Questions tagged [sp.spectral-theory]

Schrodinger operators, operators on manifolds, general differential operators, numerical studies, integral operators, discrete models, resonances, non-self-adjoint operators, random operators/matrices

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spectral sections - explicit construction

Melrose and Piazza defined the concept of "spectral sections" (see Journal of Differential Geometry, 45 (1997), p.99-180). I am now looking for nontrivial examples and methods to explicitely ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the Hodge-Laplace for 2-forms on $S^3$

Consider the Laplace operator $\Delta = d^{*} d + d d^{*}$ on $\Omega^2(S^3)$. What is the minimal eigenvalue of $\Delta$? (My computations showed that the answer is 4; the eigenforms correspond to ...
Swino's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of Schrödinger operator with Robin condition on the boundary

Let $(M^2,g)$ be a compact Riemannian surface with boundary and let $L = \Delta_g + q$ be a Schrödinger operator, where $\Delta_g = -\operatorname{div} \nabla$ is the Laplacian with respect to the ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Spectrum of large Hilbert matrices

Let $x_k>0$ be a increasing sequence of real numbers, such that $$\sum_0^\infty\frac1{x_k}<+\infty.$$ Let us form the (infinite) Hilbert matrix $A\in{\bf Sym}({\mathbb N};{\mathbb R})$ with $$a_{...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Spectral problems with the wrong sign on the Poincaré disk

Let $\mathbb{D}$ denote the open unit disk in $\mathbb{C}$ equipped with the Poincaré metric $g$ of negative scalar curvature $-1$. Denote by $\Delta_g = \mathrm{Tr}_g(\nabla^g d) = - d^{\ast_g} d$ ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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Roots of smoothing operators

Suppose that $(M,g)$ is a smooth, compact Riemann manifold and $K:M\times M\to\mathbb{R}$ is a smooth, symmetric nonnegative function. We regard is as the Schwartz kernel of a smoothing operator. In ...
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
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Hodge theory in higher eigen-spaces?

Hodge theory for elliptic complexes $E$ identifies the space of harmonic sections with cohomology $$\mathcal{H}(E) \simeq H(E).$$ A classical example with differential forms ($E = (\Omega,d)$) ...
Student's user avatar
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On the convergence of the spectral decomposition of a harmonic function

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n\geq 2$ with a smooth boundary. Denote by $0<\lambda_1\leq \lambda_2\leq\ldots$ the Dirichlet eigenvalues of $-\Delta_g$ on $(M,g)$...
Ali's user avatar
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Minimal eigenvalue of infinite dimensional matrix

Consider the following symmetric, positive-definite matrix $$ H_{nm}=-\frac{(4 m+4 n+1)}{(4 m-4 n-1) (4 m-4 n+1)}\sqrt{\frac{(4 m-1)!! (4 n-1)!!}{(4 m)!! (4 n)!!}} $$ where $n,m=0,1,2\dots$ (Here $!!$ ...
AccidentalFourierTransform's user avatar
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Products of eigenfunctions on compact Riemann surfaces

Let $M$ be a compact Riemann surface with genus $g\geq 2$, endowed with the Riemannian metric with constant sectional curvature $-1$. Let $f_1, f_2$ be two (global) eigenfunctions for the Laplace-...
clvolkov's user avatar
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Fourier transform without characters (Eigenfunctions of an operator)

Let's consider a very simple problem in quantum mechanics: We have, in $\mathbb R,$ a potential barrier of the form $$ V(x) = V_0 \mathbf 1_{[-a,a]}(x), $$ where $\mathbf 1_{[-a,a]}$ denotes the ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of Laplacian and eigenvalues of curvature operator

Let $(M^n,g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold (without boundary). The symmetries of the curvature $R$ of (the Levi-Civita connection associated to) $g$ allow one to realise $R$ as a self-adjoint (...
GradStudent's user avatar
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Sobolev spaces and spectral theorem

Consider a generalised harmonic oscillator of the form $$ A(x,D_x) = \langle x \rangle (1-\Delta_x)\langle x \rangle, \quad x \in \mathbb{R}^n, $$ where $\langle x \rangle = (1+|x|^2)^{1/2}.$ The ...
Rahul Raju Pattar's user avatar
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Can the existence of geodesics be deduced from properties of the Laplacian?

As I understand it, the semiclassical trace formula in particular relates lengths of geodesics to eigenvalues of the Laplacian. Is it possible to prove that every compact Riemannian manifold has a ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Learning from eigenvalues of Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator

Do eigenvalues of the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator determine the underlying measure up to translation, reflection and rotation? Details: Suppose we have a measure $\mu$ on a Euclidean space $X=\...
Uzu Lim's user avatar
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Spectrum of Laplace-Beltrami with piecewise constant coefficients

By the Laplace-Beltrami with piecewise constant coefficients I means the operator $-div (f\, \nabla .)$ in the 2-sphere. Where $f$ is a piecewise constant function that takes two values $1$ and $a>...
rihani's user avatar
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What is known about the density of states for the Anderson Model?

