Questions tagged [isoperimetric-problems]

32 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Sphere with bounded curvature

Let $V$ be a body in $\mathbb{R}^3$ bounded by a smooth sphere with principal curvatures at most 1 (by absolute value). Is it true that $$\mathop{\rm vol} V\ge \mathop{\rm vol} B,$$ where $B$ denotes ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
16 votes
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Isoperimetric inequality and geometric measure theory

The following version of the isoperimetric inequality can be easily deduced from the Brunn-Minkowski inequality: Theorem. If $K\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ is compact, then $$ |K|^{\frac{n-1}{n}}\leq n^{-1}...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
12 votes
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A variation on the local Günther inequality

This question is about a variation on the Günther (also known as Günther-Bishop) inequality for manifolds of sectional curvature bounded from above. With Greg Kuperberg, we would deduce from it a ...
Benoît Kloeckner's user avatar
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Hölder isoperimetric problem

Denote by $S_r$ the usual circle of radius $r$, with the path metric ($d(x,y) = r\theta$, where $\theta$ is the angle between the vectors $x$ and $y$), and let $\alpha \in (1/2,1)$. Consider the ...
mdr's user avatar
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Least area minimal hypersurface of $\mathbb C P^{n+1}$

After a few lectures on min-max for minimal hypersurfaces and isoperimetric problems, and seeing in several instances that the least area minimal hypersurface of the round sphere is an equator, I was ...
Renato G. Bettiol's user avatar
6 votes
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Optimal planar net for catching convex shapes

Imagine you want to make a net out of string to filter and catch objects of a certain size, minimizing the length of string employed. (This actually arises in filtering biological impurities from ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
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Dimension reduction and isoperimetric inequality

$\newcommand{\II}{\mathit{II}}$The isoperimetric inequality $\II_n$ in ${\mathbb R}^n$ is $$\frac{{\rm vol}_nU}{{\rm vol}_nB_n}\le\left(\frac{{\rm vol}_{n-1}\partial U}{{\rm vol}_{n-1}\partial B_n}\...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Isoperimetric profile with obstacle

Fix two open smooth bounded domains $\Omega_-$ and $\Omega_+$ with $\overline{\Omega}_-\subset \Omega_+$ in a complete Riemannian manifold ($\mathbb{R}^n$ is already interesting to me). I was ...
RBega2's user avatar
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A variation of Zuk's isoperimetric inequality for groups

$\DeclareMathOperator\diam{diam}\DeclareMathOperator\inrad{inrad}$There is a isoperimetric inequality (conjectured by Sikorav and proven by Żuk (Topology 39 (2000) 947–956) which holds in every Cayley ...
ARG's user avatar
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Integrating a function of distance between a set and its neighbourhood

I am aware of the isoperimetric inequality, which states that if you fix the Lebesgue measure of a measurable set $A \subset \mathbb R^d. d \geq 2$ then the smallest possible value of the perimeter of ...
Sarvesh Ravichandran Iyer's user avatar
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Area lower bound given a mean curvature upper bound?

If $\Sigma$ is a smooth embedded closed hypersurface in $\mathbb R^n$ with (normalized) mean curvature $H\le 1$ (the mean curvature of the unit sphere), then its ($(n-1)$-dimensional) area is at least ...
Nobody's user avatar
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What to do when Euler Lagrange Equation is highly nonlinear ode?

In $\mathbb{R}^3$, suppose there is a curve on X-Y plane $y(x)$ defined on $x\in [-a,a]$ satisfying: $y(x)\geqslant 0$; $y(-a)=y(a)=0.$ Rotate $y(x)$ along x-axis in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and get a solid ...
Silentmovie's user avatar
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Lower estimate on length of boundary of 2d Riemannian surface

Fix constants $\kappa\in \mathbb{R}, D>0,A>0$. Does there exist a constant $C>0$ depending on $\kappa, D, A$ only such that for any compact 2-dimensional Riemannian surface (or more generally ...
asv's user avatar
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An isoperimetric inequality for "order" polytopes

I am looking for an isoperimetric inequality for order-like polytopes. An order polytope $K\in \mathbb{R}^n$ is defined by a set of linear inequaities: $$ \forall i \; 0\leq x_i \leq 1 $$ and $ ...
Guy Adini's user avatar
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Cheeger constant and isoperimetric ratio

$(S^2,g)$ is 2-dimensional sphere with Riemannian metric. Consider any curves $\gamma$ on $S^2$ dividing the total area $A$ into two parts $A_1+A_2 =A$. The isoperimetric ratio is $$ C_s(\gamma)=\frac{...
Enhao Lan's user avatar
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Reference for Varopoulos isoperimetric inequality with multiplicity

The Varopoulos isoperimetric inequality for a bounded domain $D$ in a nilpotent group $\Gamma$ of growth $n$ reads $$ \# D \le \mathrm{const} \cdot (\#\partial D)^{n/(n-1)} $$ See Ch. 6.E+ in Gromov's ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Isoperimetric inequality for general metric space

Consider some space $\mathcal{S}$ with metric $d$ and measure $\mu$. For arbitrary set $H$ denote the $v$-bound of $H$ by $\delta_v(H):= \{x \mid x \notin H: \exists y \in H \text{ s.t. } d(x,y) \le v ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
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Minimizing expected mutual distances in spherical regions

Suppose I take the unit sphere in $d$ dimensions, and I take some subset $A$ of the sphere of fixed relative volume $V$. Now from this set $A$ I draw two vectors, uniformly at random, and I look at ...
TMM's user avatar
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Estimate of volume of a ball on the boundary of Riemannian manifold

Let $M^n$ be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with geodesically locally convex boundary and sectional curvature at least $-1$. Let $x\in M$ and $\varepsilon\in (0,1)$. Does there exist a ...
asv's user avatar
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Nonlocal perimeter of level sets

Let $u \in W^{s,1}(B)$ be given and $k < l$ be two numbers, then I am looking for a way to bound the following term from above. Here $B$ is the euclidean ball. $$ \int_{B: u < k} \int_{B:u>l} ...
Adi's user avatar
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Characterization of planar domains onto which a unit disk can be mapped with constant singular values

It can be shown that there are (smoothly bounded, Jordan) domains $E\subset \mathbb{R}^2$ which are $\textit{not}$ images of mappings $f$ from the unit disk (or any other planar domain), such that $\...
Daniel Castro's user avatar
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Lower bound to $\epsilon$-expansion of a subset of a half-sphere

Below are two known lemmas on a $d$-dimensional sphere (related to the isoperimetric inequality). I would like to know: does a similar statement like this holds for a $d$-dimensional dome also (i.e. ...
Emile's user avatar
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A uniform version of Minkowski content?

Let $A\subseteq [-1,1]^d$ be a measurable set and $\mu$ be the Lebesgue measure. For any $\delta>0$, define $A_\delta := \{x: d(x,A)\leq \delta\}$, where $d(x,A) := \inf_{y\in A}\|x-y\|_2$. The ...
Yining Wang's user avatar
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Bonnesen's inequality for non-simple curves

Given a closed curve in the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$, it is well known that $L^2 \geq 4\pi A$ where $L$ is the length of the curve and $A$ is the area of the interior of the curve. For a simple closed ...
Dorian's user avatar
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Symmetry of the isoperimetric profile

Given a probability measure $\mu$ on a metric space $(X, \mathsf{d})$, the $(\mu-)$Minkowski content of a set $A$ is defined as $$\mu^+ (A) := {\lim\inf}_{r \to 0^+} \frac{\mu ( A_r \setminus A)}{r},$$...
πr8's user avatar
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$\newcommand\v{\operatorname{vol}_d(C}$Compact subsets of $ℝ^d$ which maximize $\inf_{|v|\le1}\dfrac{\v\cap(𝜀v+C))}{\v)}$ for fixed $\v)$ and $𝜀>0$

Let $\operatorname{vol}_d$ be the volume measure on $\mathbb R^d$ and let $B_d$ be the unit-ball. For $\varepsilon \ge 0$ and a compact subset $C$ of $\mathbb R^d$ with $\operatorname{vol}_d(C)>0$, ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Perimeter decreases under intersection with half spaces

The main thing i need to prove is the following assertion: Let $E\subset R^N$ be a set of finite perimeter and $H=\{x\in R^N : x\cdot e < t \}$ for $t\in R$ and $e\in S^{N-1}$. Then prove that $$ ...
A. Ninno's user avatar
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Cheeger constant of truncated hypercube

Look at the $d$-dimensional hypercube and truncate it. This means one replaces each vertex by a cycle (of length $d$) in such a way the the new graph is 3-regular. Question 1: What is the asymptotic ...
ARG's user avatar
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Area of a surface confined by a sphere

Let $S$ be a hypersurface enclosed inside the unit sphere in $R^n$. We may assume that every ray $\{t x: t \geq 0 \}$ intersects $S$ at most once. Under what extra condition is ${\rm Area}(S) \leq {\...
Thomas's user avatar
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Gaussian isoperimetry for $\ell_p$ norms

Let $\gamma_n$ be the standard Gaussian measure on $\mathbb R^n$. It is well-known (e.g see Proposition 1) that for a given Gaussian volume content, half-spaces $H=\{x \in \mathbb R^n | a^Tx \le b\}$ ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Asymptotic optimal sphericity

How quickly does maximum sphericity of polyhedra with $n$ faces approach 1 as $n→∞$? I can show that sphericity $1 - \frac{5 \sqrt{3} π}{27n} - O(n^{-3/2})$ is possible. Is this, especially $O(n^{-3/...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Isoperimetric profile

In the paper of Andrews and Bryan Curvature bounds by isoperimetric comparison for normalized Ricci flow on the two-sphere, the isoperimetric profile is defined by $h(\...
Ricci's user avatar
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