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Classification of compact connected abelian groups

It is known that torsion-free compact abelian groups are exactly the product of the maximal solenoid group $\Sigma_{(2,3,\cdots)}$ (which is the Pontryagin dual of the additive group $\mathbb{Q}$ of ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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The universal property of composition of morphisms

$\def\K{\mathcal K}$ Preamble. Given a locally small category $\mathcal K$, its "composition law" is a class of maps $$ c_{abc} : \K(a,b)\times\K(b,c)\to \K(a,c) $$ with the universal property of an ...
fosco's user avatar
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Asymptotic expansion of heat operator $e^{-\Delta{t}}$ and $e^{-\mathcal{D}t}$ of Dirac operator

For a closed Riemannian manifold $M$ of $n$-dimension, we consider the Laplace-Beltrami operator $\Delta$. It is known that we have an asymptotic expansion for the trace of heat operator $e^{-\Delta{...
Junhyeong Kim's user avatar
1 vote
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Differential construction of mixed Hodge structure on smooth open varieties

Let $\bar{X}$ be a complete smooth variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $D$ be a simple normal crossing divisor. Denote $X:=\bar{X}\backslash D$. Then it is known that $H^\ast(X,\mathbb{C})$ admits a ...
stjc's user avatar
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10 votes
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Expressions for the inverse function of $f(x) = \ln(x)e^x$

Can the inverse of $ \ln(x)e^x $ be finitely expressed in terms of the Lambert-W function or any other well-known transcendental functions? It is clear that a closed-form elementary function ...
Hiraxin's user avatar
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GSO (Gliozzi-Scherk-Olive) projection and its Mathematics?

GSO (Gliozzi-Scherk-Olive) projection is an ingredient used in constructing a consistent model in superstring theory. The projection is a selection of a subset of possible vertex operators in the ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Approximation of half-integers modified Bessel function of the second kind

I am trying to optimise the calculation of the probability distribution poisson-inverse-gaussian its calculation involves a half-integers modified Bessel function of the second kind. Here's a formula ...
Stefano Vespucci's user avatar
6 votes
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Generalization of Bieberbach's second theorem

Let $F_0$ and $F_1$ be compact flat manifolds of dimensions $k$ and $m$, respectively, where $k \geq m$. Suppose $f : \pi_1(F_0) \to \pi_1(F_1)$ is a surjective homomorphism. Consider the covering ...
James Dibble's user avatar
2 votes
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$M$ is a manifold and isometrically embedded in $X$, homotopy type of $M$ is determined by polyhedrons $P$ s.t. $M\subseteq P \subseteq X$?

This is the setting. $M$ is a compact, connected Riemannian manifold without boundary. and it is isometrically embedded in some larger metric space $X$ ($X$ is not necessarily manifold). So, one can ...
S.Lim's user avatar
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Triangular conjecture (that implies the Frankl conjecture)

Let $M$ be a $n\times n$ triangular matrix, that entries are $0$ and $1$ , and such that diagonal entries are $1$. A row or a column will be said to be small, if its number of $1$s is at most $(n+1)/...
jcdornano's user avatar
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5 votes
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When can one expect that the $\mu$-invariant of a $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of a number field is zero?

What is special about $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extensions which are motivic to ensure that their $\mu$ invariant is zero? Is there a simple conceptual reason. Here are some examples. Let $F$ be a totally real ...
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11 votes
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Maximal inequality for the average of i.i.d. random variables

Let $Z_i$ be i.i.d. random variables with $\mathbb{E}[Z_i] = 0$ and $\mathbb{E}|Z_i|^p< \infty$ for $p=1,2,3,\cdots$. I am looking for the following type of estimate if possible, and it is not like ...
Xiao's user avatar
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Which countable discrete groups have a metrisable group compactification?

Let $G$ be a countable discrete group. A group compactification of $G$ is a compact Hausdorff topological group $H$ such that there is a group homomorphism $\iota\colon G\to H$ with dense image. For ...
Dominik Kwietniak's user avatar
8 votes
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Maps which are both completely positive and positive

Definition:A linear map $f:\mathbb C^n\to \mathbb C^n$ is called positive if $\langle fa,a\rangle\ge0$ for all $a\in \mathbb C^n$. Equivalently, $f\in M_{n}(\mathbb C)$ is positive if it can be ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Is it possible to find $f$ such that : $f$ is absolutely integrable, $f'$ is absolutely integrable and such that $f$ is not $1/2$-Hölder

I am trying to find a function $f: \mathbb{R}^+ \to \mathbb{R}^+$ that fullfils the following conditions $$f \in \mathcal{C}^1(\mathbb{R}^+,\mathbb{R}^+)$$ $$\int_{\mathbb{R}^+} f \in \mathbb{R}^+$$ ...
IBPsilly's user avatar
24 votes
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A problem on Gauss--Bonnet formula

While teaching a course in differential geometry, I came up with the following problem, which I think is cool. Assume $\gamma$ is a closed geodesic on a sphere $\Sigma$ with positive Gauss curvature. ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
7 votes
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Algebras for the codensity monad

Given a functor $j : A \to B$, when this extension exists we call $T_j = Ran_jj$ the codensity monad of $j$. I was wondering if there's a general rule to guess the shape of $Alg(T_j)$ given $j$.
fosco's user avatar
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15 votes
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Does a complex Fano manifold have simplicial Mori cone when all extremal contractions are fiber type?

Let $X$ be a complex Fano manifold such that each extremal ray of $\overline{\text{NE}(X)}_{\mathbb{R}}$ is generated by a primitive class in $H_2(X;\mathbb{Z})$ of a free rational curve. Thus, the ...
Jason Starr's user avatar
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4 votes
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Distance between primes that are quadratic residues modulo an other prime

Question: Is there an infinite sequence of primes $\{q_i\}_{i=1}^{\infty}$ that is not too sparse ( $q_n =O(poly(n))$ for a fixed polynomial) for which it is true that for every $k$ there is an $N(k)$ ...
Daniel Soltész's user avatar
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Is there a transient graph whose spectral dimension two?

Let $G = (V(G), E(G))$ be an infinite connected simple graph. Let $((S_n)_n, (P^x)_{x \in V(G)})$ be the simple random walk on $G$. Let $p_n (x,y) = P^x (S_n = y)$. A spectral dimension of $G$ is ...
Kazuki OKAMURA's user avatar
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Deformations of nilpotent parts of superalgebras

I have two questions concerning some results in the article "Deformations of nilpotent parts of superalgebras" of N. van den Hijligenberg, J.Math.Phys. 35, 1427 (1994); doi:10.1063/1.530598 After ...
Sleipnir's user avatar
6 votes
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Is the underlying vector space of the minimal model of an $A_{\infty}$-algebra canonical?

On the page 4 of these notes it is stated that an $A_{\infty}$-algebra $A$ is necessarily is quasi-isomorphic to an $A_{\infty}$-algebra $HA$ with trivial differential. Moreover, $HA$ is unique up to ...
man's user avatar
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If $X$ has the fixed point property, what about $\text{Cont}(X,X)$?

If $(X,\tau)$ is a topological space, we denote by $\text{Cont}(X,X)$ the collection of all continous functions $f:X\to X$. We say that $(X,\tau)$ has the fixed point property if for any $f\in\text{...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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How much can a map $R^n\to R^n$, $R$ a DVR, increase the valuation?