The Anderson Model is given by the random Hamiltonian (as an operator on $l^2(\mathbb{Z}^d)$) $$ H_\omega = - \triangle + V(\omega) $$ where $V(\omega) \mid x \rangle = \omega(x) \mid x \rangle$ ...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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What's the essential definition of resonance of Schrodinger operator?

Rencently, I am reading some articles about time decay estimates or Strichartz estimates for Schrodinger equations with potential. When considering Strichartz estimates for potential $V$ with decay $|...
Tao's user avatar
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Schrodinger operator with magnetic field: eigenvalues

Consider the self-adjoint operator on $L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{N})$, $$H=-\frac{1}{2}(\nabla-iA)^{2}+V,$$ where $A\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N}, \mathbb{R}^{N} )$, $V\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N})$, $V\...
user152385's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and spectrum of the adjoint

In a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, the eigenvalues of the adjoint $A^*$ of an operator $A$ are the complex conjugates of the eigenvalues of $A$. But in infinite dimensions this need no longer be ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Tight bound on spectral gap of compact homogeneous manifold?

This paper by Peter Li proves a bound on the spectral gap of the Laplacian on a compact homogeneous manifold of diameter $d$: $$ \lambda_1 \ge c/d^2, $$ where $c=\pi^2/4$. Can this bound be ...
hwlin's user avatar
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Decay of eigenfunctions for Laplacian

Consider the discrete second derivative with Dirichlet boundary conditions on $\mathbb C^n$. Its eigendecomposition is fully known: see wikipedia It seems like the largest eigenvalue $\lambda_1$ is ...
Yannis Pimalis's user avatar
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First eigenvalue of the spherical cap

Let $S$ be the round $n$-sphere of radius $R$ in Euclidean space, and let $r$ be the intrinsic distance from the north pole. Further, let $U(r)$ be the spherical cap of intrinsic radius r. (So $U(0)$ ...
Vladimir Muller's user avatar
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Characterizing the separability of the Gelfand space of a semisimple commutative Banach algebra

Problem. Is the separability of the Gelfand space of a semi-simple commutative Banach algebra $A$ equivalent to the existence of a countable family $\{\varphi_n\}_{n\in\omega}$ of multiplicative ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
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Spectral Gap of Elliptic Operator

Under what conditions on $a(x)$ and domain $D$, the spectral gap of the elliptic operator $ \nabla \cdot(a(x)\cdot \nabla)$ defined on $D$, can be controlled? The boundary condition is that the ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Does the zeta regularized Laplacian determinant measure the volume of some parameter space? How many "spanning trees" on a manifold?

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold, with Laplacian $\Delta$. If $\lambda_i$ are the nonzero eigenvalues of $\Delta$, we can define the zeta function $\zeta(s) = \Sigma \lambda_i^{-s}$. By analytic ...
Elle Najt's user avatar
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A Toeplitz variant of the Hilbert matrix

It is well-known that the Hilbert matrix $H$, i.e., the symmetric Hankel matrix with entries $$H_{m,n}=\frac{1}{m+n-1}, \quad m,n\in\mathbb{N},$$ determines a bounded operator on $\ell^{2}(\mathbb{N}...
Twi's user avatar
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Spectrum of the hypoelliptic transverse signature operator

Let $D$ be the transverse signature operator constructed by Connes and Moscovici in the paper "Local index formula in Noncommutative Geometry":this is first order hypoelliptic pseudodifferential ...
truebaran's user avatar
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p-adic analogue of self-adjoint operator

Consider the very well-known result that any Hermitian matrix over $\mathbb{C}$, say $T$, admits a decomposition $T = UDU^*$ where $U$ is unitary and $D$ is diagonal with real entries. I am looking ...
GiantTortoise1729's user avatar
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quasi-nilpotent part of a dual operator

Definitions and notation. Let $X$ be a complex Banach space and $T\in\mathcal{L}(X)$ a continuous linear operator on $X$. We define the quasi-nilpotent part of $T$ as \begin{equation*}H_0(T):=\left\{...
Ben W's user avatar
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An inequality from the "Interlacing-1" paper

This question is in reference to this paper, (or its arxiv version, For the argument to ...
InterlacingStudent's user avatar
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Determinant of quotient of unbounded operators

I have been trying to prove this for a while but failed so far. Let $A$ and $B$ are two positive, self-adjoint operators with compact resolvent on a Hilbert space $H$ defined on the same dense ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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The Bilu-Linial conjecture and Ramanujan graphs

The Bilu-Linial conjecture claims that every $d-$regular graph has a $2-$lift such that for the signing matrix has its eigenvalues between $[-2\sqrt{d-1},2\sqrt{d-1}]$ (the ``signing matrix" is the ...
user6818's user avatar
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The representation-theoretic nature of an operator resolvent

