Questions tagged [monodromy]

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33 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Nearby cycles without a function

Suppose that: $X$ is a smooth complex algebraic variety, $f : X \to D$ is a proper map to a small disc, smooth away from 0, $Z_\epsilon = f^{-1}(\epsilon)$, and $Z = Z_0$. Then there is a procedure (...
Geordie Williamson's user avatar
9 votes
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Holonomy as a right adjoint, monodromy as a left adjoint

This question about the difference between holonomy and monodromy has an interesting answer by Ronnie Brown. An excerpt: So holonomy comes out as a kind of right adjoint, and monodromy as a kind ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Degeneration of wildly ramified local monodromy representations - near or far from Deligne?

Suppose we have a surface $S$ mapping to a curve $C$ and a finite cover $Y/S$ that is ramified at a divisor $D$. For each point $x \in C$ we get a ramified cover of the curve $S_x$, and we can study ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Inertia group vs. differential equations

The tame quotient of the inertia group of $\mathbf Q_p$, say, is the profinite group generated by the Frobenius $\sigma$ and the monodromy $\tau$, subject to the relation $\tau^{p-1} [\tau, \sigma] = ...
Jakob's user avatar
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When is the monodromy group of a linear differential equation dense in the Galois group?

Given a system $Y'=A(t)Y$ with only regular singular points, then a theorem of Schlesinger says that the Zariski closure of the monodromy group is equal to the Galois group of the corresponding Picard-...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
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Rigid Uniformization vs Grothendieck's Local Monodromy Theory

I've noticed that some interesting results about abelian varieties can each be proven using one of two ways: the theory of rigid uniformization of abelian varieties or Grothendieck's local monodromy ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Characterization of the hypergeometric function

One of the definition of the hypergeometric function $_2 F_1$ rely only on its global properties around the singularities (and not on a differential equation or a serie expansion) In modern language (...
Jeannette's user avatar
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Grothendieck monodromy theorem for l-adic sheaves

Hi, Suppose that $F$ is a local field, $G_F$ its Galois group, $I$ the inertia subgroup, $k$ its residue field. Let $X$ be a finite type scheme over $k$. Let $C$ be a constructible $l$-adic sheaf on $...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Criterion for triviality of monodromy in smooth families

Let $\pi: X \to \Delta^*$ be a smooth, projective morphism. We know that for each $k$, there is a natural local system $L:=R^k \pi_*\mathbb{C}$. The associated vector bundle $\mathcal{L}:=L \otimes \...
user45397's user avatar
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Quasi-unipotent monodromy for variation of Landau-Ginzburg cohomology

A pair, $(X,f)$, consisting of a smooth variety and a global function $f:X\rightarrow\mathbb{A}^{1}$ is called a Landau-Ginzburg model, LG-model for short. The LG-cohomology of the pair, dentoed $H(X,...
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Topological cycles with Lagrangian support

For a compact Kähler manifold of dimension $2n$, is there a classification of the homological $n$-cycles which are supported in a compact Lagrangian submanifold? The main example for this question ...
D. L Garcia's user avatar
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How can I describe the monodromy of this variation of singular curves?

Consider the family of singular hyperelliptic curves $$ y^2 - x(x-1)^2(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-t) $$ over $\mathbb{A}^1_t$. Over a generic point the fiber is a genus three curve where one of the genera comes ...
54321user's user avatar
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Action of the monodromy on the cycle made of the real points

Let $f : \Bbb C^n \to \Bbb C$ be a polynomial function with real coefficients. Let $X_t = f^{-1}(t)$ denote the fiber above some $t \in \Bbb C$. Let assume that the set of real points of $X_t$, for $t ...
Lierre's user avatar
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Does there exist duality/symmetry between Fuchsian differential equations, like in the case of confluent hypergeometric?

My question is about whether certain dualities or symmetries hold between pairs of Fuchsian differential equations, but I need to give a bit of background to explain what I want to ask. Thank you for ...
Idempotent's user avatar
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Factorization algebras as factorizable cosheaves on the (extended) Ran Space

A basic fact in the theory of factorization algebras is that, to state it in a rough way, the exit path category of the Ran space of a topological manifold $M$ is equivalent to the category consisting ...
Markus Zetto's user avatar
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Frobenius structure for A_n singularities

I need to compute monodromy matrices $M(v)$, associated to a Frobenius structure for $A_n$ singularity with flat coordinates $v_1,\dots,v_n$, that is, $f(x)=x^{n+1}$. (due to Saito, Dubrovin etc.) ...
Krieg899's user avatar
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Multivalued functions with three independent branches

