Questions tagged [nt.number-theory]

Prime numbers, diophantine equations, diophantine approximations, analytic or algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory, transcendental number theory, continued fractions

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What is the possible reminders modulo 4 of an "odd part" of a polynomial?

Let $f(x)$ be a polynomial with integer coefficients. Let $f(x) = 2^k \cdot m$ where $m$ is odd. The questions are What are the possible values of $m \mod 4$ (1, 3 or both)? I want the algorithm ...
Denis Shatrov's user avatar
3 votes
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Infinite dimensional lattice for integers and the Riemann hypothesis?

It is known that for each finite set of primes $p$ we have: $\log(p)$ are linear independent over the rational numbers. We have $\log(ab) = \log(a)+\log(b)$ and $\log(n) = \sum_{p |n}v_p(n) \log(p)$. ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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For which quadratic number field, the algebraic integers are cusps for some Coxeter group?

Let $H^2=\{(x,y)\mid y>0\}$ be the hyperbolic upper-half plane. Let $K=Q(\sqrt{d})$ be a quadratic number field, and $\mathcal{O}_K$ be the ring of algebraic integers in it. Let $\Gamma=\Delta(p,q,...
zemora's user avatar
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Classification of L functions and Dirichlet series by poles

I am interested in the connection between particular Dirichlet series' abscissa of convergence and the poles of L-functions. Let $D(z) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{a_n}{n^z}$ be a Dirichlet series ...
asdfasdgasdfgasfgasdf's user avatar
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Imaginary quadratic fields with prime class number

Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field, with class number equal to an odd prime, say $h_K = p$. In the proof Proposition 2.4 of this paper, Fukuda and Komatsu write, "Since $h_K = p$, there ...
matt stokes's user avatar
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Conditional convergence of exponential sums related to a Hecke modular form

Definition Consider the Fourier coefficients $\psi(n)$ of the modular form $\eta^4(6\tau)$, which are defined in terms of $q=\exp(i2\pi\tau)$ by the identity: $$\eta^4(6\tau) = q \prod_1^\infty (1-q^{...
Christopher-Lloyd Simon's user avatar
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The Fourier transform of the Liouville function?

The Liouville function in number theory is defined as: $$\lambda(n) := (-1)^{\Omega(n)} \text{ where } \Omega(n) := \sum_{p|n} v_p(n)$$ Taking the discrete time Fourier transform and then taking the ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Proof of Remark 6.14(b) of Milne's Arithmetic duality theorems'

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve.Let $\operatorname{Sha}(E/\Bbb{Q})$ be a Tate-Shafarevich group. Milne's 'Arithmetic Duality Theorems' Remark 6.14(b) describe the following exact sequence. ...
Duality's user avatar
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Anisotropic semisimple groups with no real compact factor

Let $F$ be a number field, and let $G$ be a semi-simple connected, anisotropic algebraic group over $F$ which is $F$-simple (or almost simple, the question is agnostic to isogenies). Suppose further ...
jacob's user avatar
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What are the terms given by $\int_0^1\int_0^1 x^py^q \sin(\pi xy) (xy)^{xy} (1-xy)^{1-xy} \, dx \, dy$?

For a positive integer $n$ the terms given by \begin{align} & -\int_0^1 x^n \sin(\pi x) x^x (1-x)^{1-x} \, dx \\[8pt] = {} & \int_0^1\int_0^1 (xy)^n \sin(\pi xy) (xy)^{xy} \frac{(1-xy)^{1-xy}}...
Pinteco's user avatar
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Subgroups of ${\rm GL}_{2}(\mathbb{Z}/2^{n} \mathbb{Z})$

Assume that $n \geq 3$. Is there a subgroup $H \leq {\rm GL}_{2}(\mathbb{Z}/2^{n} \mathbb{Z})$ whose order is a power of $2$ so that $\bullet$ $\det : H \to (\mathbb{Z}/2^{n} \mathbb{Z})^{\times}$ is ...
Jeremy Rouse's user avatar
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Prove positivity of a binomial sum

