A simplicial presheaf is a presheaf on a site (e.g., the category of topological spaces) taking values in simplicial sets (i.e., a contravariant functor from the site to the category of simplicial sets).

A simplicial presheaf is a simplicial object in the category of presheaves on a site. The notion was introduced by A. Joyal in the 1970s. Similarly, a simplicial sheaf on a site is a simplicial object in the category of sheaves on the site.

Example: Let us consider, say, the étale site of a scheme $S$. Each $U$ in the site represents the presheaf $\operatorname{Hom}(-, U)$. Thus, a simplicial scheme, a simplicial object in the site, represents a simplicial presheaf (in fact, often a simplicial sheaf).

See also: