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1 vote

Canonical product in sheaf cohomology

For an approach that doesn't use any kind of Kunneth principle and is amenable, once you've established the basics, for "easy" verification of formulae consult Iversen's discussion in his ...
FShrike's user avatar
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3 votes

(Derived category of) sheaves over an infinite union

An easier argument would be that $R^q\pi_\ast \mathbf Q$ vanishes for $q\notin \{0,3\}$ and has rank $1$ for $q \in \{0,3\}$. Indeed, just check this on stalks. Then the cone of $\mathbf Q\to R\pi_\...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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4 votes

Etale cohomology of relative elliptic curve

This will follow from the conjunction of three fundamental facts: (1) The pushforward of a (locally) constant $\mathbb Q_p$-sheaf along a smooth proper morphism of schemes where $p$ is invertible is ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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