Some problems appear easy on the face of it, but perhaps they are not. Here is an instance of a certain calculation which is slightly reformulated from its original encounter in a current work. I have ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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On a numbers $k$ with specific $2$-adic valuation

Let $a(n)$ be A002326 (i.e., multiplicative order of $2 \operatorname{mod} 2n+1$). Let $b(n)$ be A179382 (i.e., the smallest period of pseudo-arithmetic progression with initial term $1$ and ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
3 votes
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Kernel of a map of Tate algebras

Let $A$ and $B$ be a pair of noetherian Tate algebras over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, and assume $\text{dim}_{\text{Krull}}(B) > \text{dim}_{\text{Krull}}(A)$. Is it true that any morphism $B \longrightarrow ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Modified Gauss Sum when the characters have different period

Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character mod q, and \begin{eqnarray} t(\chi)=\sum_{n=1}^{q}\chi(n)e(\frac{n}{2q}). \end{eqnarray} Do we have a bound or formula for $t(\chi)$ similar to that of the usual ...
Jonathan Lam's user avatar
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Bezout-type theorem for $p$-adic analytic plane curves

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $f,g \in \mathbb{Z}_p[[x,y]]$ be power series convergent on all of $\mathbb{Z}_p$. Suppose that the intersection of the analytic plane curves cut out by $f$ and $g$ is ...
Ashvin Swaminathan's user avatar
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Generators of the ideal class group

Theorem 4 of Eric Bach's "Explicit bounds for primality testing and related problems" states the following: Let $K$ be a number field of degree greater than 1. Let $d$ be the absolute value ...
Rashad Ek's user avatar
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Difficult elliptic curves for $a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = (a+b+c+d)^4$?

Similar to the case $x^4+y^4+z^4 = 1$ discussed in this MO post, define the system, $$x^4+y^4+z^4+1 = (x+y+z+1)^4\tag1$$ $$\frac{x^2+x+1}{(x+y+1)(x+z+1)}=u\tag2$$ $$\frac{y^2+y+1}{(y+z+1)(y+x+1)}=v\...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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Formula for individual term of the Proth numbers

Let $a(n)$ be A080075 i.e. Proth numbers: of the form $k2^m + 1$ for $k$ odd, $m \geqslant 1$ and $2^m > k$. The sequence begins with $$ 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65, 81, 97, 113, 129 $$...
Notamathematician's user avatar
12 votes
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On the equation $9x^3+y^3=z^2+3$

The question is whether there exist integers $x,y,z$ such that $$ 9x^3+y^3=z^2+3. $$ This is one of the nicest (if not the nicest one!) cubic equations for which I do not know whether integer ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Coefficients of 0,1-polynomials factorization

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $P_{n}$ is $0,1$-polynomial whose coefficients are binary digits of $n$. Let $Q_{1}(x) \cdot Q_{2}(x) \cdots Q_{m}(x)$ - polynomial factorization (over integers) of $P_{n}$. ...
Denis Ivanov's user avatar
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“Smallest” non-zero linear combination of vectors to obtain a non-negative vector

We say that a vector $\mathbf{x}$ in $\mathbb{Z}^j$ is non-negative if it is of the form \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ \vdots \\ x_j \\ \end{bmatrix} where $x_{j} \geq 0$. Suppose that ...
Siddharth Iyer's user avatar
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Sets of integers "a little less dense" than the set of prime numbers

Given a set $A \subseteq \mathbb{N}$ of positive integers, put $$ S_A: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, \ \ \ \ N \mapsto \sum_{n \in A \cap \{1, \dots, N\}} \frac{1}{n}. $$ There are obvious ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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Possible subsequence of the A110978

Let $a(n)$ be A110978 i.e. odd integers that are nonprime, such that there exist two factors of each number that when multiplied together in binary base, do not ever require the use of a "carry&...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Squares whose differences are squares

