Questions tagged [mathematical-modeling]

This tag is used to refer to mathematical/probabilistic/statistical modeling questions, usually this tag is used to ask about questions that are related with the mathematical formalism of the model instead of the correctness of a specific model in practice.

35 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to play golf in one dimension?

One-dimensional golf is a function $g$ on $\mathbb R$ such that $g(x)= 1+\min_\mu E[g(x+N(\mu,c\mu^2))]$ if $|x|>1$ and 0 if $|x|\le 1.$ Here $N$ is the normal distribution, whose mean $\mu$ you ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Models used for the Zika virus?

I am currently teaching an ordinary differential equations course, and am thinking about doing a module on infectious disease models, e.g. SIR/SIRS. I thought, if possible, it would be nice to ...
Kimball's user avatar
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The Damworld model of Hamilton and Henderson

I've been reading some of the literature around Lovelock and Watson's famous Daisyworld earth-system model. It is a simple non-linear system of ODEs that illustrates various interesting principles in ...
Jeffrey Giansiracusa's user avatar
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Mathematical formulation of beam: get stress/strain from forces and momentum

I'm working with static beams with Euler–Bernoulli model which ODE is $$ \dfrac{d^2}{dx^2} \left(EI \cdot \dfrac{d^2w}{dx^2}\right) = q(x). $$ With a beam along the $x$ axis, the solution consists of ...
Carlos Adir's user avatar
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How to mix Lagrange mechanics + KKT conditions?

Question: How can I mix the concepts of Lagrange Mechanics and KKT conditions? I've learned that Lagrange Mechanics derivation comes from variational calculus, and in some formulations, we can add ...
Carlos Adir's user avatar
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Notions of "completeness" and "sufficiency" of a mathematical model

I'm modelling a real-world problem as having instances $i$ in a set $P$. As a very simple artificial example, consider the problem of choosing a meeting room given a certain number of people. Then $i =...
Peeyush Kushwaha's user avatar
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Image restoration quality general lower bounds

A typical image restoration model posits that, starting from a true image $f = f(x,y)$, we observe $$ \tilde f = f \star h + n $$ where $\star$ is convolution, $h$ is the point spread function (caused,...
Elena Yudovina's user avatar
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How to promote a blog?

Math behind might be interesting. Quite recent bloggingg activity might have interesting math model. The point is that bloggers compete for subscribers and at the same time cooperate gaining ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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What mathematical models can analyze and optimize systems based on gossip?

I look for a mathematical model that can accommodate, analyze and suggest optimizations for a system that can be humanly described as people gossiping about stuff. System description: We have a ...
DuckQueen's user avatar
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Finding a queuing model for waste accumulation

I've been tasked with modeling the accumulation of solid waste in an urban setting. In particular, the objective is to find the steady state distribution describing the amount of waste in a given ...
Gabriele Troncone's user avatar
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Solve 4th order ODE with variable coefficients

I am trying to solve a 4th order boundary value problem with variable coefficients, namely the problem of a rotating cantilever beam: $u'''' - \frac{((1-x^2)u')'}{2\eta} - \frac{\alpha}{\eta}((1-x)u')...
resalmon's user avatar
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Optimization over Spectral Laplacian in cycles and trees

Is there any idea on how one can deal with an optimization problem of sum of k largest eigenvalues(min) of Laplacian matrix of a simple cycle or tree? I would like to use semidefinite programming for ...
Royeh's user avatar
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How to smoothly interpolate gravitational field between trajectories in high dimension?

I'm looking for the adequate numerical interpolation technique to solve the following problem. This is probably trivial for physicists who study gravitational fields, but I didn't find clear answers ...
Youcef's user avatar
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Turing reaction diffusion equations and neural networks

Suppose you have a Turing-type reaction-diffusion system $$ \begin{cases} \partial_t \phi = & f(\phi, \psi) + D_\phi \nabla^2\phi \\ \partial_t \psi = & g(\phi, \psi) + D_\psi \nabla^2\psi \...
Alberto Carraro's user avatar
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Canonical representation of the a probability distribution for Hammersley Clifford Theorem

I'm reading the following paper On page 7 they give the result that $$Q(\textbf{x}) = \sum_{1 \leq i \leq n} ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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Discrete-time model for spread of information when the probability of information transfer between each pair is known

[This question is cross-posted from MSE.] I'm interested in the behaviour of the following sort of system. We are given: a finite set $X$, a subset $A_0 \subset X$, and a function $f : X \times X \to [...
TheMoreTheMerrier's user avatar
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Next-generation matrix of infectious disease

If the population is classified into $\mathbf{S}$, $\mathbf{E}$, $\mathbf{I}$ and $\mathbf{R}$ compartments such that \begin{equation} \label{eq4} \begin{aligned} \mathbf{S} &=\dfrac{S_{1}N_{1}+...
Asrat  M. B.'s user avatar
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Mathematical modeling of multi-site reaction-diffusion

