Questions tagged [operator-theory]

Spectrum, resolvent, numerical range, functional calculus, operator semigroups. Special classes of operators: compact, Fredholm, dissipative, differential, integral, pseudodifferential, etc.

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Compact non-nuclear operators

I am not sure if this question makes sense, or if it is trivial, but does there exists an infinite dimensional Banach space (necessarily without the approximation property) such that no compact, non-...
Markus's user avatar
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Help in understanding result from publication on operator theory

in my research on dilations of contractions on Hilbert spaces and manifolds I have come across this nice publication concerning the classic Sz-Nagy theorem on the Arxiv by Levy and Shalit which states ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Can the boundedness of $A^2$ imply the boundedness of $A$?

Given an operator $A \in \mathcal L(B)$, $B$ being a Banach space, I came across the following question: assume $\mathrm{dom}(A)=\mathrm{range}(A)$, $\mathrm{dom}(A)$ dense in $B$. Under which ...
CPJ's user avatar
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Projections in a W*-algebra as a continuous lattice?

A continuous lattice is a complete lattice $L$ in which every element $y$ is equal to $\bigvee${$x \in L \mid x \ll y$} where $x \ll y$ ("x approximates y" or "x is way below y") if for any directed ...
Rennela's user avatar
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Elements that commute with $1$ in the pushout of a $C^{\ast}$-algebra

Suppose $B$ and $C$ are commutative unital $C^{\ast}$-algebras with $B \subseteq C$ (unital). Let $c$ be an element of $C$ such that $c \ast 1 = 1 \ast c$ in the pushout (in the category of ...
Luiz Felipe Garcia's user avatar
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Do powers of the shift operator applied to a non-zero vector always yield a total set?

Let $S$ be the (say, left) shift operator on $\ell^2(\mathbb{Z})$. For a non-zero vector $x \in \ell^2(\mathbb{Z})$, consider the set $$X = \{ S^n v \mid n \in \mathbb{Z} \}.$$ Is this always a total ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Reference request: The resolvent is analytic in the resolvent set

I am busy reading through Taylor's paper Spectral Theory of Closed Distributive Operators. On page 192, he defines the resolvent and spectrum of $T$: Later on in the paragraph, he then proceeds by ...
user860374's user avatar
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Space of compact operators defined on separable Hilbert space

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space and consider $\mathcal{K}(X)$ the space of compact operators $K\colon X \rightarrow X$. Is it true that the space $\mathcal{K}(X)$ is separable? If yes, why? If no, ...
Marco's user avatar
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3 answers

Show that the Laplacian operator on the Heisenberg group is negative

The Heisenberg group $H^3$ is the set $\mathbb C\times \mathbb R$ endowed with the group law $$ (z,t)\cdot(w,s) =\left (z+w, \,t+s+\tfrac{1}{2}\Im m(z \bar{w})\right). $$ For $z=x+ i y \in \mathbb C$ ...
Z. Alfata's user avatar
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Is a semigroup always an exponential?

Let $H$ be a Banach space, $\mathscr{B}(H)=\{T:H\to H: \text{where $T$ is a bounded linear operator}\}$, and $S:[0,\infty)\to \mathscr{B}(H)$, a map with the following properties: $$ S(0)=I, \quad S(s+...
smyrlis's user avatar
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Backward heat equation and forward perturbed heat equation well posed?

I consider the following scenario. Let $I$ be a compact interval in space and $f$ a nice function in the space $C^{\infty}(I)$. In the following we consider a self-adjoint realization of our operators ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Existence of operator with certain properties

I am curious to know the answer to the following question: Does there exist a continuous linear operator on some Banach space $X$ such that $\Vert T \Vert=1$, and $\sigma(T)\supset \{1\}$ is isolated ...
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Iterated limits equal?

Consider the Banach algebra $B_2(H)$ of Hilbert Schmidt operators on a Hilbert space $H$ with Hilbert Schmidt norm. We know that $B_2(H)$ is a Hilbert space as well with $\left<A,B\right>=tr(B^*...
NewB's user avatar
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Quasinilpotent , non-compact operators

If $X$ is a separable Banach space and $(\epsilon_n)\downarrow 0$, can we find a quasinilpotent, non-compact operator on $X$ such that $||T^n||^{1/n}<\epsilon_n$ for all $n$? I suspect the answer ...
Markus's user avatar
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The Bochner integral about a semigroup of bounded linear operators on a Banach space

Let $T(t)$ be a semigroup of bounded linear operators on a Banach space $X$. When does the following hold $$ \int_0^t T(s)x ds = \Big(\int_0^t T(s) ds\Big)x, \quad x \in X \, , $$ where $ t \in (0,1)$?...
Y Chen's user avatar
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A matrix norm inequality II

Let $\|\cdot\|$ be the spectral norm, i.e., largest singular value. The condition number of an invertible complex matrix $X$ is defined as $\kappa(X):=\|X\|\|X^{-1}\|$. I am able to prove ...
M. Lin's user avatar
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Square root of normal positive operators over real Hilbert spaces

A bounded linear operator $A$ on a Hilbert space $H$ is called a positive operator if $\langle Ax, x\rangle \geq 0$ for all $x$ in $H$. It is known that, if $A$ is a positive operator on a Hilbert ...
mrka's user avatar
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Dilation of bounded linear operators

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, and let $A$ be a contraction (bounded linear operator of norm $\leq 1$) on $H$. I heard in a recent talk that there is a (apparently famous) result due to Sz-Nagy which ...
SKNEE's user avatar
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Approximating a projection by a sum of elementary tensors with a certain property

Let $A$ and $B$ be two C$^{*}$-algebras and suppose we have a non-zero projection $p\in A\otimes B$. (We can assume $A$ is nuclear, so that there is only one possible tensor product.) Does there ...
ervx's user avatar
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Characterization of operator ranges

My question is motivated by the following little proposition: Proposition. For a vector subspace $V$ of a Banach space $(X, \|\cdot\|_X)$ the following assertions are equivalent: (i) There exists a ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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Operator on a Banach space

Let $T$ be a continuous operator on a Banach space $V$. Assume there exist $T$-stable finite-dimensional subspaces $V_i$ such that $\bigoplus_{i=1}^\infty V_i$ is dense in $V$, on $V_i$ the operator $...
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definition of operator valued integral with spectral measure

I am trying to make sense of some operators that come up on Buchholz and Summers' work on warped convolutions (two works on arxiv: 2008 and 2011). There, they work on a Hilbert space $H$ and on the ...
Yul Otani's user avatar
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Strongly convergent operator sequence

Let $T_j$ be a sequence of compact operators on a Hilbert space $H$ which converges strongly to the identity, i.e., for each $v\in H$ the sequence $$ \parallel T_jv-v\parallel $$ tends to zero. Is it ...
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hereditary C*-subalgebra of a non-elementary simple C*-algebra

A is said to be elementary if A is isomorphic to some $K(H)$ or $M_n$. A C*-subalgebra $B$ is said to be hereditary if for every $0≤a≤b∈B$ we have $a∈B$. I wanted to know that is this statement true? ...
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar
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Scattering theory for Coulomb potential

Both physical and mathematical theories of quantum scattering seem to be well developed in the case when the potential (or a more general perturbation of the Laplacian) decays fast enough at infinity ...
asv's user avatar
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Schrödinger operator with Coulomb potential

The free Laplacian $-\Delta$ has absolutely continuous spectrum $[0,\infty).$ The Coulomb Hamiltonian $H=-\Delta-\frac{1}{\vert x\vert}$ on $L^2(\mathbb R^3)$ has absolutely continuous spectrum $[0,\...
Xing Wang's user avatar
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Invariant subspace in infinite dimensions

Let $A(t)$ be a family of skew self-adjoint operator defined on some Hilbert space $H$ with common domain $D(A).$ The dependence on $t$ is in the strongly continuous sense, i.e. for all $x \in D(A)$ ...
Zorgo's user avatar
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Spectrum of the product of operators

Let $\mathcal{B}(F)$ the algebra of all bounded linear operators on an infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space $F$. Let $A,B\in \mathcal{B}(F)^+:=\left\{T\in \mathcal{B}(F);\,\langle Tx, x\...
Schüler's user avatar
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Literature Request: Finite Dimensional "Approximations" of Linear Operators

I am interested in finding literature pertaining the problem posed by this question, which is the degree to which an operator $A$ on an infinite dimensional (separable) Hilbert $X$ space can be "...
JMJ's user avatar
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Compact operators on $\ell^1$

Let $T$ be a compact symmetric operator on $\ell^2$ and $T\vert_{\ell^1}$ be bounded on $\ell^1$. Are there any non-trivial conditions that $T\vert_{\ell^1}$ is compact as well (for example would $T$ ...
BaoLing's user avatar
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Is irreducibility sufficient for uniqueness of invariant distribution for a Feller semigroup?

Let $(T_t)$ be a strongly continuous semigroup of positive operators on $C(K)$, where $K$ is a compact space. Assume also that $T_t1 =1 $ for every $t\geq 0$. (This is also called a Feller semigroup.) ...
Hans's user avatar
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projection of sobolev spaces onto cones

Consider the Sobolev space $W^{k,p}(\Omega)$ for $k\in \mathbb N$, $p\in [1,\infty]$ and some open domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$ $^*$. Then it is known that $W^{k,p}(\Omega)$ is an ordered Banach ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Takesaki's proof of the Kaplansky density theorem

Consider the following fragment from Takesaki's book "Theory of operator algebra I": Why is the boxed sentence true? It looks like they replace $A$ by its strong$^*$-closure. Is this ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Canonical multiplication representation of self-adjoint operator in quantum chemistry and coding theory research

In my applied math research group, we are studying and going over functional analysis results from papers and theses from our institution to generalize their results and apply them in our discrete ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Fredholm elements of a Lie algebra

An element $a$ of a Lie algebra $L$ is called a Fredholm element if the adjoint operator $\mathrm{ad}_a:L \to L$ is a Fredholm linear map. That is: its kernel is a finite-dimensional space and its ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Pointwise convergence in functional calculus

Let $A_n$ be a family of (bounded) self-adjoint operator converging pointwise to some (unbounded) self-adjoint operator $A,$ i.e. for all $x$ in the domain of $A$ $$\left\lVert A_n x-Ax \right\rVert \...
Clement G.'s user avatar
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Commuting with self-adjoint operator

Let $T$ be an (unbounded) self-adjoint operator. Assume that there is a bounded operator $S$ such that $TS=ST.$ For which kind of $f$ do we have that $f(T)S=Sf(T)?$ My thought was that using a ...
Zinkin's user avatar
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4 answers

Norm bounds on spectral variation and eigenvalue variation

Let $A$ and $B$ be two matrices of eigenvalues $\lambda_i$ and $\mu_i$, respectively. The spectral variation of $B$ w.r.t. $A$ and the eigenvalue variation of $B$ and $A$ are, respectively, \begin{...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Abstract Wave Equation and Semigroups

If an operator $A$ on a Hilbert space $H$ generates a strongly continuous semigroup, does then the operator $B$ on $H \oplus H$ given by the matrix $$ B := \begin{pmatrix} 0 & \mathrm{id} \\ A &...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Extending compact operators into $c_0$

Lindenstrauss has the following paper: I would like to see the proof for the following theorem (from ...
Ben W's user avatar
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Is the unit ball of $B(H)$ a Baire space (with the SOT)?

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, and let $B(H)$ be the set of bounded linear operators $t \colon H \to H$. Recall that we say $t_i \to t$ in the strong operator topology if $t_i \xi \to t \xi$ for every $\...
Diego Martinez's user avatar
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Unbounded Component of the Fredholm Domain

Let $X$ be a Banach space and $T \in \mathcal L(X)$. The authors Engel and Nagel introduce in their book "One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations" on p. 248 the concept of the ...
Adriano's user avatar
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Trace-norm of integral operator

Let me start by saying that I do appreciate any insight on this. So also if you have a partial result, please share it as a comment or answer. This is somewhat unrelated to what I normally do, so I ...
Jacob Augstine's user avatar
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Convergence of functionals on compact projections on a separable Hilbert space

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{C}$, say $\ell_2$ for simplicity. Let $\mathcal{K}(H)$ denote the space of all compact operators on $H$ and $\mathcal{P}(H)$ the set of all finite ...
Damian Sobota's user avatar
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$C(X)$-compact operators and families of compact operators

In this question Operators on Hilbert $C^*$-module and families of Fredholm operators I asked about the relation between being a family of compact operators $F:X \to K(H)$ on Hilbert space $H=\ell^2$ ...
truebaran's user avatar
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A nilpotency question on $C^{*}$ algebras

What is an example of a $C^{*}$ algebra $A$ with the property that: for every nilpotent(Quasi nilpotent) $a$ and for every $n\in \mathbb{N}$, there is a $b$ with $b^{n}=a$. To what extent ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Absolute summability of multiplication operators on $\ell_p$

A linear bounded operator $T:X\to Y$ between Banach spaces is called absolutely summing if for every unconditionally convergent series $\sum_{i\in\omega}x_i$ in $X$ the series $\sum_{i\in\omega}\|T(...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Domain of $(-\Delta)^\alpha$, $\alpha \in (0,1)$

Is there any simple way to characterize explicitly the domain of fractional powers for a given operator? For example, the domain of Dirichlet Laplacian on a bounded nice domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{...
Migalobe's user avatar
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Is this a pseudodifferential operator?

Let $M$ be a non-compact manifold and $D$ a first-order self-adjoint elliptic differential operator on $M$. Then is the bounded operator $$A:=\sqrt{(D^2+1)^{-1}}:L^2(M)\rightarrow H^1(M)$$ a ...
geometricK's user avatar
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$c^\infty$ topology on $L(E, F)$

In Kriegl/Michor's "Convenient Setting for Global Analysis", they put on the set $L(E, F)$ of bounded linear operators between locally convex spaces $E$, $F$ the subspace topology induced by the ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar

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