Questions tagged [nt.number-theory]

Prime numbers, diophantine equations, diophantine approximations, analytic or algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory, transcendental number theory, continued fractions

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7 votes
3 answers

Analytic equivalents for primes in arithmetic progressions

By way of context: it is known that the prime number theorem $\pi(x) \sim x/\log x$ is (nontrivially) equivalent to the statement that $\zeta(s)$ does not vanish on the line $\Re s=1$. I would like ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
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Is there a mistake in Mochizuki's proof of Theorem 1.10 in IUTT IV? [closed]

In Global character of ABC/Szpiro inequalities, Peter Scholze says that he thinks Joshi's proof of the abc conjecture in his paper has a mistake in Proposition 6.10.7. However, for the proof of ...
Madeleine Birchfield's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Density and sums of reciprocals

Is there a notion of density for a (strictly increasing) sequence of natural numbers that decides whether the sum of the reciprocals of that sequence converges?
Nathan St. John's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Prescribed values for the uniform density

Strauch & Tóth [1] Georges Grekos [3][4] showed that for any choice of upper and lower density, there is some subset of $\mathbb{N}$ with the chosen densities, provided the lower is no more than ...
Charles's user avatar
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How comes vanishing of the real part of function involving zeta is very well approximated by algebraic curve?

In this question Agno asked about the zeros of $\zeta\left(\frac{s}{a}\right) \pm \zeta\left(\frac{1-s}{a}\right)$. I fixed $a=2$ and the minus sign and defined: $$ f(s)=\Re \left( \zeta\left(\frac{...
joro's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What would be the consequences of $\displaystyle{\lim\inf_{n\to\infty}p_{n+k}-p_{n}\sim k\log k}$?

The question is in the title: what would be the number theoretic consequences if we managed to establish the conjectured asymptotic equality $\displaystyle{\lim\inf_{n\to\infty}p_{n+k}-p_{n}\sim k\log ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
7 votes
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Parity of class number of pure cubic fields

A pure cubic field is an algebraic number field of the form $K = \mathbb{Q}(\theta)$ with $\theta^3 = m$, $m \neq \pm 1$. What can be said about the parity (odd or even) of the class number of a pure ...
Reiterman's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Invariant means on the integers

Let $A\subseteq\mathbb Z$, as usual we define the lower Beurling density $d^{-}(A)=\lim\inf_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{|A\cap[-n,n]|}{2n+1}$ and the upper Beurling density $d^+(A)=\lim\sup_{n\...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Double sum of reciprocal powers of integer LCMs

I am looking for approximations, or a closed form, if available, for the sum $S(n,k)=\sum_{1\leq i,j,\leq n} lcm(i,j)^{-k}$ where lcm(i,j) is the least common multiple of integers $i,j$ and $k$...
kodlu's user avatar
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1 answer

Is $n=6$ the only integer satisfies ${\sigma}_x(n) \equiv 0\bmod{n}$ for every odd integer $x > 0$ and $2 (\bmod n)$ if $x$ is even integer? [closed]

After a few computations in wolfram alpha about the divisor function for some values of $n$ to look the behavior of $\sigma_x(n)\bmod n$ for $\,n=6,\,$ i got this result : $\sigma_x(6)=0 \bmod 6$ for $...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a similar formula like Ramanunjan's Eisenstein series identity for $\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}k^2 \sigma(k)\sigma(n-k)$?

This question is related to the last question about van der Pol's identity for the sum of divisors. In Touchard (1953) it is mentioned that the sum of divisors $\sigma(n)$ satisfies the following ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
7 votes
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Are all complex zeros of $\zeta(s) \pm \zeta(-s)$ on the line with $\Re(s)=0$?

My conjecture is that all zeros in the strip $-1 \le \Re(s) \le 1$ of $\zeta(s) \pm \zeta(-s)$ are on the line $\Re(s)=0$. I did find three complex zeros for $\pm =+$ (i.e. 12 in total) and two ...
Agno's user avatar
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3 answers

Unprovable sentence about integers

Is there any natural* statement S about the natural integers such that if PA contains no contradictions then neither PA+S nor PA+not S contains a contradiction? If unknown, where can I read about the ...
kermit's user avatar
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2 answers

What is wrong with this deterministic algorithm efficiently generating large primes?

According to PolyMath (Strong) conjecture. There exists deterministic algorithm which, when given an integer k, is guaranteed to find a prime of at least k digits in length of time polynomial in k. ...
joro's user avatar
  • 24.2k
7 votes
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A question on BSD conjecture

If $E$ is an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$, and $K$ is an imaginary quadratic field. If $rank E(K)\leq 1$ and both $E$ and the quadratic twist of $E$ by $K$ satisfy the full BSD conjecture, does ...
user57657's user avatar
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2 answers

References for the result that $\sqrt{n}$ is equidistributed mod 1

It is not difficult to show (even without Weyl criterion) that the sequence $\sqrt{n}$, $n=1,2,\ldots$ is equidistributed mod 1. However, I need a reference to this result. Can you help me? Thanks.
Richard Bonne's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Arbitrarily long composite anti-diagonals?

