Questions tagged [nisnevich-topology]

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Nisnevich covers of algebraic spaces

Does every algebraic space have a Nisnevich cover by a scheme? (Assume that the algebraic space is quasi-separated, quasi-compact and over a scheme $S$.) Background: Every algebraic space has an ...
expz's user avatar
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2 answers

Nisnevich topology on non-(locally) Noetherian schemes

Background Lurie has in DAG XI a definition (given below) of a Nisnevich cover for arbitrary commutative rings, which reduces to the usual one for Noetherian rings. It boils down to being a etale ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Basic properties of Nisnevich cohomology; $l'$-topology?

I would like to know more about Nisnevich cohomology (especially, on its properties that could be easily formulated). In particular, I would like to know which of the following statements are true, ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Nisnevich topology inspired by Adeles

I'm quite a newbe in the field of motives & A1 homotopy theory, so please forgive me if the question is too elementary: In the intro from wikipedia on Nisnevish topology is remarked that it's ...
user267839's user avatar
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A Nisnevich cover which is not Zariski

The Nisnevich topology on $Sch$ is a Grothendieck topology strictly finer than the Zariski topology, and the etale topology is strictly finer than the Nisnevich topology. Colin McLarty asked me for ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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4 votes
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Cohomology of a sheaf with only one stalk

Let $X$ be a proper scheme over a henselian discrete valation ring. I have a Nisnevich sheaf $F$ of which has only one stalk at the generic point of $X$ (and all other stalks vanish). I believe that ...
Thomas Geisser's user avatar
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The restriction of the Gersten resolution (for etale cohomology) onto a closed subvariety.

There is a very important result of Bloch and Ogus: for any smooth variety $X$ and fixed $r\in \mathbb{Z}$, $r\ge 0$, $l$ is prime to the residue field characteristic, the Zariski sheafification of ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
3 votes
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Some 'weak proper and smooth base change' theorems for Nisnevich sheaves?

Among the most important tools for studying etale cohomology are the proper and smooth base change theorems. I suspect that these theorems are no longer true for Nisnevich cohomology (probably finite ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
2 votes
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Reference for cdh topology

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a proper surjective morphism over some base scheme $S$ of finite type, suppose $f$ restricts to an isomorphism over some open $U$ of $X$, we also suppose both $X$ and $Y$ are ...
Heer's user avatar
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Intersections of components of 'simple' ('local") Zariski coverings

I would like to study the ordered Cech cohomology with respect to a Zariski covering of a variety. I can pass to the limit with respect to refinements; the components of the 'limit covering' will be ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar