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Igor Rivin's user avatar
Igor Rivin's user avatar
Igor Rivin
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

Example of a non-arithmetic Veech surface (other than regular polygon)?

2 votes

Elementary question about linear algebra on a circle

2 votes

Software for computing equivariants

2 votes

Evaluating the sum of $kl^2$ over $p,q,k,l$ such that $pk +ql = n$

2 votes

Choose some natural number and take $k$-th power of its digits and add that. Repeat that. How many cycles will be there?

2 votes

Seeking references for finding primes infinitely often

2 votes

positive sum of sines

2 votes

Lefschetz fixed-point theorem for the Frobenius map

2 votes

Are irreducible subgroups Zariski-dense?

2 votes

Find the fixed geodesic of an orientation-preserving isometry of the $3D$ hyperboloid model

2 votes

On the spectrum of Hermitian matrices

2 votes

Distribution of eigenvectors and eigenvalues for random, symmetric matrix

2 votes

Non-linear first order ODE $ \frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x} = \frac{Axy \ + \ By^2 \ + \ Cy}{Dxy \ + Ey \ +\ Fx \ + G}$

2 votes

Smallest tile to *isohedrally* tessellate the hyperbolic plane

2 votes

Curious about an old algorithm which calculates modular inverse

2 votes

Exact first order perturbation expansion of matrix determinant

2 votes

Zariski density of conjugates of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ in $Sp_{2g}$

2 votes

All the solutions of linear Diophantine equation

2 votes

Cohomology of a maping torus

2 votes

An inequality regarding a recursive relation

2 votes

Complex varieties with non-torsion homotopy groups

2 votes

Is the square root of a matrix unique?

2 votes

Decomposition of integral non-generate matrices

2 votes

Orbits of some special actions on solution set of a arithmetic equation

2 votes

Algorithm for a linear optimization problem

2 votes

How to prove that index of second smallest index subgroup in $A_n$ is $n \choose 2$?

2 votes

Number of non-equivalent graph embeddings

2 votes

Maximum order of MCG finite order elements

2 votes

Voronoi and Delaunay

2 votes

Finiteness properties of mapping class groups

39 40
42 43