Let $R$ be a DVR, and $f:R^n\to R^n$ a map. Suppose $f(r_1,\dots,r_n)=(s_1,\dots,s_n)$, and write $d=\min(v(s_1),\dots,v(s_n))$, where $v$ is the valuation on $R$. Knowing $d$, what is the best bound ...
user2520938's user avatar
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action of Weyl group element on Weyl vector

Let $\mathfrak g = \mathfrak g_0 \oplus \mathfrak g_1$ be a basic classical Lie super algebra and let $\rho = \text{half sum of even positive roots} - \text{half sum of odd positive roots}$ be the ...
GA316's user avatar
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5 votes
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Interpolation of some Lebesgue spaces

When dealing with time-dependent PDEs, one often obtain that some quantity $E(t,x)$ belongs to a Lebesgue space $L^p_t(L^q_y)$, which means that $$\int_0^{+\infty}\|E(t,\cdot)\|_{L^q(\mathbb{R}^n)}^p ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Bounds for the size of arrays with distinct subarray sums

Consider an array $A$ of length $n$ with $A_i \in \{1,\dots,s\}$ for some $s\geq 1$. For example take $s = 6$, $n = 5$ and $A = (2, 5, 6, 3, 1)$. Let us define $g(A)$ as the collection of sums of all ...
Simd's user avatar
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Cell structures of simply-connected 5-manifolds (classified by Barden's 1965 paper)

In Barden's 1965 paper: Simply-connected five manifolds, Barden gave a complete list of diffeomorphism classes of simply-connected 5-manifolds: $$X_{j,k_1,\dots,k_n}=X_j\#M_{k_1}\#\cdots\#M_{k_n}$$ ...
Borromean's user avatar
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Singular strong generator

Let $V$ be a model of $\mathrm{ZFC}$ and let $j\colon V \to M$ be an elementary embedding with a critical point $\kappa$ ($M$ is transitive). A strong generator of $j$ is an ordinal $\zeta \geq \kappa$...
Yair Hayut's user avatar
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3 votes
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Every group of totally disconnected type is locally profinite?

Let $G$ be a Hausdorff topological group in which every point has a neighborhood basis of open compact neighborhoods. Let's call this a group of totally disconnected (td)-type. On the other hand, we ...
D_S's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does the Banach space $( \ell ^2 \oplus \ell ^2 )$ have F.P.P?

The space $( \ell^2 ,\lVert \cdot \rVert _2 )$ is a Hilbert space. The space $X=(\ell^2 \oplus \ell^2 , \lVert \cdot \rVert_\infty )$ is a Banach space. Does X have fixed point property? (For any ...
Darman's user avatar
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Extension of holomorphic function on family of relatively compact strictly pseudoconvex domains

Let $Y \to M$ be a (proper and locally trivial) family of relatively compact strictly pseudoconvex domains which are smooth (not neccesarily Stein spaces). So $Y$ and $M$ are a complex manifold and ...
user131261's user avatar
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If $f \in \operatorname{c-Ind}_Q^P \sigma$, then $f|_N$ is compactly supported modulo $Q \cap N$?

There is a claim in a proof in Casselman's notes on representation theory which I have not been able to verify. I have asked several people and nobody knows why it is true. The thing I can't figure ...
D_S's user avatar
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Does every index $p$ subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z}_p)$ contain $\Gamma(p)$?

Does every index $p$ subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z}_p)$ contain the principal congruence subgroup $\Gamma(p)$? Equivalently, must it be the preimage of an index $p$ subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z}/p\...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
10 votes
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Given any finite relation $R$ what is the cardinality of $\langle R\rangle=\{\underbrace{R\circ R\cdots \circ R}_{n\text{ times}}:n\in\mathbb{N}\}$?