(I asked a similar question on Mathematics SE, but based on the Help section it might be better suited for this site, as it is focused on research-level mathematical modeling.) I am wondering if ...
Mowgli's user avatar
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Ratio dependent predator prey model

In the article on Global qualitative analysis of a ratio-dependent predator–prey system- Kuang, 1998 The system is where a, K, c, m, f, d are positive constants that stand for prey intrinsic ...
clarkson's user avatar
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Latent Dirichlet Allocation on Contrived Data

I am doing a project that seems like it might be susceptible to Latent Dirichlet Allocation. However, my data is highly contrived (both in test cases and use cases) and my "words" don't come close to ...
Stella Biderman's user avatar
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In search for analytical solutions for sixth order nonlinear PDE

I am modelling the nonlinear behaviour of an bubble in hot water. I am trying to explain it's rotational, vibrational and translational motion in water with impurities and subject to varying ...
Spoilt Milk's user avatar
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A mathematical biology reference request

Is there any mathematical articles that describe the differential equation modelling of locomotion of amoeba using pseduopodia? I am looking for physics based models of pressure difference modeling of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Notions of consistency / heterogeneity in sets of vector values?

The problem Let us consider a row vector u of size $n\in\mathbb{N}$, containing only binary values (0,1): $$u=(u_1 \cdots u_n), n\in\mathbb{N}$$ $$\forall i \in \{1\ldots n\}, u_i \in\{0,1\}$$ I would ...
Hazan Tayeb's user avatar
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Are there any known bounds on the value of solutions of linear integer programming?

Given a linear objective function and a system of linear constraints; are there any known bounds on the values of (positive) integral solutions in terms of the coefficient matrix of the constraints? ...
GLG's user avatar
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Influence of parameter variations on the solution of an ODE system

Hello community, suppose we are given a system of ODEs \begin{align} x'(t) &=f(x(t),p) \newline x(0) &= x_0 \end{align} where $f\in C^1(U,\mathbb{R}^n)$, $U\subseteq \mathbb{R}_{+}^n\times R^...
Jack Thomas's user avatar
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Use Lie Sub-Groups of GL(3, R) for elastic deformation ?

I'm interested in representing elastic deformations (e.g. stretching) using Lie groups. There are a few references to using $GL(3,\mathbf{R})$ but I'm wondering if possible to use subgroups of $GL(3,\...
John Craighead's user avatar
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Understanding relation of 2 dependent, integral equations which are nested in a Bayesian Expectation

I'm trying hard to try understand the recursive nature between two equations in a recent macroeconomics paper, but my question mainly relates to how mathematically such recursive equations can depend ...
Justin Lee's user avatar
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Question on the modelling of (viscous) fluid in a bag with holes

Consider some fluid (as nice as possible) in a plastic bag with holes illustrated by the image below (of course no holes have been drawn in this picture) What is the corresponding PDE to model the ...
GJC20's user avatar
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Gaussian white noise model in application

I am interested in applications (to data) of non-parametric statistics, and my question concerned the Gaussian white noise model defined by, $$ X_{t_1, \ldots, t_d}=f\left(t_1, \ldots, t_d\right) d ...
BabaUtah's user avatar
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What is the meaning of column integrated fluxes?

I am solving an equation where one term $\bar{P}$ is given and is called the integrated column flux. In the equation, the term $P$ is the precipitation. I am doing this on the discrete domain. Anyone ...
User124356's user avatar
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How to define Mock Hadley Cell in mathematical modeling?

I am computing a force term in which one component is $F_{ext}$. To define this, the following content given in the paper. To capture the possible large-scale effects on precipitation clusters, we ...
User124356's user avatar
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Global stability question for system with a unique locally-asymptotically-stable steady state

I have an ordinary differential system of dimension 3 that contains a locally-asymptotically-stable unique fixed point. Additionally, the system is strictly-positively invariant and bounded. Now, ...
Paichu's user avatar
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If $(Φ^x)_{x∈ℝ}$ is a family of real-valued stochastic processes and $B$ is a Brownian motion, then $\int_0^tΦ^x_s\:dB_s=(\int_0^t\Phi_s\:dB_s)(x)$

Let $T>0$ $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ be a probability space $(\mathcal F_t)_{t\in[0,\:T]}$ be a complete filtration on $(\Omega,\mathcal A)$ $B$ be a (standard, real-valued) $\mathcal F$...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Covariance matrix/kriging interpolation

I have a covariance matrix that I am trying to interpolate using kriging interpolation. The point of the kriging is to statistically predict any unknown point in-between know points. For example if I ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Orthogonal Projections in Lie Theory

I have been studying a finite element method where rigid & elastic spatial motions are separated using an orthogonal projection (actually two: one for translations/stretches, the other for ...
John Craighead's user avatar