Questions tagged [teichmuller-theory]

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Calculation of dimension of holomorphic quadratic differentials as in Gardiners book

In Frederick Gardiner's book Teichmuller Theory and Quadratic Differentials, P.27-28, Chapter 1 ) that dimension of $dim_RQD(X) = 6g-6+3m+2n $ ( by using Riemann-Roch theorem ). Now for open annulus $...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Teichmuller space and almost complex structures

Let $\Sigma$ be a closed orientable surface of genus $g$. It is well known that every almost complex structure on a surface is induced by a complex atlas. Therefore, if we call $\mathcal{J}(\Sigma)$ ...
Joaquin Lema's user avatar
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Harmonic maps versus Teichmuller maps between Riemann surfaces

Let $(X,\phi)$ be an element of Teichmuller space $\cal T_g$ and $q$ a (holomorphic) quadratic differential on $X$. Teichmuller geodesic flow gives a family of marked Riemann surfaces $(Y_t,\psi_t) = \...
Chris Z's user avatar
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Holomorphic maps on moduli space and Deformation theory

Let $\mathcal{M},\mathcal{F}$ be the classifiying spaces (i.e. complex manifolds) of two (possibly) different moduli problem. To give a map $$f:\mathcal{M}\rightarrow \mathcal{F}$$ means that for each ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Isomorphism between two families of curves over the Teichmueller space

In his construction of the Teichmueller space of curves of genus $\geq 2$ Grothendieck states in Corollaire 2.4 that the map $$\underline{Isom}_S(X,Y) \xrightarrow{} S$$ is finite. The map represents ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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Counting simple closed curves

I'm currently trying to understand how to count simple closed curves. I've been reading Alex Wright's survey ( However, I don't feel like I'm getting the big ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Bers' simultaneous uniformization

I have been trying to understand Bers' famous paper "Simultaneous Uniformization". Regarding this paper I have a few questions. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Let $S$ and $S^{'}$ be two ...
P.S's user avatar
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Teichmueller disk and the $\mathrm{SL}_2\mathbb{R}$ action

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a Riemann surface of genus $g$ with holomorphic 1-form $\omega$ (or equivalently a translation structure). Let $\Omega\mathcal{T}_g$ be the space of holomorphic 1-forms over genus $...
Alex's user avatar
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Kra's theorem of Pseudo-Anosov maps

Let $S$ be a surface of negative Euler characteristic. Consider the Birman exact sequence: $$1\xrightarrow{ }\pi_1(S,p)\xrightarrow{P} Mod(S,p)\xrightarrow{ }Mod(S)\xrightarrow{ }1$$ In his paper ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Does uniform convergence of (Riemannian) distances implies convergence of conformal structures?

I don't know much about the Teichmüller space, so maybe the question I ask is well known; still I can not find the answer by myself... Let $\Sigma$ be a closed surface. Let $g_m$ be a sequence of (...
Clem.'s user avatar
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Does normalized Ricci flow on surfaces yield a bundle?

As is well known, the normalized Ricci flow is defined for all $t>0$ on compact surfaces, and every metric on a compact surfaces converges to a metric constant curvature if $X \neq S^2$ (at least I ...
Malte's user avatar
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Hyperbolic Metric on a Riemann Surface

From uniformization theorem, it is known that every conformal class of metrics on a genus-$g$ Riemann surface with $n$ punctures such that $2g+n\ge 3$ contains a unique hyperbolic metric. The ...
QGravity's user avatar
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Learning roadmap for Lorentzian geometry

I am asked the question in MSE, but did not get an answer. I hope that this question is appropriate for MOF. I am interested in Hyperbolic Geometry and its significance in low dimensional geometry (...
user2022's user avatar
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Moduli, Teichmüller spaces and mapping class group of a sphere with four punctures

In the complex analytic setting, it is easy to see that the moduli space of a sphere with four punctures is $\mathcal{M}=\mathbb{CP}^1 / { 0,1,\infty }$, since I can use a Moebius transformation to ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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Non-lattice Veech groups

I was thinking of Veech surfaces, which are translation surfaces whose stabilizer under the $\mathrm{Sl}_2(\mathbb{R})$ action is a lattice in $\mathrm{Sl}_2(\mathbb{R})$. They seem to have been ...
Selim G's user avatar
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Elementary question about Isotopy (in the definition of a Teichmuller space)

Disclaimer - I don't have much experience in topology/complex geometry, so I apologize if what I'm asking is too elementary for this site. Let $S$ be some orientable surface obtained by removing ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Number of curves in an admissible system of Jordan curves on a surface

Consider a compact Riemann surface of genus $g\geq2$. An admissible system of Jordan curves is a finite collection of Jordan curves $\{\gamma_1,\cdots,\gamma_n\}$ such that they are nonintersecting ...
trisct's user avatar
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Are isotopic transversal curves on a foliated surface transversally isotopic?