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $f: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ be a multivalued function, analytic everywhere except for branch points at $0$, $1$ and $\infty$. Around one of those ...
Jeannette's user avatar
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Monodromy representations are "quasi-unipotent"

Let $S$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety, let $b$ be a closed point of $X$, and let $f:X\to S$ be a polarized family of smooth projective varieties over $S$. This induces a monodromy ...
Randy's user avatar
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Does the monodromy of such VHS have to be trivial

Consider a variation of polarized Hodge structure on a punctured disk. Suppose that connection preserves Hodge filtration (which is much stronger, than Griffiths transversality). Moreover assume that ...
quinque's user avatar
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Monodromy along strata of a pushforward

Work with complex varieties and constructible sheaves on the complex analytic site. All functors will be tacitly derived. Let $X$ be a variety acted upon by a connected linear algebraic group. Let $X ...
Reladenine Vakalwe's user avatar
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Some questions about $\ell$-adic monodromy

I'm stucking on the proof of the Lemma 3.12 of A p-adic analogue of Borel’s theorem. Here $\mathcal A_{g,\mathrm K}$ is just a shimura variety defined over $\mathbb Z_p$, and full level $\ell$ ...
Richard's user avatar
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Steenbrink spectral sequence and modifications of the central fibre

If $f: X \to S$ is a proper map from a complex manifold to a disc, $Y=f^{-1}(0)$ is a divisor with strictly normal crossings and the action of monodromy on $X_t=f^{-1}(t)$ for some (hence any) $t \neq ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Abelian variety corresponding to a vector space

I would like to know what the following statement means: "Let $B_t$ be the Abelian subvariety in $J_t$ corresponding to the $\mathbb{Q}$-vector subspace $H^1(C_t,\mathbb{Q})_{van}$ in the space $...
Roxana's user avatar
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Computing monodromy groups of curves over function fields

Suppose I consider a hyperelliptic curve given by an equation such as $y^2 = x^{n} + tx + 1$ or some variation on this (where $t$ is a parameter on $\mathbb P^1$ and this curve is really a surface ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Monodromy group of the generic plane curve

Let's work over $\mathbb{C}$. The degree $d$ curves in $\mathbb{P}^2_{\mathbb{C}}$ are parameterized by a projective space $|\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^2}(d)|$. Let $U_d\subset |\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^2}...
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Cycle map and flat cycle

Let $\mathcal X\rightarrow C$ be a smooth projective morphism over an open subset of $\mathbb A_k^1$ ($k$ algebraically closed of characteristic $p>0$, one can suppose $C$ to be the spectrum of a ...
user3001's user avatar
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Etale local systems and proper base change

I am looking for a reference, or a proof, of the following statement: Let $f:Y\longrightarrow X$ be a smooth proper map of quasiprojective $K$ schemes, and let $\overline{f}:\overline{Y}\...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Monodromy Representation on $H_1$ of Elliptic Curve

I'm reading this post by Charles Siegel on Monodromy Representations and there is a construction in example a not unterstand. We look at the family $y^2z=x(x-z)(x-\lambda z)$ of projective elliptic ...
user267839's user avatar
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Moduli space of genus $g$ curves ${\mathcal{M}_g}$ irreducible by 'Monodromy argument'

I'm reading this post by Charles Siegel on Monodromy Representations and there is a short remark on the proof of irreducibility of moduli space of genus $g$ curves ${\mathcal{M}_g}$ : Just look at ${...
user267839's user avatar
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why is monodromy weight filtration compatible with cup product?

This question is about a statement I took for granted in this question. If $f: X \to S$ is a moprhism from a complex manifold to a punctured disc then the monodromy operator $T$ is quasi-unipotent, so ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Transverse $S^1$ actions on mapping tori

Up until now I have thought that the existence of a transverse $\mathbb{S}^1$ action on a symplectic mapping torus implies that the mapping torus is trivial. Unfortunately I also came up with a ...
R Mary's user avatar
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lifts of maps to $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$

Hi, here's there's a construction about elliptic curves that I do not completely understand. Suppose I consider the two following families of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{C}^*$. The first, which I ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Irreducibility of monodromy of eigenspaces of families of cyclic coverings

In the article "La conjecture de Weil", Deligne proves that for the primitive cohomology of a universal family $f:X \rightarrow S$ for $M_{d,n}$ the moduli stack of hypersurfaces of degree $d$ in $\...
Jack's user avatar
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