Harry Gindi's user avatar
Harry Gindi's user avatar
Harry Gindi's user avatar
Harry Gindi
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Edinburgh, UK
4 votes

History of classifying spaces

4 votes

Brown representability beyond CW complexes

4 votes

Derived functor

4 votes

Geometric models for classifying spaces of a group

4 votes

Video lectures of mathematics courses available online for free

4 votes

Need help understanding comment in Higher Topos Theory

4 votes

Link between homotopy equivalence of simplicial sets and categorical equivalences

4 votes

Inequivalent compact closed symmetric monoidal structures on the same category

4 votes

Simplicial nerve functor commutes with opposites

4 votes

$\omega$-nerve versus $\Theta$-nerve

4 votes

Simple adjective for "of the size of a proper class"?

4 votes

Favorite popular math book

4 votes

On limits and Colimits

4 votes

visualizing what's going on in based homotopy theory, et al.

4 votes

A single paper everyone should read?

3 votes

Is there formal definition of universal quantification?

3 votes

Contractability of Exotic R^4s

3 votes

Undiscovered for a long time before it is realised it is the same concept developed under different names.

3 votes

Learning Topology

3 votes

Definition of étale for rings

3 votes

What roles do "base change" play in algebraic geometry?

3 votes

Fun applications of representations of finite groups

3 votes

A "join" of ω-categorical simplices

3 votes

Why is the Street nerve of the Gray tensor product $[1]\otimes [1]$ isomorphic to $[1]\times [1]$

3 votes

Excellent monoidal model categories admit enriched fibrant replacement functors?

3 votes

Stacks for a string theory student

3 votes

Existence of finite limits of quasi-coherent modules on a scheme

3 votes

Morphisms of $\infty$-groupoids

3 votes

What can be an appropriate notion of principal bundle over a category (with an appropriate notion of local trivialisation)?

3 votes

Are semisimplicial hypercoverings in a hypercomplete $\infty$-topos effective?