Questions tagged [sp.spectral-theory]

Schrodinger operators, operators on manifolds, general differential operators, numerical studies, integral operators, discrete models, resonances, non-self-adjoint operators, random operators/matrices

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2 answers

How do you solve linear systems whose solutions decay exponentially?

Consider the heat equation $$\dot{u} = \Delta u$$ with initial conditions $$u_0 = \delta(x)$$ for some point $x$ in the domain $\Omega$ of the problem. If $\Omega$ is $\mathbb{R}^n$, then this ...
TerronaBell's user avatar
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Spectrum near zero of $-\partial^2_x + V : L^2(\mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$, where $V = O(|x|^{-2 - \delta})$

Let $H = -\partial^2_x + V(x) : L^2(\mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$ be a one dimensional Schrödinger operator, where the potential $V$ is real-valued, belongs to $L^\infty(\mathbb{R})$, and, as $|x| \...
JZS's user avatar
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prove spectral equivalence bounds for inverse fractional power of matrices

The question is an extention to the answered question prove spectral equivalence bounds for fractional power of matrices. Let $A, D \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be two symmetric,positive definite and ...
Luna947's user avatar
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Existence of periodic solution to ODE

We shall consider the matrix-valued differential operator $$(L u)(x) :=u'(x) - \begin{pmatrix} 0 & \sin(2\pi x-\frac{\pi}{6})\\ - 2\sin(2\pi x+\frac{\pi}{6}) & 0 \end{pmatrix} u(x).$$ This is ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Dissipative operator on Banach spaces

An operator $A$ is called dissipative if for all $x \in D(A)$ and $\lambda >0$ $$ \left\lVert (A-\lambda)x \right\rVert \ge \lambda \left\lVert x \right\rVert.$$ On a Hilbert space this is ...
Zinkin's user avatar
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Non-asympototic version of Gelfand's formula

Let $A$ be a $n\times n$ matrix. Let $\|A\|$ be the spectral norm of $A$, and $\rho(A)$ be the spectral radius. I am wondering whether the following statement is true. There exists universal ...
Alex Wenxin Xu's user avatar
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Homogeneous linear differential equation system with simple periodical coefficient matrix

Hello, I encountered the following system of linear first-order differential equations: $y'(z)=A(z) y(z)$ where $y(z): R \rightarrow R^2$ and $A(z)=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & B Cos(\alpha z + \Phi_b) ...
elcron's user avatar
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How to diagonalize this tridiagonal difference operator with unbounded coefficients?

Problem: I have a self-adjoint operator in $\ell^2(\mathbb{Z})$ which acts as $$T g(x)=q^{-2 x -3/2} g(x+1)+(1+q) q^{-2 x-1} g(x)+q^{-2 x +1/2} g(x-1),$$ and I am looking to diagonalize it. The ...
Leonid Petrov's user avatar
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Birman-Schwinger Principle

The Birman-Schwinger principle says that if $\Delta$ is the usual Laplacian on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and we consider the operator $H=-\Delta-V$ for a positive potential $V$, then, for any $\lambda>0$, the ...
cav's user avatar
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Expected value of the spectral norm of a Wishart matrix?

Let $x_1,\dots,x_n$ be i.i.d. drawn from $N(0,I_{p\times p})$. Consider the sample covariance matrix $W(n,p)=\frac 1n \sum_{i=1}^n x_ix_i^T$, a Wishart matrix. For fixed $n,p$, what is the expected ...
Lepidopterist's user avatar
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Simplicity of eigenvalues of an elliptic operator under a symmetry assumption

A striking difference in the spectral analysis of 2nd order elliptic boundary-value problems between one and several space dimensions is the following. In one space dimension, the eigenvalues are ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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An analogue of Hilbert-Schmidt theorem for multilinear forms

Let $H$ be a (the) real separable Hilbert space. The Hilbert--Schmidt theorem says that a compact self-adjoint operator $A$ has an eigenfunction expansion. Instead of operator, we can think of a ...
zhoraster's user avatar
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Left and right eigenvectors are not orthogonal

Consider a compact operator $T$ on a Hilbert space with algebraically simple eigenvalue $\lambda$. Is it then true that left (the eigenvector of the adjoint with complex-conjugate eigenvalue) and ...
Guido Li's user avatar
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Trying to recover a proof of the spectral mapping theorem from old thesis/paper with continuous functional calculus

In my research group in functional analysis and operator theory (where we do physics and computer science as well), we saw in an old Russian combination paper/PhD thesis in our library a nice claim ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Gaps in the spectrum of Laplace-Beltrami operators

Let us consider $\mathbb S^d$ the unit Euclidean sphere of $\mathbb R^{d+1}$ and let $\Delta_{\mathbb S^d}$ be the Laplace operator on $\mathbb S^d$. We have $$ -\Delta_{\mathbb S^d}=\sum_{k\in \...
Bazin's user avatar
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Question on expansion into Neumann eigenfunctions

