Questions tagged [lo.logic]

first-order and higher-order logic, model theory, set theory, proof theory, computability theory, formal languages, definability, interplay of syntax and semantics, constructive logic, intuitionism, philosophical logic, modal logic, completeness, Gödel incompleteness, decidability, undecidability, theories of truth, truth revision, consistency.

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0 answers

Is there a restriction of Linear Temporal Logic that has a "Markov" property?

I have a problem, that I can formulate as model-finding in Linear Temporal Logic (via Büchi automata). I also have the additional knowledge, that there is always satisfied a Markov-like property, ...
user1747134's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Consistency strength of the existence of a transitive model of $\mathsf{ZFC}^-$ with a $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter

Let $\mathsf{ZFC}^-$ be the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without power set axiom. For a transitive model $M$ of $\mathsf{ZFC}^-$ and an cardinal $\kappa\in M$ in the sense of $M$, an unary predicate $U$...
Hanul Jeon's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the following injectivity schema provable in ZF-foundation?

Is the injectivity scheme present in the below axiomatic exposition of a first-order set theory provable in $\text{ZF}$? Extensionality: $\forall A,B \ [\forall x \ (x \in A \leftrightarrow x \in B) \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Extendibility vs supercompactness

The following quotes comes from "Cantor's Attic"'s page on supercompacts: If κ is $|V_{κ+η}|$-supercompact with $η<κ$ then it is preceeded by a stationary set of $η$-extendible cardinals. If $κ$ ...
Julian Barathieu's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is this property exhibited by some logical systems?

I'm migrating this question from MSE to MO, as in the span of five months, it received 6 upvotes but no answers. If my language needs to be fine-tuned in any way, constructive suggestions and guidance ...
Hans Brende's user avatar
5 votes
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How to kill a $\Sigma_{n+1}$-correct cardinal softly ($n>1$)?

A cardinal $\kappa$ is $\Sigma_n$-correct iff $V_\kappa \prec_n V$. For n>1, how to force a $\Sigma_{n+1}$-correct cardinal to be $\Sigma_{n}$-correct but not $\Sigma_{n+1}$-correct? For $n=1$, we ...
Jinglun Cai's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the axiom schema of Replacement follow from the abstract notion of the iterative conception of sets?

Let's define an iterative function $V^F$ to indicate a iterative hierarchy building function that iterates a function $F$ starting from $\emptyset$ after a well ordering relation set $R$ whose domain ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Are $\mathbb C$ , $\mathbb C[X]$ definable in $\mathbb C[[X]]$?

Let $L$ be a first-order language and $M$ be an $L$-structure. Let $D \subseteq M^n$ . Let us say $D$ is definable in $M$ if for some finite set (possibly empty) $A=\{a_1,...,a_m\} \subseteq M$ and ...
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38 votes
7 answers

Is V, the Universe of Sets, a fixed object?

When I first read Set Theory by Jech, I came under the impression that the Universe of Sets, $V$ was a fixed, well defined object like $\pi$ or the Klein four group. However as I have read on, I am ...
Elie Ben-Shlomo's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Gödel's speed-up from constructive to classical logic?

Gödel's speed-up theorem implies that some proofs can get significantly shortened when allowing extra axioms. There are concrete examples of this phenomenon for instance when moving from Peano ...
Ganon's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Forcings predicted by core model theory $+$$ZFC$ results proved by the method of core model theory

I have two unrelated question. First question. To motivate the question, let me explain an example. The natural way to force the failure of singular cardinals hypothesis ($SCH$), is to start with a ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
7 votes
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Games in non-standard models

Has anyone studied Combinatorial game theory in non-standard models? In particular, we can work in either non-standard models of set theory, or we can work in non-standard models of arithmetic, where ...
Christopher King's user avatar
7 votes
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Model theory of the restricted complex analytic functions

Let $\mathbb{C}_{an}$ be the expansion of the structure $(\mathbb{C}; +,-,×,0,1)$ by adding the restricted complex analytic functions. This is the complex analog of the familiar $\mathbb{R}_{an}$ in O-...
shahram's user avatar
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Applications of "model-theoretic" forcing

The notion of forcing was invented by Paul Cohen, who used it to prove the independence of the Continuum Hypothesis. He constructed a model of set theory in which the CH fails, thus showing that CH ...
Mostafa Mirabi's user avatar
36 votes
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Rigid non-archimedean real closed fields

Question. Is there a countable rigid non-Archimedean real closed field? Background: As usual, a structure is said to be rigid if the only automorphism of the structure is the identity map. It is ...
Ali Enayat's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Reasoning Using Countable Subsets of Real Numbers

The purpose of my question is trying to understand whether, in some cases, we can achieve greater certainty of reasoning (say when dealing with statements about natural numbers, integers or rational ...
SSequence's user avatar
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A generalization of Vaught's two cardinal theorem

I'm trying to determine whether or not the following generalization of Vaught's two cardinal theorem is true. Let $T$ be a complete theory in a language with a unary predicate $U$ and a binary ...
James Hanson's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is every true statement independent of $PA$ equivalent to some consistency statement?

Most true statements independent of PA that I know of is equivalent to some consistency statement. For example Con(PA), Con(PA + Con(PA)), Con(PA + Con(PA) + Con (PA + Con(PA)), $\dots$ Goodstein's ...
Christopher King's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the proof-theoretic ordinal of KPh?

If we work in this notation: $$C_0 (\alpha, \beta) = \beta \cup \lbrace 0 \rbrace$$ $$C_{n+1} (\alpha, \beta) = \lbrace \gamma + \delta, \omega^\gamma, \Omega_{\gamma}, I_{\gamma}, \psi_\pi(\eta) | \...
Boris Dimitrov's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Can we add set complements on top of ZF?

Can we introduce complements on top of the standard set theory $\text{ZF}$ and have some comprehension axioms about them, like in defining a "small set" as an element of a stage of the Cumulative ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
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Product of types in stable theories

Let $T$ be stable and $M \models T$. Given two types $p(x) \in S_x(M)$ and $q(y) \in S_y(M)$ there is a canonical way to get a type in $S_{xy}(M)$. Define $$p(x) \otimes q(y) = tp_{xy}(ab/M)$$ where $...
Levon Haykazyan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Characterizations of infinite compact Abelian groups and probability spaces based on the forcing notion they give

Let $G$ be an infinite compact Abelian group with the collection $\mathcal{B}$ of Borel subsets of $G$, and $m$ the (unique) normalized Haar measure on $\mathcal{B}$. This gives a natural forcing ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
5 votes
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preservation of forcing rigidity in iterations

Say that a partial order $P$ is forcing-rigid in a model $V$ if whenever $G \subseteq P$ is generic over $V$, then in $V[G]$, $G$ is the only filter which is $P$-generic over $V$. This implies there ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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What would be the effect of replacing Separation by Injective Replacement?

Let "Injective Replacement" be the following schema: If $\phi(x,y)$ is a formula in which only x,y occur free, and only free, then: $\small \forall A \ [\forall x \in A \exists y (\phi(x,y)) \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

An axiom for collecting proper classes

I'm currently working on some universal algebra using proper classes (in MK class theory), and I repeatedly run into situations where I want to collect together some proper classes as the members of a ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Connections between algebraic semantics and computational complexity of a logic?

I'm re-posting this question from cstheory.SE hoping to have more luck. I'm a computer scientist learning a bit about algebraic logic and I was wondering how knowing the algebraic semantics of a ...
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
17 votes
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Ramsey's theorem for the first uncountable ordinal

Sierpiński proved that a version of Ramsey's theorem for colourings of pairs of countable ordinals fails miserably by comparing the ordering of $\omega_1$ with the linear ordering of (a subset of) the ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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A question about ordinal analysis

I have several questions related to ordinal analysis. According to [1], here are the proof-theoretic ordinal of some well-known theories (using $|T|$ do denotate the proof-theoretic ordinal of $T$): ...
Julian Barathieu's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Is the axiom $\Diamond\Box\varphi\to\Box\Diamond\varphi$ in c.c.c. forcing potentialism equivalent to the productivity of c.c.c. forcing?

This question arose in connection with a lecture series on Potentialism that I have just completed here in Hejnice in the Czech Republic at the Winter School 2018 (see Slides). Several of us discussed ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
10 votes
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Iterated forcing with distributive forcing notions

Assume $(\kappa_n| n<\omega)$ is an increasing sequence of inaccessible cardinals with $\kappa_\omega=\sup_{n<\omega}\kappa_n.$. Let $((\mathbb{P}_n| n \leq \omega), (\dot{\mathbb{Q}}_n | n<\...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
9 votes
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Injection from $\aleph_2$ into the power set of $\mathbb{R}$

Assume $\mathsf{ZF} + \mathsf{DC}$. Must there exist an injection from $\aleph_2$ to $\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{R})$? If not, what is the consistency strength of the nonexistence of such an injection? I ...
Trevor Wilson's user avatar
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Proving $\omega_1$ is inaccessible in $L(r)$ [closed]

I am trying to prove that $\omega_1$ is strongly inaccessible in $L(r)$ for all $r \subseteq \omega$ from the assumption that $\omega_1$ is inaccessible to reals, i.e., that $\omega_1^{L(r)} < \...
Greg Barron's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Can the Turing degrees be linearly ordered?

Assuming the axiom of choice, every set can be linearly (indeed, well-) ordered. However, without choice this can fail, as witnessed most drastically by the consistency of amorphous sets. More ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is the status of the assertion "There are arbitrarily large cardinals with the tree property"?

Of course, if you want your cardinals with the tree property to be strongly inaccessible, then you're asking about weakly compact cardinals. But what if you don't want them to be strongly inaccessible?...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Short Diophantine definition of the sum-of-divisors function (using less than 100 variables)?

Is there a short Diophantine definition of the sum-of-divisors function? Is there a polynomial $p$ such that $$c = \sum_{d|n}d \ \leftrightarrow \ \exists x_1, \ldots x_{100}\ p(c,n,x_1, \ldots x_{...
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3 votes
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Can ZF be interpreted in a theory axiomatized by a version of replacement and infinity?

Dana Scott had once proved that Zermelo's set theory $``\text{Z}"$ can be interpretable in the first order set theory whose axioms are just the axioms of: Separation: if $\phi$ is a formula in which ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
2 votes
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Universal abstract elementary classes and closure operators

In this article Hyttinen and Kangas claim that universal abstract elementary classes which are categorical are essentially classes of vector spaces as soon as the model reaches a critical cardinality. ...
Ivan Di Liberti's user avatar
9 votes
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"Towers" on singular cardinals with countable cofinality

Let $\lambda$ be a singular cardinal of countable cofinality. Is there necessarily a sequence $\{A_\alpha\mid\alpha<\lambda^+\}$ of countable subsets of $\lambda$, such that $\alpha<\beta$ if ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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Substitutional modality

An informal definition of a logical truth is a sentence that's true in virtue of its form alone: $\phi$ is logically true iff all substitutions of $\phi$ that leave its logical vocabulary alone are ...
Andrew Bacon's user avatar
-2 votes
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Representing logic formulae in manifolds [closed]

Is there a meaningful way to transform logical equations (for instance $a \implies b$; $b \land a \implies c$ etc.) into geometrical representation in spaces such $\mathbb R^n$, $\mathbb C^n$ or ...
ahhamoment's user avatar
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Is Calculus of Constructions type inhabitance semi-decideable?

I'm wondering if type inhabitance for the calculus of constructions is semi-decideable. I know the following: System F inhabitance and, correspondingly, second-order unification are semi-decideable ...
Talia Ringer's user avatar
11 votes
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Ways to add Aronszajn trees which are neither Souslin nor special

By an Aronszajn tree, I mean a tree of height $\omega_1$ with countable levels and no branch. Such a tree is Souslin if it has no uncountable antichains and special if it can be written as the ...
Corey Bacal Switzer's user avatar
23 votes
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Is it consistent with ZF that $V\to V^{\ast \ast}$ is always surjective?

In a comment to a recent question, Jeremy Rickard asked whether it is consistent with ZF that the map $V \to V^{**}$ from a vector space to its double dual is always surjective. We know that "...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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Is this kind of predication preserved under co-extensionality?

Define: $x=^*y \iff \forall m \ (m \in x \iff m \in y)$, i.e. $=^*$ is co-extensionality relation. Define: $ Set(x) \iff \forall y,z \ (y \in x \wedge z=^*y \implies z \in x)$ i.e. a set is a ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
8 votes
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On measurable cardinals

Let $\kappa$ be an uncountable cardinal and $(P(\kappa),\cap,\cup, ^c,\kappa,\emptyset)$ the Boolean Algebra of all subsets of $\kappa$. Fact: If there exists a countably complete non-principal ...
Ioannis Souldatos's user avatar
7 votes
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Query about iterated collapse forcing

I have heard it said that it is possible to use Woodin's iterated collapse forcing to prove that the theory $\textsf{ZF}$+"there exists a non-trivial elementary embedding $j:V_{\lambda+2} \rightarrow ...
Rupert's user avatar
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A "dense" extension of the set of primitive recursive functions

Let $\mathcal{PR}$ be the set of primitive recursive functions. Let $\mathcal{PR}(f)$ be $\mathcal{PR}$ which we have amplified by adding (a recursive) $f$ the in the set of initial functions. To make ...
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8 votes
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Iterated forcing and the super tree property at $\omega_2$

It is a theorem of Baumgartner and Laver that iterating Sacks forcings of weakly compact length gives rise to the tree property at $\omega_2$. Natural questions (at least for me) are: do we get ...
Jing Zhang's user avatar
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Why can a least fixed point operator only be expanded finitely many times?

If we expand modal logic with least and greatest fix point operators $\mu$ and $\nu$, respectively, we obtain the logic $L_\mu$. An alternating automaton on infinite trees has a state space that is ...
Max's user avatar
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Equivalents of Replacement under removal of Extensionality?

Is the following schema equivalent to the axiom schema of Replacement over the rest of axioms of $ZF$ [equality axioms, full versions of Pairing, Union and Power; Infinity, Foundation, Extensionality]....
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar

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