Questions tagged [resultants]

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GPS calculations under $L^p$ norms

GPS calculations require finding a sphere externally tangent to four given spheres, an Apollonian problem in $\mathbb{R}^3$. The center of that fifth sphere is one of the $16$ possible solutions to ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
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Irreducibility of the Sylvester resultant

If $r$ and $s$ are positive integers, $R$ a commutative ring and $a_0,\dots,a_r$, $b_0,\dots,b_s$ independent variables, we can consider the polynomials $f=\sum_{i=0}^ra_iX^i$ and $g=\sum_{j=0}^sb_iX^...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
7 votes
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Resultant of two special trinomials

Consider $f(x)=x^n-x^s-1$ and $g(x)=x^i-x^j-1$ , I want to find $Resultant(f,g)$. It is well known that it is determinant of a Sylvester matrix but, I am finding it to obscure to evaluate in that way. ...
xyz's user avatar
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Discriminant of $\alpha P(u) + (z-u) P'(u)$

I'm trying to find a “closed form” of $\textrm{Discriminant}_u(f(u))$, where $f(u) := \alpha P(u) + (z-u) P'(u)$. Here $P(u)$ is a monic polynomial of degree $d > 1$ with $u\in\mathbb{C}$, $\alpha$ ...
Fll'Yissetat's user avatar
4 votes
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Division of bivariate polynomials

The following theorem (lemma 4.2.18 on page 97) is proven in thesis "Computationally efficient Error-Correcting Codes and Holographic Proofs" by Daniel Alan Spielman: Let $E(X, Y)$ be a polynomial ...
Maxim Nikitin's user avatar
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Gröbner bases of resultants and their monomial ideals

$\newcommand{QQ}{\mathbb{Q}}$ Consider the ring $R = \QQ[x, a_1,\ldots,a_m]$ for a certain integer $m$ and the homogeneous polynomial $$ f = x^{m+1} + \sum_{i=1}^m a_i^i x^{m+1 - i} $$ Now let $$ ...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
2 votes
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Resolution of singularities of the resultant locus

We consider projective space of dimension $n$ as the parameter space of degree $n$ polynomials in one variable. Then, I am interested in resolving the singularities of the "resultant locus" $...
Asvin's user avatar
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Methods for multivariate polynomial equations over large finite fields

I am trying to get a rough overview of the best methods one might use to find solutions of multivariate polynomial equations over large finite fields. We can suppose for simplicity that the given ...
sugyman's user avatar
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Intersection number of two projective curves using the resultant and tangent lines

For my thesis, I'm working on the intersection of projective plane curves over $\mathbb{C}$. We define the intersection number of projective plane curves (see for example Gibson - Elementary Geometry ...
Onnovz's user avatar
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Expression for the single common root

Let $ \mathbb{F} $ be a field, consider the polynomial ring $ \mathbb{F} \left[ x\right] $ and suppose that the polynomials $f,g \in \mathbb{F} \left[ x\right]$ have degrees $2,2^n$, respectively, ...
PalmTopTigerMO's user avatar
1 vote
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Polynomial resultants restricted to intervals

The resultant of two polynomials, $R(f,g)$, is a polynomial in the coefficients of $f$ and $g$, and has the property that $R(f,g) = 0$ if and only if $f$ and $g$ share a common root (possibly in an ...
opti's user avatar
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Solutions to a certain Birkhoff-interpolation problem

$\newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}}$ Let for $n > 1$ and $m = n-1$ $$ p = x^n + a_1 x^{n-1} + \cdots + a_m x $$ be a polynomial with $a_i \in \CC$. Call $p^{(i)}(x) = \frac{d^ip}{dx^i}(x)$. The ...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
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Final step in Coppersmith?

In the final step in Coppersmith technique we have $n$ polynomials (possibly non-homogeneous) in $\mathbb Z[x_1,\dots,x_m]$ where $m\leq n$ and using elimination theory we extract the common integer ...
Turbo's user avatar
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How to find solutions for four polynomial equations with four unknown variables using Resultant Theory

Can I use resultant theory (or polynomial resultant method) to find solutions for four simultaneous polynomial equations with four unknown variables? So far, I could only find examples which uses two ...
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