Let $\Omega$ be an open bounded domain with a boundary $\partial\Omega$. Consider the following Neumann eigenvalue problem for Laplacian: find $(\phi_n,\lambda_n)\in H^1(\Omega)\times \mathbb{R}$ \...
user118240's user avatar
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Commutator representation of certain smoothing operators

I have a question regarding the classical trace $\text{Tr} \colon \Psi^{-\infty}(S^1)\to \mathbb C$ on pseudodifferential operators of infinite negative order (i.e. smoothing operators), defined over ...
harlekin's user avatar
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Spectral theorem from Jordan decomposition in infinite dimensions

The finite-dimensional spectral theorem is a simple special case of the finite-dimensional Jordan decomposition. We also have various infinite-dimensional generalizations of the spectral theorem; can ...
Sridhar Ramesh's user avatar
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Uniform decay of operator norm for smooth family of operators

Let $\mathscr{H}$ be a Hilbert space and let $\mathbb{R} \to B(\mathscr{H}), r \mapsto S_r$ be a continuous (or smooth) family of operators, where $B(\mathscr{H})$ is the space of bounded operators on ...
Constantin K's user avatar
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Spectrum Cauchy-Euler operator

A Cauchy-Euler operator is an operator that leaves homogeneous polynomial of a certain degree invariant, named after the Cauchy-Euler differential equations We consider the operator $$(Lf)(x) = \...
Sascha's user avatar
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Some question about the spectral function of Laplace operator on $\mathbb{R}^n$

I am studying the paper of Seeley, R., A sharp asymptotic remainder estimate for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian in a domain of (R^3), Adv. Math. 29, 244-269 (1978). ZBL0382.35043. There are some ...
pxchg1200's user avatar
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When is rank-1 perturbation to a positive operator still positive?

Let $A : \mathcal{H} \to \mathcal{H}$ and $B : \mathcal{H} \to \mathcal{H}$ be trace-class (hence compact) Hermitian operators on a separable Hilbert space. Assume that $A$ is strictly positive and ...
Artemy's user avatar
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The exceptional eigenvalues and Weyl's law in level aspect

The Weyl law for Maass cusp forms for $SL_2(\mathbb Z)$ was obtained by Selberg firstly and has been generalized to various caces (Duistermaat-Guillemin, Lapid-Müller and others). For example, one of ...
Qinghua Pi's user avatar
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Fundamental gap for Schrödinger operator

Consider $ \Omega$ a smooth bounded domain in $ \mathbb R^N$. I am interested in the gap between the first and second eigenvalues of the operator $ -\Delta + V(x)$. Let $ \phi_1>0$ and $ \phi_2$ ...
Math604's user avatar
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"Designing" Nodal sets of Laplacians in 2 or 3 dimensional domains

The properties of nodal sets (i.e. zero level sets of eigenfunctions) for the first non-trivial eigenfunction for Laplacians have been studied extensively. My rough understanding is that one could ...
Stefan's user avatar
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The Weyl law for lengths

For what I know, this must be a standard fact, but I can't spot it in the literature I have on hands. What is the asymptotic of the geodesic lengths spectrum for the modular surface $X(1)$? (That is, ...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
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Horn's spectrum problem with random Hermitian matrices

An important problem in matrix analysis, completely solved in the early 2000's by A. Knutson & T. Tao (The honeycomb model of GLn(C) tensor products. I. Proof of the saturation conjecture. J. Amer....
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Eigenvalues vs resonances

I understand that for infinite-area hyperbolic surfaces, there are no $L^2$-eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator but there are a lot resonances. But I am confused about the notion of ...
Sabine Müller's user avatar
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What is the spectrum of the Rado graph?

Isn't this question self-explanatory? There is a lot of literature about the Rado graph $R$ in various places. This graph is also known as the "Random Graph" because a countable random graph is ...
David Richter's user avatar
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Estimating laplace-beltrami spectra for a graph surface in $R^3$

Consider a surface $\Gamma$ in $R^3$. The surface $\Gamma$ is a graph, i.e. $\Gamma = (x,y, h(x,y))$, for $x \in R^2$ and some smooth function $h$, where $h$ and all its derivatives are periodic on [...
RadonNikodym's user avatar
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Existence of a domain with simple Dirichlet eigenvalues

Let $g$ be a smooth Riemannian metric on $\mathbb R^3$ that coincides with the Euclidean metric outside a compact set $K$. Does there exist some domain $\Omega$ with smooth boundary such that $K \...
Ali's user avatar
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Mapping properties of backward and forward heat equation

In a previous question on mathoverflow, I asked about the following: Let $\Delta$ be the Laplacian on some compact interval $I$ of the real line with let's say Dirichlet boundary conditions. The ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Elliptic estimates for self-adjoint operators

Let $A$ be a symmetric matrix in $\mathbb R^n$ such that $A$ is positive definite and hence satisfies $0< \lambda \le A \le \Lambda < \infty.$ Let $T$ be a densely defined and closed operator ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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What's the full assumption for Laplacian matrix $L=BB^T=\Delta-A$?