Given any finite relation $R$ if we let $\circ$ denote relation composition and define $R^n=\underbrace{R\circ R\cdots \circ R}_{n\text{ times}}$ then does there exist an explicit formula for the ...
Ethan Splaver's user avatar
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Exponential decay of resolvent kernel

For the integral kernel of the Laplacian $\Delta$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$, consider the resolvent $R(\lambda) := (\lambda - \Delta)^{-1}$ and let $R(\lambda; x, y)$ be its kernel, which is a smooth function ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Semi-primes represented by quadratic polynomials

According to Lemke-Oliver, irreducible quadratic polynomials $G$ with positive leading coefficient and $\rho(2)<2$, (where $\rho(m)$ denotes the number of incongruent solutions to the congruence $G(...
Delmastro's user avatar
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A variation on Dixmier's counterexample concerning centralizers in $A_1$

This question asks the following: "Suppose $k$ is a field of characteristic zero and $P$ and $Q$ are commuting elements of the first Weyl algebra. Is it true that $P$ and $Q$ are polynomials in some ...
user237522's user avatar
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Interpretation of deformation of complex structure

Let $X$ be a smooth complex analytic space and let $D$ be the unit disk in $\mathbb{C}$. Let $\omega:Y \to D$ be a deformation of complex structures of $X$ in the sense that (1) $\omega^{-1}(0) \simeq ...
John's user avatar
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Polarization of the Jacobian in Torelli's theorem

I'm studying an example in book Yuji Shimizu and Kenji Ueno. Advances in Moduli Theory. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 206, that shows the importance of isomorphism as principally ...
Manoel's user avatar
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A proof of recontruction of Sacks generic filter from it's Sacks real (M[G] = M[f])

Given the Sacks forcing $ (\mathbb{S} = \{T \subset 2^{<\omega} : T \text{ is perfect}\},\subset) $ and $G$ generic over M, we have $f = \bigcup \bigcap G = \bigcup_{T \in G}stem(G) $ a path ...
Gustavo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Locally presentable categories

Under category Let $C$ be a locally presentable category, and let $c$ be an object of $C$. Lets denote by $C^{/c}$ the under category, objects are maps $c\rightarrow x$ and morphisms are the evident ...
Let's user avatar
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Construction of Feller's pseudo-poisson process

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ be a probability space $(E,\mathcal E)$ be a measurable space $(Y_n)_{n\in\mathbb N_0}$ be a $(E,\mathcal E)$-valued time-homogeneous Markov chain on $(\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Orthonormal vector fields on a Riemannian manifold

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold. We equip the tangent bundle $TM$ with the Sasaki metric $g_s$. Assume that $X: M \to TM$ is a vector field on $M$. We say that $X$ is an orthonormal vector field ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Localization of a model category with respect to a class of maps

I am little bit lost with the following (standard?) problem in model categories. Suppose we have a Quillen adjunction between combinatorial model categories: $$L:M\leftrightarrow N: R $$ and let $(...
ABC's user avatar
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Spin groups in terms of matrices and/or linear operators

Thus far, the books and articles I have read dealing with spin groups $\mathbf{Spin}(n)$ and $\mathbf{Spin}(p,q)$ consider them only in terms of either Clifford algebras or topologically as the double ...
Libertron's user avatar
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9 votes
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Determinant of a block matrix with many $-1$'s

For an array $(n_1,...,n_k)$ of non-negative integers and non-zero reals $a_1,...,a_k$, define a block matrix $M$ of size $n=n_1+\cdots+n_k$ as follows: The main diagonal has blocks of sizes $n_i$ and ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Iwasawa Theoretic Interest in a certain type of result

This question is probably going to sound vague (since it does to me) and I wish I could make it more precise, but here goes. For $p\in \{107, 139, 271,379\}$ Ohtani and Blondeau (in separate papers) ...
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Is the Mandelbrot set weakly self-similar?

A subset $F$ of an Euclidean space $E$ will be called weakly self-similar if for all $x \in F$ there is $\epsilon_x>0$ such that for all positive $\epsilon \le \epsilon_x$ there are $y \in F$, $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Cobordism of an annulus with a non-vanishing vector field

Let $M$ be a compact three-dimensional manifold with corners, which is a cobordism of the two-dimensional annulus. In particular, the codimension one boundary of $M$ consists of two copies of the ...
Anon's user avatar
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