Questions tagged [large-cardinals]

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91 votes
10 answers

Reflection principle vs universes

In category-theoretic discussions, there is often the temptation to look at the category of all abelian groups, or of all categories, etc., which quickly leads to the usual set-theoretic problems. ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
62 votes
9 answers

Arguments against large cardinals

I started to learn about large cardinals a while ago, and I read that the existence, and even the consistency of the existence of an inaccessible cardinal, i.e. a limit cardinal which is additionally ...
user8996's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

Silver's approach to the inconsistency of $\mathrm{ZFC}$

As all probably know, Jack Silver passed away about one month ago. The announcement released, with delay, by European Set Theory Society includes a quote by Solovay about his belief on inconsistency ...
Rahman. M's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

What interesting/nontrivial results in Algebraic geometry require the existence of universes?

Brian Conrad indicated a while ago that many of the results proven in AG using universes can be proven without them by being very careful (link). I'm wondering if there are any results in AG that ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

Does an existence of large cardinals have implications in number theory or combinatorics?

Does an existence of large cardinals have implications in more down-to-earth fields like number theory, finite combinatorics, graph theory, Ramsey theory or computability theory? Are there any ...
Oksana Gimmel's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

Latest stand of core model theory?

What is the "strongest" core model to this day? In particular, how far are we from a core model for supercompact cardinals? There are rumors of some notes from a workshop in 2004: http://www.math.cmu....
Ioanna's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

Is the theory Flow actually consistent?

Recently the paper Adonai S. Sant'Anna, Otavio Bueno, Marcio P. P. de França, Renato Brodzinski, Flow: the Axiom of Choice is independent from the Partition Principle, arXiv:2010.03664 appeared on ...
Jem's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

Reasons to believe Vopenka's principle/huge cardinals are consistent

There are a number of informal heuristic arguments for the consistency of ZFC, enough that I am happy enough to believe that ZFC is consistent. This is true for even some of the more tame large ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
  • 19.4k
32 votes
4 answers

Authorship of Grothendieck universes

Universes seem to first enter Grothendieck's work in SGA 1, which is credited to Grothendieck, and a lengthy discussion is in the chapter on Prefaisceaux (presheaves) in SGA 4. That chapter is ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Should there be a true model of set theory?

As I understand it, there is a program in set theory to produce an ultimate, canonical model of set theory which, among other things, positively answers the Continuum Hypothesis and various questions ...
Amit Kumar Gupta's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Can there be an embedding j:V → L, from the set-theoretic universe V to the constructible universe L, when V ≠ L?

Main Question. Can there be an embedding $j:V\to L$ of the set-theoretic universe $V$ to the constructible universe $L$, if $V\neq L$? By embedding here, I mean merely a proper class isomorphism from $...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
30 votes
8 answers

On independence and large cardinal strength of physical statements

The present post is intended to tackle the possible interactions of two bizarre realms of extremely large and extremely small creatures, namely large cardinals and quantum physics. Maybe after all ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
28 votes
0 answers

Supercompact and Reinhardt cardinals without choice

A friend of mine and I ran into the following question while reading about proper forcing, and have been unable to resolve it: Definition. A cardinal $\kappa$ is supercompact if for all ordinals $\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

What are the known implications of "There exists a Reinhardt cardinal" in the theory "ZF + j"?

This is, alas, in large part a series of questions on unpublished work of Hugh Woodin; it's also quite frivolous if Reinhardt cardinals turn out inconsistent. Definitions: Call $\kappa$ an $I-1(\...
Ekki's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Large cardinal axioms and Grothendieck universes

A cardinal $\lambda$ is weakly inaccessible, iff a. it is regular (i.e. a set of cardinality $\lambda$ can't be represented as a union of sets of cardinality $<\lambda$ indexed by a set of ...
algori's user avatar
  • 23.2k
26 votes
3 answers

Does Con(ZF + Reinhardt) really imply Con(ZFC + I0)?

The question is: if I assert in ZF that there exists a Reinhardt cardinal, do I really get a theory of higher consistency strength than when I assert in ZFC that there exists an I0 cardinal (the ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 61.5k
26 votes
2 answers

Is there any large cardinal beyond Kunen inconsistency?

First fix the following notations:‎ ‎ ‎$‎AF:=‎$ ‎The ‎axiom ‎of ‎foundation‎ ‎ ‎$‎ZFC^{-}‎:=‎ZFC‎\setminus ‎\left\lbrace AF ‎\right\rbrace ‎‎‎‎‎$‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎$‎G:=‎$ ‎The ‎proper ‎class ‎of ‎all ‎sets‎ ...
user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

categorical characterization of large cardinals

Question 1. Is there a categorical representation of Kunen's inconsistency result? Question 2. Is there a categorical characterization of very large cardinals (in particular for strong and ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
25 votes
7 answers

What "forces" us to accept large cardinal axioms?

Large cardinal axioms are not provable using usual mathematical tools (developed in $\text{ZFC}$). Their non-existence is consistent with axioms of usual mathematics. It is provable that some of ...
user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Recent claim that inaccessibles are inconsistent with ZF

Here it is mentioned that someone claims to have proven that there are no weakly inaccessibles in ZF. Question 1: What reasons are there to believe that weakly inaccessibles exist? Question(s) 2: ...
Quinn Culver's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Does ZF+AD settle the original Suslin hypothesis?

Everyone knows that the real line $\langle\mathbb{R},<\rangle$ is the unique endless complete dense linear order with a countable dense set. Suslin's hypothesis is the question whether we can ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

What is the definition of a large cardinal axiom?

In different books one can find different implicit definitions for a large cardinal axiom. My question is that which one of these definitions are more popular or standard amongst set theorists? Any ...
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24 votes
2 answers

Aleph 0 as a large cardinal

The first infinite cardinal, $\aleph_0$, has many large cardinal properties (or would have many large cardinal properties if not deliberately excluded). For example, if you do not impose ...
arsmath's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

A Löwenheim–Skolem–Tarski-like property

I am interested in the following Löwenheim–Skolem–Tarski-like property. Given a cardinal $\kappa$, what (if any) is a property $\phi(x)$ such that if $\phi(\kappa)$ holds, then we can prove the ...
Nai-Chung Hou's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Devlin's "Constructibility" as a resource

It is fairly well-known among set-theorists that Keith Devlin's 1984 book "Constructibility" has flaws in its initial development of fine structure theory. (See Lee Stanley's review 1 of the text for ...
Todd Eisworth's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Anti-large cardinal principles

I'm interested in axioms that prevent the existence of large cardinals. More precisely: (Informal definition) $\Phi$ is an anti-large-cardinal axiom iff $V \models \Phi \Rightarrow V \not \models \...
Neil Barton's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between ZFC+Grothendieck, ZFC+inaccessible cardinals and Tarski-Grothendieck set theory?

Say that "U" is the axiom that "For each set x, there exists a Grothendieck universe U such that x $\in$ U", where Grothendieck universes are defined in the usual way (or, if that'...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Gödel's Constructible Universe in Infinitary Logics (A Possible Approach to HOD Problem)

Gödel's constructible universe ($L$) is defined using definable power set operator in first order logic ($\mathcal{L}_{\omega ,\omega}$). One can produce such a universe in infinitary logics in ...
user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

How badly can the GCH fail globally?

It's known that we can have global failures of GCH---for example, where $\forall \lambda(2^\lambda = \lambda^{++})$---given suitable large cardinal axioms. My question is whether we can have global ...
Sam Roberts's user avatar
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21 votes
10 answers

Applications of infinite Ramsey's Theorem (on N)?

Finite Ramsey's theorem is a very important combinatorial tool that is often used in mathematics. The infinite version of Ramsey's theorem (Ramsey's theorem for colorings of tuples of natural numbers) ...
alexod's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

What sort of large cardinal can $\aleph_1$ be without the axiom of choice?

Assuming the axiom of choice it is very easy to see that $\aleph_1$ is a regular Joe of a successor cardinal. It is not very large in any way except the fact that it is the first uncountable cardinal. ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 38.2k
21 votes
2 answers

What is the large cardinal strength of the assertion that every $\kappa$-complete filter on $\kappa$ extends to a $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter?

It is well-known that an uncountable regular cardinal $\kappa$ is strongly compact if and only if every $\kappa$-complete filter on any set extends to a $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter on that set. The ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Logical endofunctors of Set?

What set-theoretic assumptions are necessary and sufficient to ensure the existence of a nontrivial (i.e. not isomorphic to the identity) endofunctor of the category Set which is logical (i.e. ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
  • 65.1k
20 votes
3 answers

Ordering of large cardinals by cardinality

Let Type A and Type B be two types of large cardinals from, say, Cantor's Attic ( Now assuming that ZFC + Type A + Type B is consistent (ie, both Type A and Type ...
Cosmonut's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Why does inner model theory need so much descriptive set theory (and vice versa)?