EDIT. I've just noticed a thread from 2011 in the "Related" column on the right (click me), where a closely related question is being discussed (the main difference seems to be that, in ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Number of Salem–Spencer subsets of $\{1,2,3,\dots ,n\}$

I was wondering about sets that do not contain any $3$-term AP, and came to know that the official name of such a set is Salem–Spencer set. I was considering the question of counting the number of ...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Empirical bounds on $\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right|$

It is reasonable to expect that $$\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right| < 2 \log \log t$$ for all $t\geq 4$ (say): a somewhat stronger bound is known for $t\geq 10^{165}$ or so (Theorem 5 ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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How to find A(i, d)?

Let $s(n)$ denote the digit sum of a natural number $n$. For $i, d\in \mathbb{N}$ define $$A(i, d) = \limsup_{m\to \infty}\frac{|\{n\leq m | s(n)\equiv i\mod d\}|}{m}.$$ Compute $A(i, d)$ for all $i, ...
Drrd's user avatar
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Density of a set of numbers whose prime factors are defined by congruences

Let $S$ be the set of positive integers not divisible by $3$ where if $p$ is a prime factor of $n \in S$ and $p \equiv 1\bmod 3$ then $p^2$ does not divide $n$, but if $p\equiv2 \bmod 3$ then $p^2$ ...
AsksQuestionsAboutMath's user avatar
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On thickness of binary polynomials

OEIS A169945 introduces the concept of thickness of a polynomial as the magnitude of the largest coefficient in the expansion of the square of the polynomial. Considering the $2^{n+1}$ polynomials $p(...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Prime splitting in the division field of an elliptic curve

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve with good reduction at two distinct primes $p, \ell$. Suppose the mod $\ell$ Galois representation associated to $E$ is surjective. Let $K=\mathbb{Q}(E[\ell])$ ...
Jeff H's user avatar
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Is every polynomial of the form $2x^{2n} -x^n +1$ irreducible over $\mathbb{Z}$?

Is every polynomial of the form $2x^{2n} - x^n +1$ irreducible for $n>0$? Motivation: A few years ago a student asked if $29$ was the largest number which is prime and one more than a perfect ...
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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A cubic equation, and integers of the form $a^2+192b^2$

This question resembles my previous question A cubic equation, and integers of the form $a^2+32b^2$ , but seems to be more difficult. We are trying to determine whether there are any integers $x,y,z$ ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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If $p^k m^2$ is an odd perfect number with special prime $p$, then must $m^2 - p^k = s^2 - t^2$ hold for some $s$ and $t$?

My present question is as is in the title: If $p^k m^2$ is an odd perfect number with special prime $p$, then must $m^2 - p^k = s^2 - t^2$ hold for some $s$ and $t$? It is known that $m^2 - p^k$ is ...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris's user avatar
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Iwahori action on the $p$-ordinary line of a principal series representation

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\diag{diag}\DeclareMathOperator\Ind{Ind}\newcommand\Iw{\mathrm{Iw}}\DeclareMathOperator\ord{ord}$Let $F$ be a $p$-adic local field, i.e. a finite ...
Hetong Xu's user avatar
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Upper bound for an additional Product formula

We have three sequences of positive integers $l$, $p$ and $q$ such that: $$ p_1 \geq p_2 \geq \cdots \geq p_k\text{ and } q_1 \geq q_2 \geq \cdots \geq q_k \geq \cdots \geq q_h \text{ where: } k < ...
BADJARA Mohamed el Amine's user avatar
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Number of zeros of the zeta function along horizontal lines

Are there any known results about the number of zeros of the zeta function along horizontal lines of the complex plane? The Riemann hypothesis states that for any such line the number is at most 1, ...
Alexis's user avatar
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Approximating $p$-adic power series by polynomials

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $f \in \mathbb{Z}_p[[x_1,\dots,x_d]]$ be a power series convergent on all of $\mathbb{Z}_p^d$. We make the following definition concerning the approximation of $f$ by ...
Ashvin Swaminathan's user avatar
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Reference request - Pillai-Selberg Theorem