Consider parameter $s$ in definition of $R(s,A)=(s I - A)^{-1}$ where $A$ is a linear operator in a vector space $X$. When $X$ is over $\mathbb{C}$, then $s$ is thought to be a complex number. Now ...
Yauhen Radyna's user avatar
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Adjoint of sum of two operators. Kato-Rellich

Let $A$ be self-adjoint and $B$ be symmetric with $A$-bound less than $1$. By Kato-Rellich, I know that $(A+B)^*=A+B$. Could I also get something like $(A+iB)^*=A-iB$ or is there a counterexample to ...
heini's user avatar
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Solving a Fredholm equation with a piecewise kernel : Karhunen-Loeve of a stopped Brownian motion

Is there a way to solve analytically the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind $$ \int_0^{100} K(s, t) f(s) ds = \lambda f(t) $$ where the kernel has the piecewise 'linear' form \begin{align} ...
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Origin of spectral theory on infinite-area hyperbolic surfaces

The study of spectral theory of finite-area hyperbolic surfaces is intimately related to number theory, in particular by the importance of Maass cusp forms. The counting of resonances is of importance,...
Sabine Müller's user avatar
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Convolutions and Toeplitz Operators

Let be $d>0$ an integer number and consider the Cartesian product $\mathbb Z^d$ as metric space, with the distance between $x,y\in\mathbb Z^d$ given by $\|x-y\|_1=\sum_{j=0}^d|x_j-y_j|$. Let be $...
Leandro's user avatar
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Prove that $(v^Tx)^2−(u^Tx)^2\leq \sqrt{1−(u^Tv)^2}$ for any unit vectors $u, v, x$

I believe I found a complicated proof by bounding the spectral norm $||uu^T-vv^T||^2_2:=\max_{||x||=1}|(u^Tx)^2-(v^Tx)^2|$. Using the fact that $dist(x,y):=\sin|x-y|$ is a distance function over unit ...
Dan Feldman's user avatar
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Generalization of eigenvalues/vectors to modules?

What is the generalization of eigenvalues/vectors to modules? To be specific, given a "vector" v in a module over some ring, and a linear "operator" O from the module to itself (please feel free to ...
Gregory Crosswhite's user avatar
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Compact surfaces with arbitrary gaps in spectrum

Consider a sequence of positive numbers $a_n$. My question is, can we select a closed Riemann surface whose spectrum $\lambda_i$ satisfies the condition that $\lambda_{i + 1} - \lambda_i > a_i$? Of ...
anonymos's user avatar
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Is the ring of $p$-adic integers extremally disconnected?

We call a topological space $X$ extremally disconnected if the closures of its open sets remain open. Obviously, Hausdorff extremally disconnected spaces are totally disconnected in the sense that ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Dimension of spectral projection subspaces under strong convergence of operators

I have a possibly simple question regarding estimating bounds on spectral projection subspace. Let $H_n$ be a sequence of bounded self-adjoint operators on $\ell^2(\mathbb{Z}^2)$ converging in the ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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A version of the spectral theorem for group actions

Suppose $G$ is a sufficiently nice (maybe locally compact and abelian) group which acts on the separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ by unitary transformations. Is there a generalization of the ...
Jake Fillman's user avatar
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Analogue of PSD matrices for permanents?

Let's begin with a few observations. Suppose we consider the set of $N\times N$ matrices and consider the matrices with positive determinant. There are several connected components in this set; let $...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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Monotonicity of matrix conjugation

Let $A$ and $B$ be positive-definite matrices such that $A \le B.$ By matrix monotonicity of the root, this also implies that $A^{\alpha} \le B^{\alpha}$ for $\alpha \in [0,1].$ I am now curious under ...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
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Domain of spectral fractional Laplacian

Let $(M,g)$ be a complete Riemannian manifold with Laplacian $\Delta:C^{\infty}_{c}(M)\to C^{\infty}_{c}(M)$ (think of $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ if you wish). This operator is essentially self-adjoint in $L^{2}...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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The definition of simple eigenvalue

This question was posted a long time ago on the mathexchange, but I didn't get any answers there, and despite having discussed it with some colleagues, I don't think I have a definitive answer. I am ...
Mrcrg's user avatar
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Explicit eigenvalues of matrix?

Consider the matrix-valued operator $$A = \begin{pmatrix} x & -\partial_x \\ \partial_x & -x \end{pmatrix}.$$ I am wondering if one can explicitly compute the eigenfunctions of that object on ...
Sascha's user avatar
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How to prove that there are infinitely many eigenvalues below $1$ of the following differential operator?

The question from Remark (2) below Lemma 7 in Enno Lenzmann: uniqueness of ground states for the pseudorelativistic Hartree equations. Let $l \ge 1$, and consider the following operator \begin{...
Tao's user avatar
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