Let $F$ be an orientable surface (possibly with boundary) with a foliation $\cal F$ with $k$-prong saddle singularities only for $k\geq 3,$ (as in figure borrowed from Farb-Margalit book). Suppose ...
Adam's user avatar
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Decomposition of hyperbolic surfaces near cusps into annuli

Let $C=\mathbb{H}/\Gamma$ be a hyperbolic surface and $c$ a cusp of this sruface. In the paper "Billiards and Teichmüller curves on Hilbert modular surfaces" by C. McMullen, it is claimed that near ...
Darius Math's user avatar
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Euclidean surfaces with conical singularities and cusped hyperbolic surfaces

Let $S$ be a compact orientable surface endowed with a singular euclidean metric $g$, with $n$ conical singularities $x_1,\ldots,x_n$. Construction 1: it is well-known that the conformal class $[g]$ ...
Elbabak's user avatar
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continuity of length function $l: T(X) \times MF \to \mathbb R$

Let $T(X)$ be the Teichmuller space of a closed Riemann surface $X$ of genus $g \geq 2,$ and $MF$ the space of equivalence classes of measured foliations. Then we have a length function $l: T(X) \...
silktomath's user avatar
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Strata of quadratic differentials from rational billiards

Given a quadratic differential $q$ on a surface of genus $g$, we say that $q\in \mathcal Q(k_1,\ldots,k_n)$ if $q$ has $n$ distinct zeroes of order $k_1,\ldots,k_n$ respectively. The set $\mathcal Q(...
Alex Becker's user avatar
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Representation theory and topology of Teichmüller space

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}\DeclareMathOperator\char{char}$I am reading a note on Teichmüller space, and I come across a somewhat algebraic problem in the picture below,...
Kenny S's user avatar
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Reference request for quantum Teichmuller space

I would like to ask for some detailed reference for quantum Teichmuller theory, better in a mathematical taste. I read a little bit on Kashaev's or Chekhov and Fock's, but find that I need to fill ...
Peter Liu's user avatar
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Basic Questions about Teichmuller's theorem/quadratic differentials

I have some basic questions about Teichmuller's theorem, since I am a beginner, my questions might be very basic. If you can give some hints/answers or cite some references to study from, I will ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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The boundary regularity of a Teichmüller domain

By a Teichmüller domain, I mean the Bers embedding of a Teichmüller space (of a compact oriented surface of finite type) in a complex space. It is known that the boundary of a Teichmüller domain is ...
Mahdi Teymuri Garakani's user avatar
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Fenchel–Nielsen coordinates vs Fock–Goncharov coordinates

Consider an orientable surface $S$ and its Teichmüller space $S$, which is the space of representations of its fundamental group $T(S)=\{\rho: \pi_1(S) \to \operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})\}$. Fock and ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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Behavior of the period map at the boundary of the Teichmuller space

Fix a compact oriented surface $S$ of genus $g$. Any complex structure $J$ on $S$ gives by the Hodge decomposition a linear complex structure $J'$ on $H_1(S,\mathbb{R})$. The map $J\mapsto J'$ is a ...
Julien Marché's user avatar
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Non commutative Teichmuller theory

Perhaps the first example in Teichmuller theory is the following proposition: Proposition: Let $1<r<R$. Then two annular region $U_r=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\bigm|1<|z|<r\}$ and $U_R=\{z\in \...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Clarifications about a proof of (the measurable Riemann) mapping theorem in Hubbard's book on Teichmuller theory,

On page 151 of Hubbard's book, the author is proving the following theorem( Prop.4.6.2 ): Suppose $\mu$ is a real analytic function on a domain $U$ of $\mathbb{C}$. Then every $z \in U$ has a ...
CuriousTiger's user avatar
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Relating different parametrizations of moduli space of Riemann surfaces

I would like to understand, as explicitly as possible, how different coordinates on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces are related: On the one hand, there is a parametrization coming from hyperbolic ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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How does one prove that the Teichmuller space of a closed Riemann surface of genus $\geq2$ is uniquely geodesic?