Graph with no-selfloop, no-multi-edges, unweighted. directed For directed graph Adjacency matrix is a non-symmetric matrix $A_{in}$ considering indegree or $A_{out}$ considering outdegree. Degree ...
Nick Dong's user avatar
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Graph Fourier transform definition

I have a question about the definition of the graph Fourier transform. Let me start with definition. Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of a graph $G$ with vertex set $V = \{1, 2, \dots, n\}$. The ...
Hanna Gábor's user avatar
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Distribution of eigenvectors and eigenvalues for random, symmetric matrix

Consider two simple, undirected graphs with adjacency matrices ${\bf A}$ and ${\bf A'}$. Let ${\bf P} = {\bf A'} - {\bf A}$. Thus, ${\bf P}$ is symmetric and always 0 along the diagonal. Let $f({\bf ...
haz's user avatar
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Gutzwiller trace formula

I am reading A Proof of the Gutzwiller Semiclassical Trace Formula Using Coherent States Decomposition, Commmun. Math. Phys, 202, 463-480 (1990). Gutzwiller trace formula says where and $g$ is a $C^...
Qijun Tan's user avatar
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Functional equations for spectral zeta function

Functional equation in the theory of zeta functions is one of the important components of this theory. I am interested to know whether the similar property, having functional equation, for the ...
Asghar Ghorbanpour's user avatar
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Has uniform ellipticity implications on the spectrum?

Let $X$ be a complete Riemann surface with a smooth metric, and $L$ a line bundle on it also equipped with a smooth metric; associated to this data there is a Laplace-Beltrami operator $D_L$ acting on ...
Giovanni De Gaetano's user avatar
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Asymptotic behavior of Schrödinger operators

I am currently dealing with $1$ or at most $2$-dimensional Schrödinger operators on compact domains. A classical result of spectral theory is the Weyl approximations for this operator $H = -\Delta +V$....
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Is the Sobolev space $H^1(\mathbb{R})$ contained in the domain of $(-\partial_x \alpha(x) \partial_x)^{1/2}$?

Let $\alpha(x) : \mathbb{R} \to (0,\infty)$ have bounded variation (BV) and suppose $\inf_{\mathbb{R}} \alpha > 0$. Consider the second order differential operator $$H : =-\partial_x (\alpha(x) \...
JZS's user avatar
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Domain of Friedrichs extension of $-\partial^2_r + mr^{-2} : L^2(0,\infty) \to L^2(0,\infty)$

Consider the second order differential operator $$ A = -\partial^2_r + mr^{-2} : L^2(0, \infty) \to L^2(0,\infty), \qquad m \ge -\frac{1}{4}, $$ equipped with domain $C^\infty_0(0, \infty)$. Since $\|...
JZS's user avatar
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Resource on spectral theory for differential operators with symmetry groups

In Methods of Mathematical Physics IV by Reed and Simon, the authors cover Floquet theory in detail in Section XIII.16. On page 280, they note that "A part of the analysis of [the periodic ...
Yonah Borns-Weil's user avatar
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First eigenvalue of the Laplacian on the traceless-transverse 2-forms

Let $(S^3/\Gamma, g)$ be a spherical space form with constant sectional curvature $1$, where $\Gamma$ is a finite subgroup of $SO(4)$ acting freely on $S^3$. Consider the first nonzero eigenvalue ...
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Functional Calculus of closed operators

I learned that there is a holomorphic functional calculus for closed operators: If $T$ is a closed operator on a Hilbert space, and $f$ is a function that is holomorphic on some open subset $\Omega$ ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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For self-adjoint $T$ on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$, when does $(1 + |x|)^{-1} (T - i \varepsilon)^{-1}(1 + |x|)^{-1}$ have a limit as $\varepsilon \to 0$?

Let $T : L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \to L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$ be a possibly unbounded self adjoint operator. Let $R_\varepsilon$ denote the resolvent $(T - i \varepsilon)^{-1}$, $\varepsilon > 0$. Suppose that,...
JZS's user avatar
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A.C. spectrum of the non additive perturbation BAB of a self-adjoint operator A where B is strictly positive

If have the following problem: Let $A : \mathcal{H} \to \mathcal{H}$ be a bounded, self-adjoint operator on some Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. Let $B: \mathcal{H} \to \mathcal{H}$ be a bounded, ...
user1313's user avatar
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Finding the spectrum of the composition of a projection with a multiplication operator

In reading a paper on numerical quadrature I've come across a result that is proved in a manner that is very clever: Let $X \subset \mathbb{C}$ be a compact, convex set. If $U$ is a finite-...
Christopher A. Wong's user avatar
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What does $L^\infty_\varepsilon$ mean?

In Volume 4 of Reed and Simon on page 83 the authors refer to the space $(L^\infty(\mathbb{R}^3))_\varepsilon$, and later on page 119 they use $L^\\infty_\varepsilon$. Are these two spaces the same? ...
Hapless reader's user avatar
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dominant eigenvector

Hi, everyone! Is there any efficient way to simplify the following tensor product $X \otimes X + X^T \otimes X^T$, where $X$ is a square $n \times n$ matrix. My goal is to efficiently compute the ...
person's user avatar
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