I am curious about how much descriptive set theory is involved in inner model theory. For instance Shoenfield's absoluteness result is based on the construction of the Shoenfield tree which ...
Rachid Atmai's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Philosophical arguments in defense (or against) large cardinals

The question is essentially what is asked in the title. I split it into two parts (A) (Arguments supporting the existence of large cardinals) What are the main philosophical arguments in defense of ...
19 votes
3 answers

Large categories vs. $\mathrm{U}$-categories: why is the loss of category-theoretic information inessential?

I've asked a related question about nine months ago here, however, apparently, I lacked expertise to ask the precise question I want to ask here, as I wish to revisit the matter of universes. I hope ...
Jxt921's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

A New Continuum Hypothesis (Revised Version)

Define $N_n$ as $n$ th natural number: $N_0=0, N_1=1, N_2=2, ...$. What happens after exponentiation? We have the following equation: $2^{N_n}=N_{2^{n}}$. (Which says: For all finite cardinal $n$ ...
user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

The Ultimate L in a Nutshell: On Descriptive Articles

Everybody who catches a fleeting glimpse of Woodin's central papers on Ultimate $L$ (i.e. Suitable Extender Models I & II), admits that they aren't so tempting for lazy readers who don't like to ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Removing large cardinals from an uncountable transitive model

The usual way of removing large cardinals from a given model of set theory is to cut off the model below the least large cardinal of interest. But this method may have dramatic effects on the external ...
Miha Habič's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Woodin's unpublished proof of the global failure of GCH

An unpublished result of Woodin says the following: Theorem. Assuming the existence of large cardinals, it is consistent that $\forall \lambda, 2^{\lambda}=\lambda^{++}.$ In the paper "The ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Is every transitive ZF-model of inaccessible height a truncation of an inner model?

Let $\kappa$ be an inaccessible cardinal and let $M \subseteq V_{\kappa}$ be an inner model of $V_{\kappa}$, i.e., a transitive model of $\mathsf{ZF}$ containing all the ordinals up to $\kappa$. My ...
Alexander Block's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Lebesgue Measurability and Weak CH

Let $LM$ denote "all subsets of $\Bbb{R}$ are Lebesgue measurable", and $WCH$ (weak continuum hypothesis) denote "every uncountable subset of $\Bbb{R}$ can be be put into 1-1 correspondence with $\...
Ali Enayat's user avatar
  • 17.1k
18 votes
3 answers

On statements independent of ZFC + V=L

Let $V=L$ denote the axiom of constructibility. Are there any interesting examples of set theoretic statements which are independent of $ZFC + V=L$? And how do we construct such independence proofs? ...
Ashutosh's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

A “paradox” about the inner model problem

As stated in Woodin, Davis, and Rodriguez - The HOD dichotomy, a longstanding open problem in set theory is to construct a canonical inner model for supercompactness. In general there are various ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
  • 18.1k
18 votes
1 answer

Can Vopenka's principle be violated definably?

One form of Vopenka's principle (a large cardinal axiom) states that no locally presentable category contains a full subcategory which is large (= a proper class) and discrete (= contains no ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Can measures be added by forcing?

The Lévy-Solovay theorem says that small forcings do not create measures. J.D. Hamkins has generalized this to a larger class of forcings called gap forcings. I would assume this cannot be ...
Trevor Wilson's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Namba forcing and semiproperness

This question is the result of leaving "Proper and Improper Forcing" on my nightstand by accident. Is the statement "Namba forcing is semiproper" known to be equiconsistent with some more standard ...
Todd Eisworth's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

What sort of cardinal number is the Löwenheim–Skolem number for second-order logic?

In their paper “On Löwenheim–Skolem–Tarski numbers for extensions of first order logic”, Magidor and Väänänen make the following statement: “For second order logic, $\mathrm{LS}(L^{2})$ [the Löwenheim–...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
18 votes
0 answers

Souslin trees and weakly compact cardinals

In Souslin trees on the first inaccessible cardinal it is asked if it is consistent that there are no $\kappa-$Souslin trees at the least inaccessible cardinal $\kappa$. In this question I would like ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar

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