Questions tagged [large-cardinals]

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Equivalences of $\mathcal{F}$-Mahloness

Taken from Math Stack Exchange. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a set of $\mathcal{L}_\in$-formulae, $\kappa$ be a cardinal and $A \subset \textrm{Ord}$. Then, $\kappa$ is called $\mathcal{F}$-Mahlo if $A \cap \...
Binary198's user avatar
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Are those two theories equivalent?

Lets denote any set that is "the set of all strictly smaller subsets of it" as size- unreachable. Formally: $$\operatorname {size-unreachable}(X) \iff \\\forall Y (Y \in X \iff Y \subset X \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
7 votes
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Shelah's "Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away?"

I was wandering if there was a book, thesis or some notes where Shelah's argument for $\mathtt{ZF}+\mathtt{DC}+$"All sets of reals are Lebesgue measurable" is equiconsistent with $\mathtt{...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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$\mathtt{PSP}$ implies the consistency of inaccessible cardinals

I'm looking for the proof that $\mathtt{PSP}$, the statement that every uncountable subset of the the Baire space $\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$ contains an homeomorphic copy of the Cantor space $2^\mathbb{N}...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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What is the most "Icarus" Icarus set axiom?

We call a set $X ⊆ V_{λ+1}$ an Icarus set if there is an elementary embedding $j : L(X, V_{λ+1}) ≺ L(X, V_{λ+1})$ with $\mathrm{crit}(j)< λ$. But this raises the question: What is the most "...
Ember Edison's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does the second smallest worldly cardinal believe the smallest worldly cardinal is worldly?

It is known that the property of being a worldly cardinal is not absolute (a cardinal $\kappa$ is worldly iff $V_{\kappa} \vDash \textsf{ZFC}$). See here and here for more. This said, it is the case ...
aidangallagher4's user avatar
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Can Reinhardt cardinals be compatible with Choice in absence of Extensionality?

Is the proof of existence of Reinhardt (and higher) cardinals violating Choice dependent on Extensionality in an essential manner? What I mean is if we work in $\sf ZFA$ would it be possible to have a ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Supercompact cardinal above a measurable and fixed points of the ultrapower map

Let $\kappa$ be a measurable cardinal and let $j:V\to M$ be the ultrapower map. Assume $\mu$ is a supercompact cardinal with $\mu>\kappa$. What can we say about $j(\mu)$? Is it true that $j(\mu)=\...
Seba Thei's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Are there interesting examples of theorems proved using ‘height’ extensions?

It's well known that forcing is more than a tool for proving independence: We can prove theorems and formulate axioms in theories like $\mathsf{ZFC}$ by moving to forcing extensions (e.g. $\mathfrak{p}...
Neil Barton's user avatar
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Can the essence of the $0^\#$ LCA be weakened to an axiom not requiring uncountable cardinals?

"$0^\#$ exists" is an informally stated large cardinal axiom that is to be understood as "there is an uncountable set of Silver indiscernibles", "every uncountable cardinal is ...
Boris Dimitrov's user avatar
8 votes
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How could we define "recursively greatly Mahlos"?

A common action in set theory is making a large cardinal axiom "recursive", i.e. turning it from a large uncountable cardinal to a large countable ordinal. For example: Recursively regular =...
Binary198's user avatar
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How to characterize properties that behave well with Reflection Principles

I'm interested in Reflection Principles but I can't find any references of works around criteria to classify properties well-behaved relatively to reflection, or at least features that properties must ...
chiara's user avatar
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What are the known large cardinal axioms for which weaker and stronger set theories "catch up"?

I will clarify what I mean by the title in the following four ways: For which cardinals $\kappa$ do we have that ZFC-(Powerset axiom)+$\exists\kappa$ is equiconsistent with ZFC? If that is not ...
Boris Dimitrov's user avatar
4 votes
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Can local $0^\#$ exists in L?

Assume $0^\#$ exists and there is an inaccessible cardinal. Are there two transitive sets $M,N$ s.t. $M\in N,M\vDash ZF+V=L[0^\#],N\vDash ZF+V=L$?
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a relationship between the $\Omega$-conjecture and choiceless large cardinals?

Woodin’s $\Omega$-conjecture is absolute under set-forcing. One proposal to decide it is that some large cardinal hypothesis might refute it. On the other hand, Woodin is seeking extensions of the ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
  • 18.1k
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$\aleph_1$-complete fine measures on $P_\kappa(\lambda)$

Definition A fine measure on $P_\kappa(\lambda)$ is a non-principal ultrafilter on $P_\kappa(\lambda)$ which contains all upper cones $\uparrow{x}=\{y\in P_\kappa(\lambda)|x\subset y\}$, for all $x\...
Ioannis Souldatos's user avatar
7 votes
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If $L_\alpha \vDash ZFC$, then do we have $L_{\alpha+1} \vDash \alpha\text{ is inaccessible}$?

Here we choose the definition of "is a cardinal" as there is no surjective map from a smaller ordinal to it. It's easy to prove that, if $L_{\alpha+1} \vDash\ \alpha\text{ is inaccessible}$, ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
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Stronger (?) form of Vopenka's principle

A category $\mathcal{C}$ is called $\textbf{discrete}$ if the only morphisms are identity morphisms. Consider the following weaker notion: a category $\mathcal{C}$ is called $\textbf{totally ...
T.Ch.'s user avatar
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Measurable cardinals from saturated ideals

Assume that $\omega<\kappa_1<\dotsb< \kappa_n$ are infinite cardinals such that for each $1\le i\le n$ there is a $\kappa_i$-complete, $\kappa_i^+$-saturated ideal $\mathcal I_i\subset \...
Lajos Soukup's user avatar
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Consistency strength about Ramsey M-rank and Mahlo-Ramsey cardinal

In the website "Cantor's attic", there are a long list of large cardinal axioms arranged by consistency strength. In the list, "α-Mahlo Ramsey" is placed higher than "Ramsey M-...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
4 votes
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How big a "scaffold" does second-order logic need to detect its own equivalence notion?

(Previously asked and bountied at MSE:) Let $\Sigma$ be the language consisting of a single binary relation symbol. Second-order logic can "detect" second-order-elementary-equivalence of $\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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'Maximising interpretative power entails maximising consistency strength'?

I'm hoping there is a clear mathematical answer to this question (hence asking it here) rather than anything more exegetical (in which case it's presumably not appropriate for this site). In his paper ...
aidangallagher4's user avatar
6 votes
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Consistency strength of Sy Friedman's result about admissibility spectrum

A result by Sy Friedman in his book "fine structure and class forcing", is that, assume $0^\sharp$ exists, there exists a real number R such that the ordinals admissible in R (called $\...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
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How large is the supremum of minimal $V$-heights of all first-order set theories formulated in a particular language of FOST?

Fix a language $\mathcal{L}$ of first-order set theory. For this question, we can assume that $\mathcal{L}$ is the language described in Chapter 1 of “An introduction to set theory” [William A. R. ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
6 votes
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What is known about the least cardinal where $\kappa$ fails to be supercompact?

Assume $\kappa$ is $\lambda$-supercompact for some $\lambda$ but not fully supercompact. Are there any known restrictions (or provably non-restrictions) on the least $\delta$ such that $\kappa$ is not ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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Can HCD accommodate all known large cardinal axioms?

HOD has been found to be useful in that it is an inner model that can accommodate essentially all known large cardinals. However, there is a definable well ordering over HOD, so it cannot satisfy ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
3 votes
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Dehornoy's proof that the application of two elementary embeddings is an elementary embedding

What is meant by the statement and the proof of Lemma 3.2 in Chapter XII of Dehornoy's book Braids and Self-Distributivity? That lemma states "Assume that $j_1$ and $j_2$ are elementary ...
kdog's user avatar
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11 votes
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Motivation for Laver's use of large cardinals to show finite combinatorial properties of Laver tables

Laver showed in 1995 that the period of the first row of certain Laver tables is unbounded, assuming that a rank-into-rank cardinal exists. The most accessible proof of his result that I was able to ...
kdog's user avatar
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A restricted form of the inner model hypothesis

Previously asked and bountied at MSE, with slight difference. To keep things relatively simple I'm presenting a somewhat-butchered version of the IMH; for more details, see S.-D. Friedman, Internal ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
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Are the following two "tree properties" equivalent?

Let $\kappa$ and $\lambda$ be cardinals. A thin $(\kappa,\lambda)$-list is a function $L:[\lambda]^{<\kappa}\longrightarrow [\lambda]^{<\kappa}$ such that for all $x\in[\lambda]^{<\kappa}$, $...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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11 votes
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A proper class of ordinals without an infinite constructible subset

If $0^\sharp$ exists then the $L$-indiscernibles form a proper class of ordinals without any infinite constructible subset, as $0^\sharp$ can be defined from any infinite increasing sequence $\langle \...
Andreas Lietz's user avatar
9 votes
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Countably closed end-extensions of elementary submodels

The following is well-known. If $\kappa$ is measurable, $\theta > \kappa$, and $M \prec V_\theta$ has size $<\kappa$, then there is $N\prec V_\theta$ such that $N \supseteq M$, $M \cap \kappa \...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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Compatibility of Łośian phenomena in second-order logic

(Throughout, all ultrafilters are nonprincipal.) Given a property $P$ - really, a sentence in some appropriate logic - say that a ultrafilter $\mathcal{U}$ on a cardinal $\kappa$ averages $P$ iff for ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a Vopenka cardinal be supercompact?

Can a Vopenka cardinal be supercompact? I asked a weaker question on here before. Unfortunately, I don't know enough set theory to see whether the positive answer there generalizes to a positive ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Weak compactness is to trees as [?] is to lattices?

Let $\kappa$ be an inaccessible cardinal. Recall that $\kappa$ is weakly compact if every tree of height $\kappa$ has either a level of size $\kappa$ or a branch of size $\kappa$. So if $\kappa$ is a ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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$n$-ineffable and $n$-Ramsey hierarchies

The paper Games and Ramsey-like cardinals by Nielsen and Welch 2018 defines $n$-Ramsey cardinals as follows (this is not quite the same definition but it's equivalent): $\kappa$ is $n-1$-Ramsey if ...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
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Finite axiomatizability of $\mathrm{WA}_0$

$\mathrm{WA}_0$ (which belongs to a hierarchy of theories called the wholeness axioms) is a theory extending ZFC where there is an elementary embedding $j:V \to V$ which is non-trivial and amenable, ...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
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Extendible and enhanced supercompact cardinals

The paper "The large cardinals between supercompact and almost-huge" (2013) by Norman Perlmutter makes the following definition: A cardinal $\kappa$ is enhanced supercompact if and only if ...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
2 votes
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Three questions from Kentaro Sato's paper about the n-fold large cardinal hierarchy

In the paper Double helix in large large cardinals and iteration of elementary embeddings there are three things mentioned as unknown which I can answer: [S]everal results known for ordinary ...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
5 votes
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Class-theoretic sentences that are $\Pi^1_1$ or $\Pi^1_2$

I'm looking for the following: (1) an example of a $\Pi^1_1$ class-theoretic sentence that has no known equivalence to a $\Sigma^1_1$ sentence, even if large cardinal hypotheses or reflection ...
Paul Blain Levy's user avatar
4 votes
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Which step is wrong in the following simplification of Silver's forcing?

Theorem: If M is a countable transitive model of ZFC, and $\kappa$ is a supercompact cardinal in M, and $2^\kappa=\kappa^+$. Then there exists a forcing extension M[G] such that $\kappa$ becomes a ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
10 votes
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Possible inconsistency of weakly Shelah cardinals (I hope not)

A Mathoverflow question by Trevor Wilson defines weakly Shelah cardinals as follows: A cardinal $\kappa$ is weakly Shelah if for all $f : \kappa \to \kappa$ there is some $\alpha < \kappa$ that is ...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
10 votes
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Is Vopenka's Principle + "ORD has the tree property" consistent?

Vopenka's principle implies the existence of weakly compact cardinals (a proper class of them, I believe). My question is whether Vopenka's principle is consistent with the assertion that the universe ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Is the supremum of L-definable cardinals silver-indiscernible

Let $\kappa$ be the supremum of ordinals first order definable in L without parameters. Assume $0^\sharp$ exists. Is $\kappa$ the least silver indiscernible ordinal?
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
10 votes
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Elementary embeddings and replacement

Let $\alpha\not= 0$ be such that for every $\beta<\alpha$ there is $\beta<\gamma<\alpha$, where $V_\gamma$ is an elementary substructure of $V_\alpha$. In other words, $V_\alpha$ is a limit ...
Sam Roberts's user avatar
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Are initial segments of coherent measure sequences coherent?

This question is about the "old-fashioned" coherent sequences, in the style of Mitchell Mitchell, W. (1974). Sets constructible from sequences of ultrafilters. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 39(...
Miha Habič's user avatar
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11 votes
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Coding the universe into a real over better core models

One of the most incredible results in modern set theory, due to Jensen, is that given any model of $\sf ZFC$, there is a class forcing which adds a real number $r$ and in the extension $V=L[r]$. ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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Compactness number for a fragment of second-order logic

Previously asked and bountied without response at MSE. This question is a companion to this one, about a tame(?) fragment of second-order logic with the standard semantics, $\mathsf{SOL}$, motivated ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
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The core model and elementary embeddings

Let $K$ be the core model (below a Woodin cardinal). Let $j \colon K \to M$ be an elementary embedding, where $M$ is well founded. Under which conditions can we conclude that $j$ is an iterated ...
Yair Hayut's user avatar
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Analogues of worldly cardinals for (an unusual version of) second-order $\mathsf{ZFC}$

Let $\mathfrak{ZFC}(\mathsf{SOL})$ be the theory in second-order logic (with the standard semantics) gotten from $\mathsf{ZFC}$ by modifying the Separation and Replacement schemes to apply to ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar

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