Plot points $(a,b) \in \mathbb{N}^2$ if gcd$(a,b) \neq 1$. Call such points composite points. Call a sequence of points $(a+i,b-i), i=0,\ldots,k$ a composite anti-diagonal if all are composite points. ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Counterexample to Proposition of Granville related to abc conjecture

Looks like there is counterexample to Proposition related to abc conjecture. Confusion is likely. From RATIONAL AND INTEGRAL POINTS ON QUADRATIC TWISTS OF A GIVEN HYPERELLIPTIC CURVE, Andrew ...
joro's user avatar
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1 answer

Reduction mod $p$ of units in a ring of integers

Let $\mathcal{O}_k$ be the ring of integers in an algebraic number field $k$ and let $\mathfrak{p}$ be a prime ideal of $\mathcal{O}_k$. I'm looking for conditions on $k$ and $\mathfrak{p}$ which ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the shortest proof of the existence of a prime between $p$ and $p^2$ ? other examples? [closed]

1) It is well known that between a prime $p$ and $p^2$ always exist a prime, but what is the shortest proof of that (by elementary methods or not)? (One can say that we can have it as a collorary of ...
6 votes
3 answers

Re: Mordell's Equation $y^2 = x^3 + k$ and Perfect Numbers

I have already tried a somewhat exhaustive search of the literature, but couldn't find anything close to the problem that I am working on. My question is: When does Mordell's Equation $$y^2 = x^3 +...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

The distribution of fractional parts $\Big\{ \frac{N}{n} \Big\}$

Let $N$ be a large integer. What is known about distribution of fractional parts $\Big\{ \frac{N}{n} \Big\} \in [0,1)$ after division of $N$ by all odd numbers $n$ in the range $3 \leq n < \sqrt{N}$...
Alex's user avatar
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0 answers

On a certain $(-1)$-Eulerian polynomials of type $B$

Let $(q)_n=(1-q)(1-q^2)\cdots(1-q^n)$ with $(q)_0:=1$. Define a $q$-exponential by $$e_q(z)=\sum_{n\geq0}\frac{z^n}{(q)_n}.$$ There is a notion of $q$-Eulerian polynomials of type $A$, see the ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
6 votes
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Difficult elliptic curves for $a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = (a+b+c+d)^4$?

Similar to the case $x^4+y^4+z^4 = 1$ discussed in this MO post, define the system, $$x^4+y^4+z^4+1 = (x+y+z+1)^4\tag1$$ $$\frac{x^2+x+1}{(x+y+1)(x+z+1)}=u\tag2$$ $$\frac{y^2+y+1}{(y+z+1)(y+x+1)}=v\...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

CM fields and Hilberts 12th problem

According to the main theorem of CM, for every abelian variety $A$ associated to a CM field $K$, one obtains a certain unramified abelian extension of the reflex field $K^\times$ given by the field of ...
Ralf Gerkmann's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Trisecting $3$-fold sumsets: is the middle part always thick?

Here is a truly minimalistic and seemingly basic question which should have a simple solution (I hope it does). Let $A$ be a finite set of integers with the smallest element $0$ and the largest ...
Seva's user avatar
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Dirichlet series of the reciprocal radical function

Define $ rad(n):=\prod_{p|n}p $ and $a_n:=\frac{n}{rad(n)}.$ For example $a_n=1$ whenever n is a squarefree integer. The associated Dirichlet series $$F(s):=\sum_{n} \frac{a_n}{n^s}=\prod_{p} (1+\frac{...
user17244's user avatar
6 votes
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Are these continued fractions for the "tails" of $\zeta(3)$ and of the Catalan constant known?

For polynomials $a=a(x)$ and $b=b(x)$, define the continued fraction $$f(a,b):=a(1)+ \lower 2pt\overset{\infty }{\underset{n=1}{\mathbb{\LARGE K}}}~\dfrac{b(n)}{a(n+1)}=a(1)+\cfrac{b(1)}{a(2) + \cfrac{...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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What is the best known upper bound for $\frac{1}{\zeta'(\rho)}$ assuming the SZC but not the RH?

Let $\zeta$ denote the Riemann zeta function and let $\rho$ denote one of its complex zeros. What is the best known upper bound for $\frac{1}{\zeta'(\rho)}$ assuming that all zeros are simple (SZC), ...
user257465's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a connection between the closed forms of these two infinite products?

Take the following two infinite products that have closed forms. Assume: $\gamma_n > 0 \in \mathbb{R};s,a,x \in \mathbb{C}; x \ne 0,a \pm ix\gamma_n \ne 0$ The first product: $$\displaystyle H_{...
Agno's user avatar
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2 answers

Minimum number of unit fractions to sum up a given positive rational

For any positive $p,q\in\mathbb{N}$ there is a finite subset $S$ of $\{\frac{1}{n}:n\in\mathbb{N}, n\geq 1\}$ such that $\sum_{s\in S} s=\frac{p}{q}$, see this article by Paul Erdös and Sherman Stein (...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
6 votes
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Positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation $(xz+1)(yz+1)=z^4+z^3 +z^2 +z+1$

Let $P(z) = z^4 +z^3 +z^2 +z+1$ where $z$ is a positive integer. While working with the diophantine equation $(xz+1)(yz+1)=P(z)$, I was able to construct a seemingly infinite and complete solution set ...
ASP's user avatar
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Bound on a scaled sum of the Liouville function

Terence Tao has shown see his blog post that $$\left| \sum_{n\leq x} \frac{\mu(n)}{n} \right|\leq 1,$$ for $x$ a positive real number, where $\mu(n)$ is the Möbius function. Let $\lambda(n)$ denote ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Is every square root of an integer a linear combination of cosines of $\pi$-rational angles?

For example, $\sqrt 2 = 2 \cos (\pi/4)$, $\sqrt 3 = 2 \cos(\pi/6)$, and $\sqrt 5 = 4 \cos(\pi/5) + 1$. Is it true that any integer's square root can be expressed as a (rational) linear combinations of ...
pavpanchekha's user avatar
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Is every polynomial a factor of a trinomial?

We say that $T(X) \in \mathbb{Q}[X]$ is a trinomial if there exist $A,B,C \in \mathbb{Q}$ such that $T(X) = AX^n + BX^m + C$ for some $n \geq m \in \mathbb{N}$. Is it true that for each irreducible ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Langlands conjectures in higher dimensions

Geometric class field theory (curves over a finite field) has been generalized to higher dimensional varieties over a finite field (and other arithmetical fields). Some of the key names here are Lang, ...
SGP's user avatar
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The $\zeta$-word [closed]

I was wondering about classical notations in number theory. I will not ask here about special functions in general but about the more ubiquitous number theory functions. That which made me wonder ...
plm's user avatar
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Eulerian ordering of the integers modulo n

Let $n>1$ be an integer. Consider the set $C_n := \{0,1, \dots , n-1\}$. An Eulerian ordering of $C_n$ is an ordering $r_1, \dots, r_n$ of its elements such that: $$\forall i \le n \ \forall j&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Optimizing a smoothing function with the Prime Number Theorem in mind

Let $f:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb{R}$ be a function with $f(x)=1$ for $0\leq x\leq 1$. Write $Mf$ for the Mellin transform of $f$. Let $c>0$, $T>10^6$ be constants. We are interested in minimizing ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Transforming the Kondo quintic $5T2$ into the Lehmer quintic $5T1$?

I. Kondo-Brumer quintic The deceptively simple solvable quintic, $$x^5 + (a - 3)x^4 + (-a + b + 3)x^3 + (a^2 - a - 1 - 2b)x^2 + b x + a=0$$ is quite important for imaginary quadratic fields. For ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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(Variation of an old question) Are these functions polynomials?

This is a followup to the question here: How to show that the following function isn't a polynomial over Q?. As before, let $b_1,b_2,\dots$ be an enumeration of $\mathbb Q$. The question might ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Differential Galois number theory

Following, I vainly tried to find ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
5 votes
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A truncated divisor function sum

Let $d(n)$ be the number of divisors function, i.e., $d(n)=\sum_{k\mid n} 1$ of the positive integer $n$. The following estimate is well known $$ \sum_{n\leq x} d(n)=x \log x + (2 \gamma -1) x +{\cal ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Ternary quadratic form theta series as Hecke eigenforms and class number one

At Simple comparison of positive ternary quadratic form representation counts Jeremy answered: "The reason is that the theta series for the sums of three squares form is an eigenfunction for all the ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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The rank of a class elliptic curves

For elliptic curve $y^{2}=x(x+a^{2})(x+(1-a)^{2})$,($a$ is a rational number and does not equal 0,1,1/2),is its rank always 0?
leiweixi's user avatar
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Zeta function double product

Is it possible to write the following double product in terms of the zeta function? \begin{align} &\prod_{i=1}^{\infty}\prod_{j=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{1-(p_i\ p_j)^{-s}} \end{align} Extending the ...
martin's user avatar
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Are continuous self-maps of the Golomb space $\mathbb G$ dense in the space of all self-maps of $\mathbb G$?

The Golomb space $\mathbb G$ is the set $\mathbb N$ of positive integers endowed with the topology generated by the base consisting of arithmetic sequences $a+b\mathbb N_0:=\{a+bn:n\ge 0\}$ with $a,b$ ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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consecutive prime gaps and explicit bound

I am aware of the theorem that $p_{n+1}- p_n \leq n^{0.525}$ which is true for all sufficiently large numbers due to Baker, but if i want to make the implicit "for all sufficiently large numbers" ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Hamming distance between $a+b$ and $a \oplus b \oplus ((a \land b) \ll 1)$

Motivation. In their paper about the cryptographic scheme NORX, the authors use a fast approximation of + by bitwise operations (taking fewer CPU cycles than proper addition) using the formula $$a+b "=...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
5 votes
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There at least 4 divisors of $n-1$ which do not divide $\phi(n)$ if $n$ is a composite of the form $6k+1$

If $n$ is composite then $\phi(n) < n-1$ (Euler's totient function) hence there must be one or more divisors of $n-1$ which do not divide $\phi(n)$. For lack of a better terminology, let us call ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar

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