Questions tagged [limit-theorems]

For questions about limit theorems of probability theory: (functional or not) central limit theorem, law of large numbers, law of iterated logarithm, etc.

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A convergence problem

I have a math/stat problem where I need to show the convergence of the average of a sequence of experiments to an interval. The sequence of experiments is not i.i.d., hence the standard law of large ...
Star's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Intuition of law of iterated logarithm?

Let $X_i$ be iid random variables with $EX_i = 0$ and $Var X_i=1$ and $S_n=X_1+\cdots+X_n$. Then the law of the iterated logarithm says almost everywhere we have $$\limsup_{n\to\infty}\frac{S_n}{\...
user16557's user avatar
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14 votes
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Large-n limit of the distribution of the normalized sum of Cauchy random variables

What is the large-n limit of a distribution of the following sample statistic:$$x\equiv\displaystyle\frac{\sum^{n}X_{i}}{\,\sqrt{\,\sum^{n}X_{i}^{2}\,}\,}$$ when sampling the Cauchy(0,1) distribution? ...
Honza's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can we do better than Azuma-Hoeffding when the variance is small?

The Azuma-Hoeffding Inequality says that if $X_1,X_2, \ldots$ is a martingale and the differences are bounded by constants, $\|X_i - X_{i-1}\| \le 1$ say, then we should not expect the difference $\|...
Daron's user avatar
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4 votes
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Reference for multivariate generalised CLT

I know that one can generalise the classical CLT in terms of heavy tail distributions, namely, for any i.i.d. random variables $X_i$, $$\frac{X_1+\cdots+X_n}{n^{1/\alpha}}\rightarrow S(\alpha,\beta,\...
Jiyuan Zhang's user avatar
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Does the average of correlated Gaussian random variables with mean zero and different variances converge in probability to their mean?

Let $X_i\sim N(0,\sigma_i^2)$ and $\operatorname{Corr}(X_i,X_j)>0$. Is it possible to show that $$\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N X_i \overset{p}\rightarrow E[X_i]=0.$$ Do you have a reference to a law of ...
Adrian Leverkuhn's user avatar
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Berry-Esseen bound in 2 dimensions for linear combinations

Let us say have a sequence of $n$ 2-$D$ random variables $X_i=(\varepsilon_i/\sqrt{n},i\varepsilon_{i}\sqrt{6}/n^{3/2})$, where $\varepsilon_{i}$ are independent random variables such that $\mathbb{P}(...
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