I want to find a proof of the following claim. Let $\Omega(n)$ denote the number of prime factors of an integer $n$ counted with multiplicity. Then $\Omega(n)$ equidistributes over residue classes. ...
alidixon222's user avatar
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Extensions of $F$-isocrystals

Let $X$ be a smooth affine scheme over $k$, a finite field. Let $W(k)$ denote the Witt ring, and $K$ its fraction field. Fix a smooth lift of $X$ to $K$ and denote it by $X_K$. Let $b\in X(k)$ denote ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Existence of an integer coefficients polynomial with prescribed bounds on [0,4]

Is there a polynomial f with integer coefficients that satisfies the following criteria: f is not constant; for all $x\in[0,1]$, $1-\frac{1}{x}\leq f(x)\leq \frac{1}{x}$; For all $x\in [1,4]$, $0\leq ...
Yanlong Hao's user avatar
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Limit of an infinite series with quadratic arguments

I have encountered a limiting process on some infinite series. So, I would like to ask: QUESTION. Assume $n$ is an even positive integer. Is this true? $$\lim_{r\rightarrow1^{-}}\sum_{j=1}^{\infty}\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
17 votes
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Understanding absolute Galois group from its representations

Background. A major theme of modern number theory is to study the absolute Galois group $\text{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb Q} / \mathbb Q)$. Galois representation theory attempts to understand $\text{Gal}(\...
Uzu Lim's user avatar
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Partition numbers and Gaussian binomial coefficient

Let $a(n)$ be A000041 i.e. the number of partitions of $n$ (the partition numbers). Let $T(n, k)$ be A083906. Here $$ T(n, k) = [q^k]\sum\limits_{m=0}^{n} \binom{n}{m}_q $$ where $\binom{n}{m}_q$ ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
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Rationals polynomials with integers values

I have asked this question here (*), but there are no answer. Let $q \in \mathbb N \cap [2,+\infty[$ and $P \in \mathbb Q[x]$ with $\forall k \in [0,\deg(P)] \cap \mathbb N, P(q^k) \in \mathbb Z$. Is ...
Dattier's user avatar
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How to compute the asymptotic constant for the count of $S_3$-sextic number fields?

I am currently reading this paper counting $S_3$-sextic fields Manjul Bhargava and Melanie Matchett Wood, The density of discriminants of $S_3$-sextic number fields, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008),...
gradstudent1995's user avatar
6 votes
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A polynomial identity for $\displaystyle \sum_{k=0} ^m (-1)^ka^{m-k}b^k$

I asked this question on MSE here. I was solving this problem: Show that if $\gcd(a, b) = 1$ and $p$ is an odd prime, then $\displaystyle \gcd\left(a+b, \frac{a^p+b^p}{a+b}\right)=1$ or $p$. This ...
pie's user avatar
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Rational prime factors in the components of powers of Gaussian primes

Let $\pi=a+bi\in \mathbb{Z}[i]$ be a Gaussian prime with $a$ and $b$ nonzero, and $b$ even. For odd rational primes $p=\pi\bar\pi$ and $q\neq p$, define $\pi^{\frac{1}{2}\left(q-\left(\frac{-1}{q}\...
Jonathan Trousdale's user avatar
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Vanishing exponential sums of fractional parts of polynomials

Let $p$ be an integer polynomial and $k$ be a natural number, both fixed. Is it the case that if $$C(\alpha) = \sum_{i=1}^k e(\alpha \{p(i)/k\})$$ equals 0, then $\alpha$ is an integer? Here, $e(x) = ...
Borys Kuca's user avatar
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A parametric elliptic curve for $x^4+y^4+z^4 = 1$?

Noam Elkies found that $x^4+y^4+z^4 = 1$ has infinitely many rational points $xyz \neq 0$ using an elliptic curve. We use a different approach that will produce pairs of solutions and a parametric ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar