Questions tagged [riemannian-geometry]

Riemannian Geometry is a subfield of Differential Geometry, which specifically studies "Riemannian Manifolds", manifolds with "Riemannian Metrics", which means that they are equipped with continuous inner products.

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Incomplete Riemannian-product manifold with group holonomy strict G2

Let $M_1=\mathbb{R}^2 \times K^4$ a Ricci-flat Riemannian-product manifold, where with $K$ I mean $k3$ kummer surface ($1$-complex dimension or $2$ real dimensions), so with $K^4$ I mean real 4-...
MathDG's user avatar
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Geometric invariants of a Riemannian manifold encoded in certain moment map

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold with isometric group $G=Iso(M,G)$. The metric gives an isomorphism between tangent and cotangent bundle of $M$. So $g$ induce a natural symplectic structure on $...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A calculation of Riemannian soliton

From the gradient Riemannian soliton, following two equations can be deduced, see Blaga, A. M. (2020). On almost Riemann solitons. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.06413. $$\nabla^2 f+\frac{1}{n-1}Ric=\frac{(...
MAS's user avatar
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Is there the longest geodesic?

Given a closed 2-surface $M$ together with a Riemannian metric $g$. We pick a free homotopy class $\gamma \in \pi_1(M)$ and consider the set $C(\gamma)$ of all closed geodesics homotopic to $\gamma$. ...
Enumerator's user avatar
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Does projective transformation preserve convexity? [closed]

Does projective transformation preserve convexity? Notice: Ignore the trivial case which projects a convex curve to a straight line.
Nan Zhang's user avatar
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Proving some identities about the time derivative of the k-th covariant derivatives of scalar curvature under normalized Ricci flow on surfaces

I'm trying to prove the following identities (under the normalized Ricci flow on surfaces, on which $\partial_t g = (r-R)g$ holds true, where $r$ denotes the average scalar curvature and has the same ...
Matheus Andrade's user avatar
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Is this family of minimal tori compact?

Let $\Sigma$ be a smooth $2$-sphere and let $M = \Sigma \times \mathbb{S}^1$. Fix an integer $n \geq 0$. Is there generic set $\mathcal{S}$ of Riemannian metrics on $\Sigma$ such that the following ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
42 votes
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What is the Levi-Civita connection trying to describe?

I have seen similar questions, but none of the answers relate to my difficulty, which I will now proceed to convey. Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifolds. The Levi-Civita connection is the unique ...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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singular metric (with essential singularity)

Working on some $Q$-curvature equation in dimension $4$, I have been faced with singular metric of the form $(\mathbb{B}, e^{-1/\vert x\vert ^2} \vert dx\vert)$. I try to figure out to what those ...
Paul's user avatar
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Space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a generic $3$-manifold

Let $M^3$ be a closed, connected and oriented smooth $3$-manifold, and fix an integer $g \geq 1$. Is it true that for a generic set of Riemannian metrics on $M$ the set of closed, connected and ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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An inequality about metric spaces

I started studying this article(《$L^2$ CURVATURE BOUNDS ON MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDED RICCI CURVATURE》) about 3 months ago: In this article, there is a seemingly simple assertion ...
gouliguo's user avatar
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Infinitely many simple closed geodesics in any compact orientable surface but the sphere

My question is the following: if $(\Sigma, g)$ is any compact orientable Riemannian surface of genus $g \geq 1$, is it true that there are infinitely many closed, simple and geometrically distinct ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Metric obstructions for area-preserving diffeomorphisms with constant singular values

Let $\mathbb{T}^2$ be the topological $2$-dimensional torus, and let $0<\sigma_1 < \sigma_2$ satisfy $\sigma_1 \sigma_2=1$. Let $g$ be an arbitrary smooth Riemannian metric on $\mathbb{T}^2$. ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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A diffeomorphism of the torus with constant singular values

Let $\mathbb{T}^2=\mathbb{S}^1 \times \mathbb{S}^1$ be the flat $2$-dimensional torus, and let $0<\sigma_1 < \sigma_2$ satisfy $\sigma_1 \sigma_2=1$. Does there exist an area-preserving ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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characterizing the singularity for a geometric flow

Suppose that $(M,g)$ is a complete Riemannian manifold and let $\Gamma_0$ be a closed hypersurface in $M$. Let $(x^n,x')$ denote the normal coordinate system on $M$ about $\Gamma_0$ with $x^n>0$ ...
Ali's user avatar
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Why trace is more natural than (preferred to) determinant for smooth map $f:M\to N$?

Cross-post from MSE. For a continuous map $f:(M,g)\to (N,h)$, between Riemannian manifolds $(M,g)$ and $(N,h)$ we can pullback $h$ by $f$. Most experts take the trace from this new tensor and work ...
C.F.G's user avatar
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Can an exterrior of a ball in Euclidean space be considered a ball itself under any proposed generalization?

If we take an n-dimensional Euclidean space and cut off a ball centered at origin, we get a set that has boundary equal to the surface area of the cut off ball. I wonder whether there were any ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Are there mistakes in Kovalev's "Twisted connected sums and special Riemannian holonomy"?

This is kind of a strange and vague question... sorry about that. I am really interested in $G_2$ Twisted Connected sums as described in this paper: "Twisted ...
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Infinitely many distinct minimal tori

Let $M = \Sigma_g \times \mathbb{S}^1$ be endowed with the product metric, where $\Sigma_g$ is a compact orientable surface of genus $g$ with an arbitrary fixed metric. Is it true that there are ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Is there a metric on Euclidean space that turns the Helmholtz equation into the Laplace equation?

Is there a Riemannian metric $\tilde g$ on $\mathbb R^d$ such that $$\tag{1} \Delta_{\tilde g}=e^f(\Delta +1),$$ for some $f\in C^\infty(\mathbb R^d)$? Here $\Delta=\partial_{x_1}^2+\ldots+\partial_{...
Giuseppe Negro's user avatar
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Flapping wings: on a question of Kapouleas

The Lawson minimal surfaces $\xi_{1,g} \subset \mathbf{S}^3$ are minimal surfaces with genus $g$. In Lawson's original construction [Law70] these were constructed from geodesic triangulations. An ...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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First order estimates of geodesic normal coordinates

Let $(M^n,g)$ be a complete Riemannian manifold with $|Rm| \le 1$. Can we find two positive constants $C$ and $\epsilon$, depending only on $n$, such that under the normal coordinates $(g_{ij})$ with ...
Totoro's user avatar
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Eigentensors for Lichnerowicz Laplacian on $\mathbb{CP}^n$

Consider the Lichnerowicz Laplacian arising in the study of the stability of Einstein metrics: $\Delta_L h_{ij} := \nabla^* \nabla h_{ij} + 2 R_{i p j q} h_{pq}$. I am interested to know, on $\mathbb {...
Thisquestionisreallyhard's user avatar
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Atiyah-Singer for Riemannian and Kaehler manifolds

I am trying to understand the proof of the Atiyah--Singer index theorem, and would like to see how it works for two "simple" examples. Could somebody direct me to a proof for the special ...
Dick Johnson's user avatar
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Discs bundles along a curve and positive curvature

If $(M,g)$ is a smooth Riemannian manifold and $c : [a,b] \to M$ is a smooth embedded simple curve on $M$, it is always possible to choose locally a Riemannian metric $g_0$ on $M$ for which $c$ is a ...
L.F. Cavenaghi's user avatar
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Bryant-Salamon $G_2$ manifold on the spinor bundle over $S^3$

I am trying to understand the spaces constructed in R. L. Bryant and S. M. Salamon, On the construction of some complete metrics with exceptional holonomy. My first problem is, essentially, about ...
F.T.'s user avatar
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the curvature wave equation

I was referred here from this question I asked on stackexchange. And now that I'm here, I see that this other question about geometric wave equations is very closely related to mine. But I have a ...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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Deriving (Gaussian) curvature bounds from bounds on the metric

I am trying to understand a bound in Christodoulou's 2008 paper on black hole formation. The paper considers a spacelike surface $S$ diffeomorphic to a sphere, with two metrics: the induced metric $\...
Chris's user avatar
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When do the lengths of simple closed curves determine a hyperbolic surface?

Consider hyperbolic metrics on $\Sigma_g$ a closed orientable surface of genus $g$. Let $[\gamma_1] , \cdots, [\gamma_n]$ be a finite collection of isotopy classes of simple closed curves on $\Sigma_g$...
Selim G's user avatar
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Induced action by an involution on spinor bundle and Dirac operator

Let $M$ be a $4n$-dimensional spin manifold with a fixed Riemannian metric $g$. Let $S$ be a spinor bundle over $M$ and fix the Riemannian connection on it. There is a decomposition $S=S^+\oplus S^-$, ...
Kafka91's user avatar
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Is $L^1$ strong convergence of Jacobians valid for maps between manifolds?

$\newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}}$ $\newcommand{\N}{\mathcal{N}}$ $\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\newcommand{\Vol}{\operatorname{Vol}}$ $\newcommand{\Det}{\operatorname{Det}}$ $\newcommand{\Volm}{\...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Elliptic equations in semi-infinite strips

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded domain in $\mathbb R^n$ with smooth boundary. Let $g=(g_{jk})_{j,k=0}^n$ be a Riemannian metric on $\mathbb R^+\times \Omega$ with smooth bounded components. Is there a good ...
Ali's user avatar
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Fibre metrics on non-linear bundles

Usually what is meant under a fibre metric is that one is given a (smooth) vector bundle $\pi:Y\rightarrow X$, and on each fibre $Y_x$ an algebraic inner product $g_x$ that varies smoothly from point ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
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Correspondence between Riemannian metrics and Euclidean embeddings

