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Eric Peterson's user avatar
Eric Peterson
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
34 votes

Spectral sequences: opening the black box slowly with an example

33 votes

What does Rng^{op} look like?

27 votes

Spectral sequences: opening the black box slowly with an example

26 votes

Why do we study complex orientable cohomology theories

24 votes

Why is homology not (co)representable?

20 votes

Are complex-oriented ring spectra determined by their formal group law?

19 votes

What is the universal deformation of the formal additive group $\widehat{\mathbb{G}}_a$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$?

19 votes

K(r)-localization and monochromatic layers in the chromatic spectral sequence

18 votes

Is there a high-concept explanation of the dual Steenrod algebra as the automorphism group scheme of the formal additive group?

12 votes

when cup product is a zero homomorphism

10 votes

Homology of localisations of spectra

9 votes

Is ku reflexive as a spectrum?

5 votes

Reference on the question mark cell complex