Questions tagged [k3-surfaces]

Questions about K3 surfaces, which are smooth complex surfaces $X$ with trivial canonical bundle and vanishing $H^1(O_X)$. They are examples of Calabi-Yau varieties of dimension $2$.

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6 votes
1 answer

SYZ mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces

My question is essentially related to this post, but let me formulate it again. Let $f:S \rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$ be an elliptic fibration, then this can be a SLAG fibration with respect to another ...
Vladhagen's user avatar
15 votes
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Curves on K3 and modular forms

The paper of Bryan and Leung "The enumerative geometry of $K3$ surfaces and modular forms" provides the following formula. Let $S$ be a $K3$ surface and $C$ be a holomorphic curve in $S$ representing ...
IBazhov's user avatar
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Linear system on an abelian surface

On a K3 surface $S$, a linear system $|C|$ is said to be hyperelliptic if the corresponding map is of degree 2 and the image is of degree $g_a(C)-1$ in $\mathbb P^{g_a}$. For $g_a(C) > 2$, if $|C|...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
3 votes
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Spectral sequence associated to elliptic fibration degenerates?

Let $\phi:S\rightarrow \mathbb{CP}^1$ be an elliptic fibration of a K3 surface. When is the Leray spectral sequence associated to the fibration $E_2$-degenerate? Are there any good criteria for the $...
Hua's user avatar
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adjacency matrix of a graph and lines on quartic surfaces

Suppose you are given a smooth quartic surface $X$ in $\mathbb P^3$. I would like to find an upper bound for the number of lines on $X$ in the case that there is no plane intersecting the curves in ...
Davide Cesare Veniani's user avatar
4 votes
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Euler number for base change of a K3 surface

Suppose you have a K3 surface $S$ containing a smooth rational curve $C$ and suppose you have an elliptic fibration $S \rightarrow \mathbb P^1$ that restricts to a morphism $C \rightarrow \mathbb P^1$ ...
Davide Cesare Veniani's user avatar
1 vote
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An ample line bundle on a K3 surface

Let $X$ be a K3 surface obtained as a double covering of $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$ branching along a $(4,4)$-divisor. I think the natural line bundle $\pi^*\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1\times \...
user48202's user avatar
8 votes
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Necessary condition on Calabi-Yau manfiold to be a hypersurface in a Fano manifold

Let $X$ be a smooth projective Calabi-Yau threefold. Are there any known obstructions to it being a member of a base-point-free linear system in a nef-Fano fourfold? What, in anything, is known ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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Positivity question on K3 surfaces

Let $X$ be a smooth projective complex K3 surface and $L, D$ two effective divisors, $L^2\geq0$ and $D^2\geq0$. (Q1). do we have $L\cdot D\geq0$ ? If either one has positive self-intersection, the ...
Heitor's user avatar
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Does $h^1(D)=0$ imply numerical connectedness on K3 surfaces?

Let $X$ be a complex K3 surface and $D$ an effective divisor on $X$. We shall say: $D$ is connected if its support is connected. $D$ is numerically connected if for any non-trivial effective ...
Heitor's user avatar
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K3 surface with $D_{14}$ singular fiber

Let $X$ be an elliptic K3 surface with $D_{14}$ singular fiber. Do you know an explicit equation for such $X$? Also, how many disjoint sections such fibration admits? Any reference would be greatly ...
guest2014's user avatar
2 votes
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Weyl group of a K3 surface

I am wondering wether the action of the Weyl group $W_X$ of a K3 surface $X$ is transitive on the sets of curves of fixed genus. Suppose $W_X$ is non-trivial. Given two curves $C,C'$ of genus $g\...
Heitor's user avatar
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on the automorphisms of the transcendental Hodge structure of a K3 surface

Let $S$ be a complex projective K3 surface and consider the sub-Hodge structure $$ T(S) \subset H^2(S, \mathbb{Q}) $$ consisting of transcendental cycles. Let $\varphi$ be an automorphism of Hodge ...
mir345's user avatar
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Are singular rational curves on K3 surfaces rigid?

Let $S$ be a K3 surface over the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$. If $C\subset S$ is a smooth rational curve, the normal bundle $N_{C/S}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{O}(-2)$ and thus $C$ is rigid. What ...
Hiro's user avatar
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K3 surface with a non-symplectic involution: a basic question

Let $X$ be a K3 surface (algebraic, complex). An involution $\sigma:X\rightarrow X$ is called non-symplectic if it acts trivially on $H^{2,0}(X)=\Bbb{C}\omega_X$ $\ $ (where $\omega_X$ is any nowhere ...
Heitor's user avatar
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Semistable minimal model of a $K3$-surface and the special fibre

Suppose that $K$ is a $p$-adic field, that is a field of characteristic $0$ whose ring of integers is a complete discrete valuation ring $\mathcal O_K$ and with residue field $k$ (algebraic closed) of ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
6 votes
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Non minimal K3 surfaces as hypersurfaces of weighted projective spaces

I recently learnt that the hypersurface $$ S:=(x^2+y^3+z^{11}+w^{66}=0) \subset \mathbb{P}(33,22,6,1) $$ is birational to a K3 surface. This is surprising because the surface is quasi-smooth, well-...
eventually's user avatar
2 votes
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Nefness on a K3 surface

Let $D$ be a divisor on a (complex) K3 surface. Suppose $D^2\geq0$. In general, $D$ is nef if $D\cdot C\geq0$ for all irreducible curves on the surface. Is it sufficient in our case to check this for ...
Heitor's user avatar
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22 votes
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Monstrous moonshine for $M_{24}$ and K3?

An important piece of Monstrous moonshine is the j-function, $$j(\tau) = \frac{1}{q}+744+196884q+21493760q^2+\dots\tag{1}$$ In the paper "Umbral Moonshine" (2013), page 5, authors Cheng, Duncan, and ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
5 votes
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Action of automorphisms of a $K3$ surface on its $(-2)$-curves

Consider a complex $K3$ surface $X$ and take its group of automorphisms $Aut(X)$. It is a known fact that the action of $Aut(X)$ on the set of rational $-2$ curves of $X$ has only finite number of ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Reference for Automorphisms of K3 surfaces

I am looking for some introductory reference concerning Automorphisms (of finite order) on K3 surfaces. Any suggestion?
Heitor's user avatar
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K3 surface minus finite set

Let $S$ be a complex K3 surface, and $P\subset S$ a finite set of points in $S$. It is known that $$ H^i(S,\mathbb{Z})\cong H^i(S\setminus P,\mathbb{Z}) $$ for $0\le i \le 2$. Then the Euler ...
Sohrab's user avatar
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Moduli space of K3 surfaces and Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem

The famous Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem says that the moduli space of Calabi-Yau manifold is smooth, that is locally a complex manifold. Doesn't this contradicts to the fact that the moduli space ...
user2013's user avatar
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Existence of logarithmic structures and d-semistability

I am reading a paper ( Kawamata, Y.; Namikawa, Y. Logarithmic deformations of normal crossing varieties and smoothing of degenerate Calabi-Yau varieties. Invent. math. 1994, 118, 395–409.) I have a ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
11 votes
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Torelli-like theorem for K3 surfaces on terms of its étale cohomology

Is there a proof of a Torelli-like Theorem for a K3-surface over any field (non complex) in terms of its etale or crystalline cohomology? For example: If $K\ne \mathbb{C} $ and $X\rightarrow \...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
8 votes
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A question on an elliptic fibration of the Enriques surface

Let $S$ be an Enriques surface over complex numbers. It is known that $S$ admits an elliptic fibration over $\mathbb{P}^1$ with $12$ nodal singular fibers and $2$ double fibers. How can I see this ...
user2013's user avatar
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Algebraic cycles on a K3 surface after hyperKahler rotation.

I would like to find a gap in the following observation. I found a suspicious part but cannot prove it wrong. I would appreciate your assistance. Let $M$ be a lattice of signature $(1,t)$ and $S$ be ...
YJiang's user avatar
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Possible automorphism groups of a K3 surface

Which finite groups are automorphism groups of polarized K3 surfaces (let's say over ℂ)? ...and does the answer change is I remove "polarized"? (polarized = equipped with an ample line bundle)
André Henriques's user avatar
1 vote
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A question on real surfaces on K3 surfaces.

Let $X$ be a K3 surface and $\omega$ be a nowhere vanishing 2-form on $X$. Suppose $Y\subset X$ be a smooth real surface. How can one see that $\omega|_Y=0$ implies $Y$ is a complex submanifold (a ...
Arvin's user avatar
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Rookie questions about k3's

Hi everyone, I am trying to go through parts of Saint-Donat's 1974 paper 'Projective Models of K3-surfaces', and have been stuck on a few claims for a while now - I'd appreciate some help explaining ...
Robert Garbary's user avatar
3 votes
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Line bundles on K3 surfaces

Let $L$ be a line bundle on an (algebraic) K3 surface over a field $k$. The Riemann-Roch theorem specializes to $$ \chi(X, L)=\frac{1}{2}(L\cdot L)+2 $$ which can be rewritten as $$ h^0(X, L)+h^0(...
k3lin's user avatar
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Picard group of a K3 surface generated by a curve

In Lazarsfeld's article "Brill Noether Petri without degenerations" he mentions the fact that for any integer $g \geq 2$, one may find a K3 surface $X$ and a curve $C$ of genus $g$ on $X$ such that ...
Youloush's user avatar
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Is this an embedding of $S^{[2]}$?

The intersection of 3 quadrics in $P^5$ is a K3 surface $S$. There is a natural map $S^{[2]} \to G(1,5)$ well defined everywhere, because a generic K3 doesn't contain any line and this family is ...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
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Maximally unipotent monodromy point of a K3 surface

I have a question on maximally unipotent monodromy point (or large complex structure limit) of the family of polarized K3 surfaces $(X,L)$. It is known that the moduli space of such pair is given by ...
Song's user avatar
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Minimal semistable model for K3-surfaces.

I wonder if a semistalbe K3 surface over a $p$-adic field has a minimal semistable model. I guess yes but I do not find any reference. Also, if we have a semistable K3 surface with a log structure, ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
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Elliptic fibration of K3 surface

Let $X$ be a K3 surface with $U(k) \subset NS(X)$ for some $k$. Here $U$ is the hyperbolic lattice. Can one conclude that $X$ admits an elliptic fibration? If my memory serves, I read somewhere that ...
Michel's user avatar
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Mirror symmetry for hyperkahler manifold

Hi there, I have some questions about the mirror symmetry of hyperkahler manifold and K3 surface. The well-known result said: the mirror symmetry for K3 surface is just given by its hyperkahler ...
Jay's user avatar
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Isometry of K3 surface.

Let $S$ be a K3 surface and $\iota$ be anti-symplectic involution of $S$. Suppose that $g$ is a Kahler-Einstein metric on $S$. My question is; Why $\iota$ is an isometry of $S$ with respect to $g$?...
Zheng's user avatar
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Euler characteristic of nodal K3 surfaces (as in singular)

This is probably easy, but I was just wondering if there is a nice and easy formula for the topological Euler characteristic of a K3 surface $X$ with say $k$ nodes. If there is no general formula, is ...
HNuer's user avatar
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Isotrivial K3 family and Picard number

Is it true that any family of K3 surfaces over $\mathbb{C}$ whose Picard number is constant is isotrivial? Here isotrivial means locally analytically trivial. Speculation: Let $\mathcal{M}$ be the ...
Pooya's user avatar
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(3,3) abelian surface and k3 surfaces

SOrry for the very specific question, but curiosity bites.... So here's the story: an idecomposable principally polarized abelian surface is embedded in $P^8=|3\Theta |^* $ as a deg 18 surface A. ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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octic K3s inside cubic 4-folds

From the Thesis of B.Hassett I seem to understand that a smooth cubic 4-fold $X$ containing a $\mathbb{P}^2$ should contain also a octic K3, but I cannot see a natural way by which this K3 octic could ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Moduli Space of an Algebraic K3 surface with singularities.

Suppose that $X$ is an algebraic K3 surface (say polarized). If the singular divisor of $X$ is normal crossing... Do we have a moduli space parametrizing such $K3$ surfaces? If yes do we have a ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
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Coherent systems on K3 surfaces

Does anyone know whether the theory of coherent systems on $K3$ surfaces has been studied and, if yes, can you give me a reference? In particular, is there an analogue of Gieseker stability and of ...
ginevra86's user avatar
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Non Smooth K3 surface?

Hi, My question is related to Algebraic Surfaces. I have seen that we always consider K3 surfaces which are smooth, but I wonder how can we define a non-smooth K3 surface. The problem I see is on ...
Rogelio Yoyontzin's user avatar
4 votes
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Involution of the Fermat quartic

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^{3}$ be the Fermat quartic surface given by $$x^4-y^4-z^4+w^4 = 0$$ and consider the involution $$i:X\rightarrow X,\: (x,y,z,w)\mapsto (y,x,w,z).$$ The surface $X$ can be seen ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Topology of K3 as a sum of two abelian fibrations.

Let $E$ be a blow-up of $\mathbb{P}^2$ at 9-points in the bases locus of a pencil of elliptic curves (A $T^2$ fibration over $S^2$). K3 surfaces is obtained by removing a fiber from two copies of $E$ ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
7 votes
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$K3$ surfaces admitting finite non-symplectic group actions are projective

I have read somewhere that "$K3$ surfaces admitting finite non-symplectic group actions are projective". Could someone remind me of a proof?
Anne's user avatar
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How to compute the Picard rank of a K3 surface?

I'm curious about the following question: Given a K3 surface, how does one proceed to compute its rank? Of course the answer may depend on the form of the input, i.e. how the K3 is "given". So ...
36min's user avatar
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$T^2$-fibered K3 surface with involution

Let $S$ be a K3 surface and $f:S\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$ a $T^2$-fibration (not necessarily holomorphic, I have a special Langrangian fibration in mind). Assume there is a $k$-section, then a fiber ...
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