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Steven Gubkin's user avatar
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
Steven Gubkin
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Cleveland, Ohio
88 votes

Awfully sophisticated proof for simple facts

85 votes

What are some examples of colorful language in serious mathematics papers?

82 votes

What are some famous rejections of correct mathematics?

59 votes

Proofs without words

59 votes

Does homeomorphic and isomorphic always imply homeomorphically isomorphic?

47 votes

Famous mathematical quotes

43 votes

Why do I need densities in order to integrate on a non-orientable manifold?

43 votes

"Mathematics talk" for five year olds

36 votes

How To Present Mathematics To Non-Mathematicians?

36 votes

Which mathematical ideas have done most to change history?

35 votes

Teaching homology via everyday examples

28 votes

Integrating powers without much calculus

28 votes

What out-of-print books would you like to see re-printed?

27 votes

What are some examples of colorful language in serious mathematics papers?

24 votes

Books about history of recent mathematics

23 votes

How should one think about sheafification and the difference between a sheaf and a presheaf

21 votes

Nonstandard proofs of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic

20 votes

Nice applications of the spectral theorem?

20 votes

Resources for teaching arithmetic to calculus students

18 votes

What is convolution intuitively?

16 votes

Analogies between analogies

15 votes

Set theory and alternative foundations

15 votes

Randall Munroe's Lost Immortals

13 votes

Do mathematicians rely on senses other than vision and hearing?

13 votes

Small complete categories in a Grothendieck topos

13 votes

A book you would like to write

12 votes

Motivating the de Rham theorem

12 votes

Open problems with monetary rewards

12 votes

Are there examples of non-orientable manifolds in nature?

12 votes

Question Regarding Riemann-Hurwitz Formula Proof