Given a sufficiently smooth manifold M, a Riemannian metric on M induces an isometric embedding into Euclidean space by Nash's theorem, (non-canonically, non-uniquely) an embedding of M into ...
NaivelyCurious's user avatar
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Complete stable minimal hypersurface in positively curved manifolds

Let $(M^n,g)$ be a complete noncompact orientable Riemannian manifold with positive sectional curvature. Can we find an orientable stable minimal hypersurface $N$ in $M$? It follows from R. Schoen's ...
Totoro's user avatar
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Mixed boundary value problems for Heat equation

This might be a very simple question, but basically I am looking for a good reference for studying the heat equation on Riemannian manifolds with boundary, specifically when data is put on lateral ...
Ali's user avatar
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Sobolev inequalities on manifolds: dependence of the constants on the Riemannian metric

Let $g$ be a smooth Riemannian metric on the 2-torus $T^2$. $g$ induces the Sobolev space $W^{2,2}_g(T^2)$ via the norm $$ \|f\|_{W^{2,2}_g}^2 = \int_M |f|^2 + g(\nabla^2 f,\nabla^2 f)\, \text{vol}_g, ...
C M's user avatar
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$1$-parameter analytic functions are almost everywhere Morse

Let $I = [t_{0}, t_{1}]$ be a closed interval with $t_{0} < t_{1}$ and let $M$ be a compact real analytic $n$-dimensional manifold without boundary. Furthermore, let $f:I \times M \rightarrow \...
Bene's user avatar
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Gradient of a function defined on a Riemannian-manifold

If I have a smooth positive scalar function $h$ defined on a 2-dimensional manifold $M$, then $h:M\rightarrow (0, \infty)$, where the metric of $M$ is $g=\frac{dx^2+dy^2}{y^2}$. $h$ must satisfy the ...
MathDG's user avatar
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Metric on $\mathbb{S}^6$ whose curvature operator has a special signature

Does there exist a metric on $\mathbb{S}^6$ whose curvature operator has signature $\left(n_+,n_-\right)=\left(6,9\right)$ everywhere?
SubGeo's user avatar
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Curvature of varieties of log general type

Let $X$ be a projective manifold and $\Delta$ a divisor with simple normal crossings. Consider $X$ as the compactification of a quasi-projective variety $X_0$ with boundary $\Delta$, i.e. $X_0 = X \...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Realizing mapping classes as isometries?

Let $\phi : M \to M$ be a diffeomorphism. Is there a metric $g$ on $M$ and a diffeomorphism $\psi$ isotopic to $\phi$ so that $\psi$ is an isometry with respect to $g$? I'm guessing the answer is no,...
user101010's user avatar
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The contractivity of the heat semigroup in $L^p$ spaces

Let $M$ be a Riemannian manifold. By functional calculus, it is immediate to show that the heat semigroup is a contraction in $L^2(M)$. I can also show that it is a contraction in any $L^p(M)$ with $p ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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The Itō isometry for Riemannian manifolds

If $\alpha$ is a real smooth $1$-form, and if $\mathcal C$ is the space of continuous functions $c : [0,1] \to \mathbb R^n$, endowed with the Wiener measure $w$, and if $I_\alpha : \mathcal C \to \...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Independent increments for the Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold

In am not a probabilist, but I must do some stochastic-flavoured work on a connected Riemannian manifold $M$. A nice thing about the Brownian motion on $\mathbb R^n$ is that we may talk about its ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Exponential map and optimization

Apologies in advance for being somewhat vague. I'm trying to get pointers to establish a connection between a common trick used in practice in optimization, and the exponential map in differential ...
Athere's user avatar
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Designer metric for a vector field

A vector field $V$ on a manifold $M$ admits an invariant metric if there exists a Riemannian metric $g$ with $L_Vg = 0$. How can one characterize the vector fields on $M$ that admit an invariant ...
Josh Burby's user avatar
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"Isoperimetric inequality" for self intersecting closed surfaces?

As the title suggests, I am trying to find something like an isoperimetric inequality for smooth immersions of the 2-sphere into $\mathbb{R}^3$ that relates the surface area to the enclosed 3d-volume. ...
sobol's user avatar
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Lifting a metric on a principal bundle with non-compact fibre

Let $\pi \colon P \to M$ be a $G$-principal bundle. If $G$ is compact, we may lift any metric $m$ on $M$ to a $G$-invariant metric $\bar{m}$ on $P$ such that $\pi_\ast\bar{m} = m$. Doing so accounts ...
Lezkus's user avatar
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Rigidity case of a geometric theorem for $3$-manifolds with boundary

Let $(M^3,g)$ be a compact Riemannian $3$-manifold with boundary. In a paper by L. Ambrozio, he considers the set $\mathcal{F}_M$ of all immersed disks in $M$ whose boundaries are curves in $\partial ...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar

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