Questions tagged [root-systems]

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Combinatorial identity involving the Coxeter numbers of root systems

The setup is: $R$ = irreducible (reduced) root system; $D$ = connected Dynkin diagram of $R$, with nodes numbered $1,2,...,r$; $\hat D$ = extended Dynkin diagram, nodes numbered $0,1,2,...,r$; $\...
Jeffrey Adams's user avatar
10 votes
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Gram matrix determinant in dimension 4 and $E_8$

Consider a determinant of a Gram matrix in dimension $4$. $$\begin{vmatrix} 1 & -\cos(\alpha_1) & -\cos(\alpha_2) & -\cos(\alpha_3)\\ -\cos(\alpha_1) & 1 & -\cos(\alpha_6)& -\...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
9 votes
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A characterization of root systems via their intersections with halfspaces

In a recent preprint I obtained a nice characterization of root systems as a side product. I can imagine that this was known before, and that a source for this statement can shorten the proof of my ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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A Lie-theoretic question regarding $B\ltimes \mathfrak{g}/\mathfrak{b}$

I am stuck on a seeming elementary Lie-theoretic question arising from a study of components of affine Springer fibers. Will be very grateful if somebody would like to share some insight, or ...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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Is this construction related to the geometric Langlands program perhaps?

Given a complex Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, a choice of Cartan subalgebra $\mathfrak{h}$ of $\mathfrak{g}$ and a dominant integral weight $\lambda$ of $\mathfrak{g}$, there is a natural construction ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Why are fundamental weights denoted by omega?

In my field (and many others, I believe) the absolutely standard notation for the fundamental weights of a root system is lowercase omega: $\omega$. Recently I was taken aback to receive a copyedited ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Regarding $F_4$ and $G_2$ Lie algebras, do there exist $F_n$ or $G_n$ families of Lie algebras?

For example, $E_6$ exceptional Lie algebra is part of the $E_n$ series of Lie algebras (Kac-Moody algebras). Are $F_4$ or $G_2$ maybe also parts of some $F_n$ or $G_n$ series of Lie algebras or are ...
Domagoj Hranjec's user avatar
7 votes
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Reference for an "elementary" combinatorial fact

This is a question I've been meaning to ask for quite some time. Fact. For $n\in\mathbb N$ consider the set of segments $R=\{[i,j], 1\le i<j\le n\}$. Let a subset $E\subset R$ be nice iff $E$ is ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Zero-one pairings between sets of vectors

Let $A\subseteq V$ and $B\subseteq V^\star$ be spanning sets in a finite-dimensional real vector space $V$ and its dual $V^\star$. Suppose that $$ \langle b,a\rangle\in\lbrace0,1\rbrace $$ for all $a\...
Semen Podkorytov's user avatar
6 votes
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Macdonald's "Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials" Section 1.5 Example 9

I'm trying to follow Example 9 in Section 1.5 of the 2nd edition of Macdonald's book "Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials". I have trouble with understanding some points. Before stating my ...
user262841's user avatar
6 votes
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Branching rules for type B/C/D Hall-Littlewood polynomials

For a root system $\Phi$ of rank $n$ with Weyl group $W$ and a dominant integral weight $\lambda$ consider the Hall-Littlewood polynomial $$P_\lambda(x_1,\ldots,x_n;t)=\frac1{W_\lambda(t)}\sum_{w\in W}...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Root system inside the indefinite even unimodular lattice $II_{10,2}$

I apologize for asking questions that seem likely to be answered in Conway & Sloane's "Sphere Packings, Lattices, and Groups" if I knew where to look. Let $L$ be the unique* even unimodular ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Non-crystallographic cluster algebras

Background Fomin and Zelevinsky have introduced cluster algebras in an influential article. To define a cluster algebra, Fomin and Zelevinsky have defined a mutation of seeds. Here, a seed $(\mathbf{...
Philipp Lampe's user avatar
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Lie algebras, root systems and qubits

This post is about some concepts I am experimenting with. They are related to the Atiyah problem on configurations. They kind of mix Lie algebras and qubits. Given a compact (say semisimple) Lie group ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Reference about the root systems $E_{n}$, $n \ge 10$

I am trying to understand the root systems $E_{n}$, $n \ge 10$. In particular, I would like to find some references which describe the number of real roots and imaginary roots of a given degree. ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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$q$-Kostant partition function and flow polytopes?

The Kostant partition function is known to be related to volumes and Ehrhart polynomials of flow polytopes of graphs (see e.g. or https://...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Can the Weyl orbits of fundamental weights tell us the Cartan matrix?

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a complex semisimple Lie algebra, $\Delta$ its root system contained in $\mathfrak{t}^{\vee}$ for a Cartan sub-algebra $\mathfrak{t}$ of $\mathfrak{g}$. Let $W$ be its Weyl group....
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Kostka polynomials in root systems other than A

The q, t - Kostka polynomials $K_{\lambda\mu}(q, t)$ are defined as follows (all notations I do not explain here come from the classical book by Macdonald: Symmetric Functions and Hall polynomials, ...
user avatar
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root system generalizations of Sekiguchi-Debiard (aka Laplace-Beltrami) operators

For the root system $A_n$, taking the limit $q = t^\alpha$ and $t \to 1$, and letting $Y = (t-1) X -1$ one obtains from the Macdonald operator the so-called Sekiguchi-Debiard operator: $$D_\alpha(X) =...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Schur polynomials are polynomials but also sequences on a lattice?

Monomial symmetric polynomials in $n$ variables $x_1, \ldots x_n$ form a natural basis for the space $\mathcal{S}_n$ of symmetric polynomials in $n$ variables and are defined by additive ...
Arnold Mckenzie's user avatar
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Interpretation of the coefficients in the sum of positive roots

Take a finite Cartan datum with index set $I$, simple roots $\{\alpha_i\mid i \in I\}$ and positive roots $\Phi^+$. Let $2\rho=\sum_{\alpha\in\Phi^+}\alpha$ be the sum of the positive roots and write $...
Andrew's user avatar
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Why is the $A$-series root system best written in a vector space of one dimension higher?

In the classification of root systems, we have four families $A_n,B_n,C_n$, and $D_n$, and six exceptionals $E_6,E_7,E_8, F_4$, and $G_2$. For every non-exceptional case except $A_n$, the root system ...
johhnyelgerton's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the exceptional simple Lie group E6, E7, E8

What is the significance of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the exceptional simple Lie group root lattice to the Lie group or other mathematics branches? For example, E6, we have $$ \left( \begin{...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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Stability of infinite root systems with a long path in their Coxeter diagrams

Given a Cartan matrix associated to a Coxeter diagram, I can modify it by replacing one of the edges in the diagram with a long chain of vertices connected by simply laced edges; for example, this is ...
Will Dana's user avatar
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Do these Zariski-dense subgroups of complex Chevalley group have non-empty intersection with this Bruhat cell?

Let $G$ be a complex Chevalley group (not necessarily adjoint type) with $\operatorname{\mathbb{C}-rank}\geq2$ and let $H$ be a normal subgroup of $G(\mathbb Z)$ with a finite index (so $H$ is Zariski ...
Ami's user avatar
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Is one of the hyperplane partitions of a irreducible root system always generate the whole Weyl group?

Let $\Delta$ be a irreducible root system and $\Delta^+$ be its positive roots. We say a subset $\Delta^{\prime}\subset \Delta^+$ can generate the Weyl group if reflections of roots in $\Delta^{\...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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About the geometry of the set of weights that is strongly linked to $\lambda$

Define $\eta\uparrow\lambda$ if $\eta=\lambda$ or $\eta=s_\alpha\cdot\lambda<\lambda$ for some $\alpha\in\Phi^+$. More generally, $\eta\uparrow\lambda$ if $\eta=\lambda$ or $\eta=s_{\alpha_1}s_{\...
James Cheung's user avatar
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Panyushev's conjectured duality for root poset antichains

In his 2004 paper "ad-nilpotent ideals of a Borel subalgebra: generators and duality" (, Panyushev conjectured (Conjecture 6.1) the ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Good range and fair range

Let $G$ be a noncompact simple Lie group with complexified Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. Fix a Cartan involution $\theta$, which defines a maximal compact subgroup $K$ of $G$. Take a $\theta$-stable ...
Hebe's user avatar
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Reference request for generalized root systems

Where can I find information on root systems where the inner product is other than the standard (all positive) signature?
unknown's user avatar
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$N_{w \theta} \cap wN_{\theta}w^{-1}$ is normal in $N_{w \theta}$

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over a field $k$, $A_0$ a maximal $k$-split torus, $\Phi = \Phi(A_0,G)$, and $\Delta$ a base of $\Phi$. Let $P_0$ be a minimal $k$-parabolic subgroup containing ...
D_S's user avatar
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Lusztig's definition of quantum groups

In his book Introduction to quantum groups, Lusztig gives a definition (Def 3.1.1) of the rational form $U^{\mathbb{Q}(q)}_q$ that is rather different from the usual approach (see [1,Ch.9.1] for ...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Affine Steinberg groups vs Steinberg groups over Laurent polynomials

Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $\Phi$ be a finite (also called spherical) reduced irreducible root system of rank $\geq 2$. I will denote by $\mathrm{St}(\Phi,R)$ the Steinberg group of type $\Phi$ ...
Sergey Sinchuk's user avatar
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Highest (short) roots and commutation relations in (twisted) DAHA

I am trying to understand, explicitly, the commutation relation between $X_\vartheta$ and $Y_\vartheta = T_0T_{s_\vartheta}$ in the (twisted) DAHA for a root system $R$, where $\vartheta$ is the ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Root space inner products and the partial order on roots