I am reading Masur's paper On a class of geodesic in Teichmuller space. He mentions that $T(S_0)$ where $S_0$ is a closed Riemann surface $g\geq2$ is straight, i.e. uniquely geodesic. It seems a well-...
trisct's user avatar
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Modulus of image of a curve family in a rectangle

I don't expect to get a positive answer to this question but I may as well try. Let $R$ be the rectangle in $\mathbb{C}$ given by $\{z=x+iy: 0\leq x \leq l, 0 \leq y \leq h\}$ for some $l,h>0$. ...
user470881's user avatar
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Extremal metric for image of a curve family

Let $U\subset \mathbb{C}$ be a domain and $\Gamma$ some family of curves in $U$ with $\textrm{mod}(\Gamma)<\infty$ and such that $\rho$ is an extremal metric for the modulus. Suppose we are given a ...
user470881's user avatar
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Ending lamination theorem

Let $M$ a compact manifold with surfaces $S_1,...,S_p$ as boundaries. Let us suppose that $M$ admits a complete hyperbolic structure. Then, from the ending lamination theorem, given either laminations ...
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Degenerate Beltrami equation and inverse

The Beltrami equation $f_{\bar{z}}=\mu(z)f_{z}$ is degenerate when $\left \| \mu \right \|_{\infty}=1$. For these equations, Lehto and David among others have given conditions for existence. The Lehto ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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About the boundary of a fibered cone of a 3-manifold

Let $S$ be a closed surface, $\psi$ a pseudo-Anosov map, $M$ be the mapping torus, $\tilde{S}$ be a $\mathbb{Z}$-fold cover of $S$ using an invariant cohomology class. Let $D$ be a fundamental domain, ...
xdyj's user avatar
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Weil-Petersson norm of a Beltrami form

I'm reading Scott Wolpert's paper Noncompleteness of the Weil-Petersson metric for Teichmüller Space. He defines a path leading to the boundary of Teichmüller Space by giving surfaces $R_t$ ...
Patrick Haggerty's user avatar
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Geometric intersection number for product of elements of the fundamental group

Let $F$ be a hyperbolic surface and $p\in F$ be a point. Consider $\pi_1(F,p)$, the fundamental group of $F$ with base point $p$. Let $x,y\in \pi_1(F,p)$ and $z$ be a simple closed curve in $F$ such ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Uniform continuity of length function on geodesic currents

I'm starting to study geodesic currents and I have a question concerning uniform continuity. Let's take $S$ a closed surface of genus $g$ and $GC(S)$ the space of geodesic currents on $S$ (as it is ...
user3419's user avatar
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$\mathbb{CP}^1$-structures and hyperbolic Gauss maps

Let $\Sigma$ be a closed surface of genus at least $2$. Put a quasi-Fuchsian $\mathbb{CP}^1$-structure (i.e. complex projective structure) on $\Sigma$. Thus the universal cover $\tilde{\Sigma}$ is ...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Boundary regularity of the solution to the Beltrami equation

Hello, this question might sound a little vague, but I still dare to state , and I am basically requesting for some reference: Let us consider the orientation-preserving homeomorphic solutions $f: D \...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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How to rigorously prove that simple closed curves on a surface are primitive closed curves ?

Let me first state the definitions : A not-nullhomotopic closed curve / loop $c$ on an orientable surface $X,c:[0,1]\to X$ is called simple closed curve is $c|[0,1)$ is injective and [ $c(0)=c(1) ] ;...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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How to prove/disprove that quasiconformal maps send measure-zero sets to measure-zero sets

$Qn#1 $ : Let $f:U\to V$ be a $K$ quasiconformal homeomorphism ( NOT diffeomorphism ) of plane open subsets of $C$. By my definition of quasiconformality, I mean 1)$f$ is continuous, 2)the weak ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Complex structure on a punctured torus giving a complex structure on the torus?

Can anyone provide an idea of the proof or a reference of the fact that a complex structure on the once punctured torus extends to one on the torus? In other words, the Teichmuller space of the ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Homotopy classes of homeomorphism vs. Homotopy classes of a biholomorphism

This is a more detailed question about my first question Representation theory and topology of Teichmüller space, I asked there how to understand: $$T_{g}\hookrightarrow Hom(\pi_{1}({S}),PSL_{2}(\...
Kenny S's user avatar
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What is the Teichmuller metric on the Teichmuller space of a closed surface of genus 1?

Howard Masur's research asserts that if $S_g$ is a closed surface of genus $g\geq2$, then the Teichmuller space $T(S_g)$ does not have nonpositive curvature. His proof relies on the existence of ...
trisct's user avatar
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Confusion about Teichmüller curves and $\operatorname{SL}_2$-action

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $M_g$ be the moduli space of curves, $\Omega M_g$ the total space of the bundle of holomorphic 1-forms and $\pi: \Omega M_g\to M_g$ the natural projection. On $\Omega ...
Angy's user avatar
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About a definition of quasi-conformal maps

A book I'm reading gives the following definition for quasi-conformal maps: If $f$ is a homeomorphism of a metric space X to itself, $f$ is K-quasi-conformal if and only if for all $z \in X$: $...
Boyu Zhang's user avatar
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Length of a simple closed curve under Pseudo-Anosov maps

Let $S$ be a fixed hyperbolic surface with genus $g$ and $n$ punctures. Given any pseudo-Anosov map $f$ on $S$ (with stretch factor $\lambda$) with stable and unstable measured foliations $\mu^s$ and $...
Cusp's user avatar
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