
41 votes

Computing $\prod_p(\frac{p^2-1}{p^2+1})$ without the zeta function?

23 votes

Does the sum $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{p_n(p_{n+1}-p_n)}$ converge?

21 votes

Does the least prime factor have a mean of some sort?

16 votes

Roots of unity near 1 in Z / p Z

16 votes

Hecke equidistribution

15 votes

A naive question about the prime number theorem

13 votes

Are primes of density 0 in $a\cdot b^n+c$?

13 votes

How frequently is 3 a cubic residue mod primes in an arithmetic progression?

11 votes

Is every number the sum of two cubes modulo p where p is a prime not equal to 7?

11 votes

Numbers $n$ such that the sum of the divisors of $n$ is a nontrivial power

11 votes

Existence of relative Dirichlet density of primes starting with 1

11 votes

Sum of the reciprocals of radicals

10 votes

Are there other integer solutions to the equation $9x^3 -1 = y^3$ besides $(x,y) =(1,2)$ and $(0, -1)$?

10 votes

Does there exist an integer that is both solitary and almost perfect?

10 votes

Asymptotics and error terms for an arithmetic function built upon $\omega$ and $\Omega$ functions

10 votes

Proportion of square-free integers $n$ with $\gcd(n,\varphi(n))$ a prime

10 votes

explicit lower bounds on $|L(1,\chi)|$

9 votes

About integer polynomials which are sums of squares of rational polynomials...

9 votes

The density of numbers of the form $p + 2^k$

9 votes

Squarefree parts of Mersenne numbers

9 votes

How often is $2^n-1$ a number with few divisors?

9 votes

Factorizations of cyclotomic polynomials valuated at primes

8 votes

1/2 Wilson's theorem

8 votes

Is it possible to show that :for $n \geq 1:\sigma(n!-1) $ never be prime and why $\sigma(n!-1)\bmod 10 $ at most is $0$?

8 votes

What is known about the largest prime divisor of the product of $k$ consecutive integers?

8 votes

Perfect powers in the solutions of a certain Pell equation

8 votes

Asymptotics of product of Euler's totient function (A001088)?

8 votes

If the natural density (relative to the primes) exists, then the Dirichlet density also exists, and the two are equal

8 votes

Results on the largest prime factor of $2^n+1$

8 votes

Irreducible polynomials with a root modulo almost all primes