For a root system $R$ and a choice of positive roots $R^+$ it is a standard fact (see, e.g., Bourbaki, "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras," Theorem 1 of Section 1.3 of Chapter VI) that if $(\...
Fantas Anadolou's user avatar
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Disconnected reductive algebraic groups in Sage

All simply connected split simple groups have been implement on Sage and it is possible to find their highest roots, fundamental weights, Dynkin diagrams or compute the tensor of two of their ...
dm82424's user avatar
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How to determine sublattices S of a root lattice R

Let $R$ be a root lattice of a irreducible root system $\Phi$. Suppose $W$ is a Weyl group of $\Phi$ and $S$ is a sublattice of $R$ which is $W$-stable and satisfies $|R/S|<\infty$. For example, ...
Fuutorider's user avatar
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The group of fixed points of an involution of a Weyl group

Let $R$ be a reduced root system in a vector space $V$ over $\mathbb Q$. Let $W=W(R)$ denote its Weyl group. Let $S\subset R$ be a basis of $R$ (a system of simple roots). Let $D=D(R,S)$ denote the ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Singular del Pezzo surfaces and degeneration of root systems

Let $S$ be a smooth del Pezzo surface of degree $d$ and $K_S^*$ the anticanonical class. It is well known that the set of classes $$R(S)=\{\alpha\in H^2(S,\mathbb Z)|\alpha^2=-2,\alpha\cdot K_S^*=0\},$...
AG learner's user avatar
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Relation between root subgroups and the root system in unitary groups

Consider a 4-dimensional non-degenerate unitary space over a field of order 4. It can be shown that there are 45 isotropic lines. For each such a line one can associate a unitary transvection and each ...
Alexey Staroletov's user avatar
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Description of real roots of Kac—Moody algebra

Let $\Delta$ be a root system associated to a generalized Cartan matrix, $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n$ its simple roots. It is known that if $\Delta$ is of finite, affine or hyperbolic type, $\alpha=\...
Andrei Smolensky's user avatar
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Cohomology of root data

Let $(X,\Phi,X^\vee,\Phi^\vee)$ be a semisimple root datum (in the sense of SGAIII), and $W_0$ its (finite) Weyl group. What is known about the cohomology groups $H^n(W_0, X^\vee)$ ?
Nicolas Schmidt's user avatar
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Self-map of a set for which the sizes of fibers of iterates are given by polynomials

I am interested in functions $f\colon X\to X$ (where $X$ is some countable set) such that for every $x \in X$ there exists a polynomial $P_x$ such that $\#(f^k)^{-1}(x)=P_x(k)$ for all $k \geq 1$. ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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How large is the intersection of the root system of a subalgebra of a compact Lie algebra with the original root system?

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a finite-dimensional real compact Lie algebra and $\mathfrak{t}\subset \mathfrak{g}$ a maximal abelian subalgebra. Let $\Delta(\mathfrak{g}_\mathbb{C},\mathfrak{t}_\mathbb{C})\...
B K's user avatar
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How do I obtain Vandermonde identity from Weyl's denominator formula?

Let $\Phi$ be a root system with Weyl group $\operatorname{Weyl}(\Phi)$, let $\Phi^+$ be a set of positive roots for $\Phi$ and $\rho$ be the half sum of the elements of $\Phi^+$. Then the Weyl's ...
Stabilo's user avatar
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Synonyms for "labeling" of a graph

In Preprint 1 we write numerical labels 0 or 1 at each vertex of a Dynkin diagram $D$. We call it a labeling of the graph (Dynkin diagram) $D$. In Preprint 2 we consider an extended (affine) Dynkin ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Conjugation of faces in root systems / of parabolic subgroups having same Levi in split reductive groups

If $(V,\Phi)$ is a root system of rank $n$, one knows that its Weyl group $W$ acts simply and transitively on Weyl chambers. But in general, if $d\lt n$, the action of $W$ on faces of dimension $d$ is ...
Mgrd's user avatar
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Root system terminology

Let $\Phi$ be a root system. In a paper I'm writing, I need to work with subsets $\Phi' \subset \Phi$ satisfying the following two conditions: For all $\lambda_1,\lambda_2 \in \Phi'$ and $c_1,c_2 \...
Eric's user avatar
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The Cartan is a complex vector space but the root system is real?

Let $\frak{g}$ be a complex semisimple Lie algebra with some choice of Cartan subalgebra $\frak{h}$. The dual space $\frak{h}^* = \mathrm{Hom}_{\mathbb{C}}(\frak{h},\mathbb{C})$ is a complex vector ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Multiplicative invariants of non-reduced root systems

It is a well known fact (cf. [1] VI.3.4 Thm. 1) that if $\Phi$ is a (reduced) root system with weight lattice $P$ and $W$ is the Weyl group of this root system, then the algebra of invariant ...
G. Gallego's user avatar