Questions tagged [surreal-analysis]

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26 votes
3 answers

Surreal numbers vs. non-standard analysis

What is the relationship between the surreal numbers and non-standard analysis? In particular, is there a transfer principle for surreal numbers they way there is for NSA? A specific situation in ...
James Propp's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Interpreting Conway's remark about using the surreals for non-standard analysis

In Conway's "On Numbers And Games," page 44, he writes: NON-STANDARD ANALYSIS We can of course use the Field of all numbers, or rather various small subfields of it, as a vehicle for the ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Can you build the surreal numbers as a simple direct limit of ordered fields?

The surreal numbers are sometimes called the "universally embedding" ordered field, in that every ordered field embeds into them. What "universally embedding" means seems to be ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Theory of C* algebras over other fields than the complex numbers

How much of the theory of C*-algebras holds when the complex numbers are replaced by different (algebraically closed) field (possibly with a distinguished ordered subfield that satisfies the same ...
Nate Ackerman's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Pontryagin dual of the surreal numbers?

Has any work been done on the Pontryagin dual of the surreal numbers (suitably topologized)? I have not been able to find anything and am not sure if this is still unknown. Alternatively, has this ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar