Questions tagged [oa.operator-algebras]

Algebras of operators on Hilbert space, $C^*-$algebras, von Neumann algebras, non-commutative geometry

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Let $(N_1,N_2)$ be commuting normal operators. Does an operator $V$ exist such that $N_i = V^{-1}T_iV$ for $(T_1,T_2)$ being contractions and $i=1,2$?

My PhD advisor and I are trying to prove something, and in our case, we would need to show, that two commuting normal operators $N_1, N_2 \in B(H)$ are similar to two commuting contractions $T_1, T_2 \...
S-F's user avatar
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Failure of Tomiyama's property ($F$) for reduced group $C^*$-algebras

Are there known examples of discrete groups such that the minimal tensor product of their reduced group $C^\ast$-algebras does not have Tomiyama's property ($F$)? Such groups must necessarily be non-...
Are Austad's user avatar
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Minimal norm problem whose unknown is an operator

Generally given an Hilbert space $X$ with and a bounded linear operator $H : X \to X$ given a vector $y \in X$ we seek an $x \in X$ such that $$ f(x) = \frac{1}{2} \left\lVert Hx - y \right\rVert_2^2 $...
user8469759's user avatar
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Is $\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$ a groupoid $C^*$-algebra?

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a complex Hilbert space, and $\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$ be the $C^{\ast}$-algebra of bounded operators on $\mathcal{H}$. Is there an étale groupoid $\mathcal{G}$ such that its $C^{...
Luiz Felipe Garcia's user avatar
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A subfactor of finite index

We say $N$ is a subfactor of finite index of the factor $M$ if there is a normal faithful conditional expectation of $M$ onto $N$ that has finite index. If $N$ is a subfactor of finite index of the ...
mathbeginner's user avatar
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Classical (i.e. commutative) spaces with quantum symmetry but no classical symmetry

In a recent preprint (arXiv:2311.04889), my coauthors and I constructed a sequence of graphs with no classical symmetry which nevertheless have quantum symmetry. For graphs this had been an open ...
David Roberson's user avatar
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Automorphism-invariant positive linear functionals on $C*$-algebras

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. Does there exist a non-trivial positive linear functional $\nu\in A^*$ which is $\mathrm{Aut}(A)$-invariant? That is, $\nu\circ\alpha=\nu$ for all $\alpha\in\mathrm{Aut}(A)$...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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positive invertible maps which are not *-automorphisms

Let $A$ be a unital C*-algebra. Is there a unital positive self-map $F:A\to A$ which is invertible (i.e. injective and surjective) but not a $*$-automorphism? If yes, how does appear its Gelfand-...
fidaleo's user avatar
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Rescaling Fourier coefficients of a continuous function by a bounded sequence

This question stems out of: which sequences $(a_n)_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}$ of complex numbers have the property that if there exists a continuous function $f$ on the circle with Fourier coefficients $b_n$, ...
Logan Hyslop's user avatar
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type II$_1$ subalgebra of type III$_1$ factor

Let $M$ be a type III$_1$ factor and $N$ be the type II$_1$ subalgebra of $M$. What is the type of $N'\cap M$? Can it be any type?
mathbeginner's user avatar
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Infinite tensor product of Hilbert spaces [duplicate]

Recently while reading an article I came across the usage of infinite tensor product of Hilbert spaces. I have got a basic understanding of doing computations in infinite tensor product while reading ...
Jake's user avatar
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Dependence of functional integral on the function space

In physics, the following functional integral is considered \begin{gather} Z[J]= \int Df \exp(-\int d^dx( f\Box f+\lambda f^4 +Jf )) \end{gather} It is usually said that the integration is performed ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Pairwise orthogonality for partitions of unity in a *-algebra

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a $*$-algebra with unit $1_{\mathcal{A}}$. As in the $\mathrm{C}^*$-setting, a projection is an element $p\in\mathcal{A}$ such that $p=p^2=p^*$. A partition of unity is a finite ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Is there a notion of point in noncommutative geometry?

It is not clear to me whether there is a general notion of point in NCG. I have heard (more through physics) that the notion of a point becomes meaningless or ill-defined in noncommutative spaces, but ...
Esmond's user avatar
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What are alternative or equivalent definitions of a positive-definite function on a group?

The standard definition of a positive-definite function on a group goes as follows: Let $\varphi : G \rightarrow L(H)$, where $G$ is a group (with an involution) and $H$ a Hilbert space. $L(H)$ is the ...
S-F's user avatar
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Reconstructing the manifold from space of functions in quantum mechanics

Due to Banach–Mazur, every separable Banach space is isomorphic to a subspace of $C([0,1])$. But some spaces, like $C([0,1]^n)$ and generally $C(M)$ for $M$ a manifold, allow one to reason about the ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Conditions for completely positive maps to act homomorphically across multiple subalgebras

For a completely positive (CP) map $u: A \to A'$ of $C^*$-algebras $A, A'$, the concept of multiplicative domains characterizes the largest subalgebra of $A$ on which $u$ behaves as a $*$-homomorphism....
BiPolarBear's user avatar
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Representations of $C\left(SO_q(n)\right)$

A complete classification of irreducible representations of the $C^*$-algebra $C(G_q)$, where $G_q$ is the $q$-deformation of a classical simply connected semisimple compact Lie group, was provided by ...
Surajit's user avatar
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Unitary versus isometric operators

Let $\mathbb H$ be a Hilbert space, and let $\mathcal B(\mathbb H)$ be the space of bounded operators on $\mathbb H$, equipped with the operator-norm topology. Let $\mathbb R\ni t\mapsto A(t)\in \...
Bazin's user avatar
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Are umbral moonshine and umbral calculus connected?

In a 2013 article, Cheng, Duncan and Harvey introduce the concept of umbral moonshine as a generalization of monstrous moonshine. The terminology they use, starting with the title, is common in umbral ...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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Question about the ergodic mean

This is a repost from this MathStackExchange question, where unfortunately I was not able to resolve this question. I've read a thesis where there is an example on ergodic mean, where however there is ...
MBlrd's user avatar
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Nontrivial examples of locally compact quantum groups

What are some families of locally compact quantum groups that are neither groups, duals of groups, compact, nor discrete?
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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What is meant by saying that the Shilov boundary of the polydisc $\mathbb D^n$ is $\mathbb T^n\ $?

Let $A$ be a complex Banach algebra and $M_A$ be the space of all non-zero multiplicative linear functionals on $A$ equipped with the weak$^*$-topology. Let $\widehat A$ be the image of $A$ under the ...
Anacardium's user avatar
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A certainty principle?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a unital $\mathrm{C}^*$-algebra with $\varphi\in\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{A})$ a state. Where $$\sigma_\varphi(a):=\sqrt{\varphi((a-\varphi(a)1_{\mathcal{A}})^2)}\qquad (a\in \mathcal{...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Approximately semifinite factors

For the sake of this question, lets call a factor $M$ approximately semifinite if there exists an increasing net of semifinite subfactors $M_i$, $i\in J$, with conditional expectations $E_i:M\to M_i$ ...
Lau's user avatar
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Question about the homogeneity of the state space of a type $\rm{III}_1$ factor

I'm reading the paper Homogeneity of the State Space of Factors of Type $\rm{III}_1$ by Connes and Størmer. Homogeneity of the state space means that all normal states are approximately unitarily ...
Lau's user avatar
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Zeta zeros and prolate wave operators

Recently, Connes, Consani and Moscovici in have blended two of their results on zeta zeros and the prolate wave operators, which, they say, "suggests the ...
Jon23's user avatar
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Positive cone in Haagerup L²-space: how much information does it contain?

Given a von Neumann algebra $A$, its Haagerup $L^2$-space $H:=L^2A$ (also known as the standard form of the Neumann algebra) comes equipped with a positive cone $P\subset H$. Question:    How much ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Can a non-separable C$^*$ algebra have separable GNS Hilbert space

Suppose we have a $C^*$ algebra $\mathfrak{U}$ that is non-separable. Consider a state $ω$ of $\mathfrak{U}$ and the GNS representation $(H_ω,π_ω,Ω)$. Is it possible for $H_ω$ to be separable, and if ...
Arbiter's user avatar
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On spectral calculus and commutation of operators

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space, $B\in\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$ be bounded and self-adjoint and $A:\mathcal{D}(A)\to\mathcal{H}$ closed (but not necessarily self-adjoint or bounded). The ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Continuous path of unitary matrices with prescribed first column?

Consider a continuous curve $u \colon [0,1] \to \mathbb{C}^n$ where $u(t)$ is always a unit vector, $u(t)^* u(t) = 1$. Question 1: Does there exist a continuous curve $U \colon [0,1] \to \mathbb{C}^{n ...
ccriscitiello's user avatar
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Strengthening the direct integral decomposition of von Neumann algebas

Let $M$ be a von Neumann with separable predual. It well known that one can write $M$ as a direct sum $M=M_I\oplus M_{II} \oplus M_{III}$ of von Neumann algebras of types $I$, $II$ and $III$. It is ...
Lau's user avatar
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An example of non-invertible operator $F$ such that $P_nF$ is invertible on $\operatorname{Im}P_n$ or proving that It is impossible

Given: $X$ - any Banach space $F : X \to X$ (linear bounded and non-invertible) $P_n$, which is projector that strongly converges to the identity operator $I$ as $n \to\infty$ Can you help me come ...
TorteDeline's user avatar
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Bochner theorem for (non-abelian) discrete groups

I am interested in Pontryagin duality-like theories for discrete groups, more particularly, whether an analogue to Bochner's theorem for abelian groups exists in the discrete non-finite and non-...
Tomás Pacheco's user avatar
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Connection between number theory and operator theory

I was wondering if there is any connection between number theory and operator theory. Especially the applications of Hardy spaces, de branges-Rovnyak spaces, Dirichlet spaces in number theory. For ...
M.P's user avatar
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Ergodic actions and deviation from invariance

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra and let $(\phi_t)$ be an ergodic point-$\sigma$-weakly continuous one-parameter group of automorphisms $\phi_t\in \mathrm{Aut}(M)$, i.e., $\Vert\omega-\omega\circ\...
Lau's user avatar
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Does $N \mathbin{\bar{\otimes}} N^{\mathrm{op}}$ act on $L^2(N)$?

Let $N$ be a von Neumann algebra and $N^{\mathrm{op}}$ its opposite. The standard form $L^2(N)$ is an $N$-$N$-bimodule, or equivalently a module over $N \otimes_{\mathrm{alg}} N^{\mathrm{op}}$. Does ...
Tobias Fritz's user avatar
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Projections in atomless von Neumann algebras

Let $\varepsilon>0$. If we consider a sequence $\{f_n\}$ in $L_\infty(0,1)$, then there exists a very small subset $A$ of $(0,1)$ with $m(A)<\varepsilon$ such that $$\|f_n \chi_A\|_\infty =\|...
user92646's user avatar
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Order bounded version of monotone complete $C^*$-algebras

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra with self-adjoint part $A_{\operatorname{sa}}$. Then $A$ is called monotone complete if every increasing norm bounded net in $A_{\operatorname{sa}}$ has a supremum (with ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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Realize a $K_0$-group homomorphism by a unital $\ast$-homomorphism

This question is inspired by Exercise $7.7$ in *An Introduction to $K$-theory for $C^*$-algebras (available here). Given a unital AF-algebra $A$ and another unital $C^*$-algebra $B$ that has ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Show that $\mathbb{K}\cong M_{n}(\mathbb{K})$ [closed]

I would like to show the following isomorphy but not sure how to go about this: $\mathbb{K}\cong M_{n}(\mathbb{K})$ Also in Blackadar (Operator Algebras, page 171) he states that this isomorphism ...
craaaft's user avatar
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Comparison between the operator norm and the $L^1$ norm on group algebras

Consider a discrete group $G$ and its group algebra over $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{C}[G]$. There are four norms on it I wish to consider for this question: The 2-norm given by $||\sum_{g \in G} c_gg||_2^...
David Gao's user avatar
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Compare the weight of $p\vee q$ and that of $p+q$

Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra. If it has a semifinite faithful normal trace $\tau$, then we have $\tau(p\vee q)\le \tau(p)+\tau(q)$. However, for the weight (even a faithful normal state) $\omega$ ...
user92646's user avatar
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Tensor product of faithful normal states is faithful

I know that given C*-algebras $A, B$ with faithful states $\omega,\varpi$, the tensor product state $\omega\otimes\varpi$ on the minimal tensor product $A\otimes_{\text{min}}B$ is faithful. I also ...
J_P's user avatar
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States on Bratteli diagrams

This a reference request. We are writing a paper on calculi on AF algebras and their relation to Dirac operators. This is quite simple for UHF algebras (and we have references), but AF algebras ...
Edwin Beggs's user avatar
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Transforming nilpotency into diagonalizability [closed]

We designate the $k$-th standard vector as $e_k$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$. We consider the backward shift operator, denoted as $T: \mathbb{C}^n \to \mathbb{C}^n$, which is defined as follows: $Te_1=0$ and $...
ABB's user avatar
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Unitary representation of a group of automorphism on an abelian algebra

Given an abelian C*-algebra $\mathcal{A}$, a state $\omega$, a strongly continuous group of *-automorphism $\{\tau_t : t \in \mathcal{R}\}$, and given a representation $ (\pi(\mathcal{A}), \mid \...
MBlrd's user avatar
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Lattices and noncommutative algebras in noncommutative geometry

This a question that I've asked in mathematics stack exchange without having received any response : I am interested in the relation between lattices and noncommutative algebras in the context of ...
Esmond's user avatar
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weights of projections and norms of operators in a von Neumann algebra

Let $M$ be an atomless von Neumann algebra equipped with a (semifinite faithful normal) weight $w$. Let $x\in M$ and let $\varepsilon>0$. Can we find a constant $\delta>0$ such that whenever a ...
user92646's user avatar
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Hyperfinite factors and increasing fatorization of states

If a factor $R$ contains a matrix algebra $M\subset R$ (i.e., a $M$ is a type $I_n$ factor), then $R \cong M \otimes M^c$ where $M^c=R\cap M'$ is the relative commutant. Each state $\omega$ on $R$ ...
Lau's user avatar
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